Baca Ini Jika Tak Pandai Bahasa Inggeris
Kepada korang yang dah pandai bahasa Inggeris boleh abaikan surat ini. Biarkan abang ajar kepada korang korang yang lain.
Semua sedia maklum bahasa Inggeris itu penting kerana banyak sekali sumber ilmu yang dapat dirujuk dalam bahasa ini.
Wikipedia yang menjadi rujukan terbesar pun paling banyak artikel ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. Begitu juga kalau korang berniat untuk menyelamatkan dunia, maka ‘kerja’ itu akan jadi lebih mudah bila korang pandai English. InshaAllah berjaya terutamanya jika korang expert like a crazy pig (pandai gila babi).
Nota: Gila babi bukan digunakan untuk menghina tapi untuk menujukkan rasa kagum yang teramat iaitu kagum gila babi. Harap maklum.
Berbalik pada topik utama. Dipendekkan cerita, dulu abang mayat adalah seorang Melayu yang agak malas untuk belajar bahasa Inggeris. Mungkin pada zaman itu, PM belum mewajibkan lagi pelajaran matematik dan sains dalam bahasa Inggeris. Lagipun pada masa itu belum ada internet, maka abang membuat endah tak endah dengan pentingnya BI (alasan semuanya itu).
Sehinggalah pada suatu hari, abang mayat melihat sekumpulan budak-budak Punk ketawa selepas membaca tulisan di dinding tandas terutama bila ada F word. Hal ini membuatkan abang iri hati dengan kelebihan ilmu mereka dan ditambah pula dengan ramainya pendosa dari luar negara yang datang ke Malaysia, maka abang memulakan langkah to improve my English sebagai salah satu kaedah yang lebih cepat dalam usaha menyelamatkan dunia. InshaAllah!
Bak kata pepatah:
“Everyone should be able to do one card trick, tell two jokes and recite three poems, in case they are ever trapped in an elevator.” (Lemony Snicket)
Namun, oleh kerana abang dah lama habis sekolah dan datang dari keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan, maka abang belajar bahasa Inggeris dengan cara sendiri.
Sekarang, berkat usaha gigih, karisma, dedikasi dan integriti... err… kejap! Cerita ini bukanlah nak bercerita tentang abang yang pandai English gila babi, tapi cerita tentang bagaimana kita boleh cepat pandai dalam bahasa itu. Bila cepat tiada lagi istilah ‘hot-hot chicken shit’.
Kalau mahu belajar apa-apa bahasa, perkara pertama adalah korang kena ada kamus sendiri. Korang kena beli kamus dan bawa ke mana sahaja. Kalau boleh hafal satu kamus. Jika dulu nabi digelar ‘al-Quran bergerak’, sekarang giliran korang pula menjadi ‘kamus bergerak’. Jika ada kawan bertanya, what is inception? Terus dapat jawab, the Nolam film in the beginning blah blah...nampak tak?
Abang tahu, korang lemah BI bukan sebab bodoh tetapi korang tak tahu makna dan malas menghafal kerana dalam otak sudah ditanam ‘tak tahu English pun boleh hidup juga’ atau ‘malaikat dalam kubur tak tanya dalam bahasa Inggeris’. Bukankah dalam syurga lebih afdal cakap Arab? Arghh… malas nak cerita bab ni. Apa kata korang buang persepsi itu. Jangan jadikan itu alasan dan halangan.
Abang juga hairan kenapa pelajar dalam kelas English jarang bawa kamus. Masalah utama korang adalah tak tahu makna. Jadi, kalau tak tahu kenalah beli kamus dan hafal. Itu kunci yang pertama!
“Don't be so humble, you are not that great.” (Golda Meir)
Dah ada kamus? Sekarang pergi beli buku nota untuk mencatat perkataan yang tak faham sewaktu membaca dan sebelum tidur hafal balik perkataan baru tadi.
Jadi korang akan ada dua buku, satu adalah kamus dan satu lagi buku nota yang akan menjadi kamus peribadi kerana korang akan mencatat perkataan baru dan tak tahu makna sahaja. Lama kelamaan, buku nota itu akan menjadi tebal dan korang dah tak perlu merujuk kamus lagi.
Untuk permulaan, Pilih bahn bacaan yang mudah dahulu. Kalau boleh ambil bahan bacaan budak tadika, baca dan faham makna keseluruhan cerita. Selepas itu, baca buku budak sekolah rendah pula, seterusnya buku sekolah menengah, lirik lagu, dialog film, dan akhirnya bacalah novel Inggeris sebelum membaca tafsir al-Quran dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Abang masih ingat apabila baru berkecimpung dalam dunia internet, rasa teruja sungguh. Begitu banyak sumber ilmu yang boleh kita terokai. Buka sahaja Wikipedia bermacam-macam cerita yang boleh dibaca. Cukuplah ada wiki.. Ilmu tak bertepi.. perghhh!
Waktu tu pun baru tahu apa itu Rotten Tomatoes, siapa Maddox, imdb info dan banyak lagi istilah baru. Tetapi sebelum itu kenalah pandai English dulu!
Bila dah pandai, boleh mula berniat untuk berdakwah ke peringkat antarabangsa. Bukan setakat dari Perlis sampai ke Sabah saja perjuangan kita. Think BIG dan langkah kita akan besar tapi jika Think SMALL maka langkah pun akan small.
Contoh: Jika korang fikir habis belajar nanti cukuplah dapat bekerja makan gaji di company yang stabil, maka perjalanan hidup akan terhad kepada kerja lapan jam sehari, lima hari seminggu dan menunggu dinaikkan pangkat. Tetapi jika korang fikir mahu berbisnes, mencipta produk, menggaji pekerja, kayakan diri sendiri dan membuat sesuatu yang bermakna, maka perjalanan hidup korang akan luas tiada penghujungnya. Tapi sebelum nak mendapatkan semua ini, kenalah pandai bahasa penjajah!
“To stay around (if you dot want to go far), learn bahasa tempatan. To go futher, learn bahasa penjajah!” (Hamka Kereta Mayat)
Jadi Abang memang rajin baca Wikipedia. Sambil baca sambil buka kamus, (sekarang dah ada Google Translate lagi senang). Selepas itu abang beli akhbar The Star, komik English (sekarang banyak yang online) dan juga kitab karangan Maulana Yusof Mutakhab, hadis versi English. Baca, baca dan baca…
Dari dulu abang suka tengok movie. Selesai tengok movie, abang akan baca sinopsis atau plot cerita dalam bahasa Inggeris untuk tahu penggunaan ayat. Mana yang tak faham abang akan catat dan hafal pada waktu makan. Begitu juga dengan komik Dragonball dan GTO, walaupun dah khatam dalam bahasa Melayu, abang baca pula versi bahasa Inggeris di internet.
Bila berjalan abang akan bawa kamus, (sekarang cuma perlu download aplikasi ke dalam telefon) jika nampak tulisan yang diconteng di dinding tandas awam dalam bahasa Inggeris, abang akan buka kamus dan ketawa dalam slang English jika lawak itu bermutu tinggi.
Contoh lawak di dinding tandas;
‘A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.’ (Lana Turner)
Untuk lebih cepat pandai, abang pinjam dua buku dari perpustakaan awam iaitu versi Melayu dan Inggeris. Kedua-dua buku itu abang akan baca dan bandingkan. Antara buku yang abang buat begitu adalah How To Win Friends & Influence People tulisan Dale Carnegie, Rich Dad Poor Dad dan banyak buku popular lain.
Untuk dapat saham di dunia dan akhirat pula, abang baca buku islamik yang ada dua versi BM dan BI seperti buku tafsir dan hadis. Kedua-dua buku itu abang baca dan bandingkan. Ada juga waktunya isteri abang akan membaca taklim dalam BM dan ayah semak dalam BI.
Contoh hadis bahasa Inggeris yang dipetik dari A Selection of Hadith;
Nabi said: He is wise and shrew who takes account of himself and prepares for what is after death. And he is weak and incapable who follows his desires and yet pins high hopes on Allah’s Mercy. (Tirmidhi)
Kadang kadang abang kaji falsafah Inggeris:
“Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.” (Bill Gates)
Ada masanya apabila menonton filem, abang akan fokus pada subtitiles dan gunakan dalam kehidupan seharian. Contoh petikan dialog daripada filem Bujang Lapuk (The Three Bachelor Warriors).
Aziz : Probably, that house that you mentioned, has anyone occupied it yet?
Sudin : Which house ?
Aziz : That house, the one that you kept talking about.
Sudin : Oh, that house. It's still vacant ... if we apply for it, we'll get it.
Aziz : How many rooms, Din ?
Sudin : I saw three rooms.
Aziz : That's good. Each of us can have a room to himself. Are they large ?
Sudin : Not very. But it's long, 7 feet ... about 3 feet long and 7 feet deep.
Aziz : Quite big, huh, there's even depth..that's A GRAVE !
Bila dah naik sheikh, ada juga abang cuba menyanyi lagu Melayu dalam Bahasa English seperti lagu;
Sekadar Di Pinggiran - Just at the Edge
Menaruh Harapan - Pinning on Hope
Kau Kunci Cintaku Di Dalam Hatimu - You are the Key to My Love in Your Heart
Takdir Dan Waktu - Fate and Time
Pada Syurga Di Wajahmu - Your Heavenly Face
Teratai Layu Di Tasik Madu - Dying Lotus in the Honey Lake
Tanya Sama Itu Hud Hud - Ask the Woodpecker
Cinta Beralih Arah - Love Turns Away
Jerat Percintaan - Love Trap
Balqis - Queen of Sheba
Rela Ku Pujuk - I'm Willing to Entice
Gemilang - Glory
Terlalu Istimewa - Too Special
Awan Nano - Nano Cloud
Terukir Di Bintang - Etched In the Stars
Bahagiamu Deritaku - Your Happiness is My Pain
Kalau masih tak faham lagi, di sini abang copy paste satu lagu yang paling abang suka nyanyi dulu.
Aci-Aci, open the door,
Nana come back at one a.m,
Don't be afraid of the owl,
Nana bring Semambu of cane.
Nana Nana, come home rush,
Aci afraid to be all alone,
There's a ghost behind the house,
Shifty eyes and a striped nose long.
Aci aci, don't be afraid,
Nana have Oh! a stunt machete,
Ghost and demons will be afraid,
See the machete, surely they desperated!
If Nana, just say so,
Then my heart is calm so-so,
If come again, ghost and demons,
Aci will beat them with a brooms!
(Lirik tibai, mintak tolong cikgu Inggeris betulkan)
Lagu lain:. suci dalam.debu.
Alkisahnya Lagu suci dalam debu popular waktu abang tingkatan satu.
Naik bas pergi sekolah driver putar lagu ni.
Abang waktu tu ada minat sorang awek pandai English bernama Adibah nor(typo nama sebenar), jadi abang translate lagu Iklim versi English dan bagi kat dia.
Tapi cinta abang ditolak. Mungkin sebab kesalahan grammar abang yang telus sangat. Ha ha
Clean in dust!
(Sila Nyanyi ikut rentak asal)
You just like a clean water
In the glass with dust
Even the dirty.... you can see
Beautiful of clean is still protect
Love is not only at eye
Love coming from heart
Let be wrong.. from they eye
Let the different can see... between us.
I hope you... still can accept
Even looking so ugly
Because the real meaning of love
Only we feel it
One day will coming
The light will appear
The door will open
We step in together
That time we can see
The light is bright
The dust be a pearl
The ugly be honor
This is not dreaming
What I sharing
But very confident
Because of love
The sea will burn
Still I swimming
Selain itu, untuk menambahkan kefahaman dalam English, abang juga berpantun dengan orang-orang tua.
Contoh pantun;
The Pandan Island is far from land,
The Daik Mountain has three peak,
Though the body has rot in the sand,
The good deeds are never forget.
(grammar silap sikit sebab nak bagi belakangnya sinomim, adohai)
Terkadang abang juga ada berteka-teki dalam bahasa Inggeris;
1. Which mountain has three peaks?
2. Which island is far from land?
Sesekali, apabila berdiri seorang diri depan cermin, abang akan menari macam Michael Jackson dan menyanyi lagi ini;
You better run,
You better do what you can,
Don't wanna see no blood,
Don't be a macho man,
You wanna be tough,
Better do what you can,
So beat it,
But you wanna be bad,
Just beat it.
Bini abang cukup menyampah tengok ayah tergedik-gedik sepahkan bilik tidur dengan tarian gimnastik. Woha!
Kadang-kadang abang akan berpatriotik dalam Bahasa Inggeris;
Rukun Negara
Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan - Belief of God
Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara - Loyalty to King and Country
Keluhuran Perlembagaan - The Supremacy of the Constitution
Kedaulatan Undang-Undang - The Rule of Law
Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan - Courtesy and Morality
Bila jumpa member-member berpendidikan tinggi yang bergelar pensyarah, doktor atau professor, tanpa segan silu abang akan terus bercakap dalam bahasa Inggeris dengan mereka. Begitu juga jika berurusan dengan orang Cina dan India, abang akan speaking dengan mereka. Malahan dengan kucing yang curi-curi masuk rumah pun abang akan halau dalam bahasa Inggeris. Malah sesekali bila berasmaradana dengan bini, kami speaking juga. Woha!
Dan pengalaman yang paling bernilai dalam hidup ialah ketika para pendakwah dari luar negara datang berdakwah di kampung maka abang akan menjadi pengalih bahasa untuk orang kampung yang tak tahu berbahasa Inggeris. Begitu lebih kurang…
“Alhamdulillah, Allah puts the success of human’s life in this world and the hereafter only in the perfect religion. The Perfect religion is carrying out all of the commandments of Allah following the way of Rasulullah S.A.W. All of the companions of Rasullulah have had the perfect religion in their life, It was mainly because all of them had six noble qualities with them. If we want to have the perfect religion in our life, we should follow the footsteps of those successful people by making effort to obtain and bring the six qualities into our life. If we have these six noble qualities with us, we will also be able to practice the perfect religion in our life easily…”
Alkisahnya, Pada suatu hari, ketika rancak berborak dengan kawan-kawan dalam bahasa Inggeris yang berterabur tapi janji faham, maka terciptalah satu teori baru dalam hidup abang. Kawan-kawan abang bila belajar bahasa Inggeris mereka ada target atau measurement masing-masing dalam menentukan setakat mana pengetahuan mereka dalam bahasa ini telah tercapai.
Sesetengah mereka menganggap sudah pandai berbahasa Inggeris apabila boleh berborak dengan pelancong asing. Ada pula yang merasakan mereka sudah fasih berbahasa ini apabila boleh menyanyi lagu Inggeris dan pada masa sama faham maksud tersirat. Ada yang anggap mereka sudah pandai berbahasa Inggeris apabila boleh mengarang resume sehingga diterima kerja. Selain itu, ada yang menganggap mereka sudah fluent English apabila boleh membaca novel barat tanpa merujuk kamus dan lain-lain.
Tapi abang lain, abang ada target tersendiri dalam menentukan setakat mana pengetahuan ayah dalam Bahasa Inggeris tercapai iaitu…
Dipetik dari buku Hamka keretamayat
Okey belanja sikit lagi...
Tapi abang lain, abang ada target tersendiri dalam menentukan setakat mana pengetahuan abang dalam Bahasa Inggeris tercapai iaitu…
Abang Mesti Bermimpi Dalam Bahasa Inggeris!
Maka untuk itu.., pada suatu hari yang lain
(Sekarang baru betul betul bersambung)
(cerita penuh kisah ini ada dalam buku Hamka keretamayat-Ngeteh dikubur ayah)
Buku ada stok.
Semusim di Syurga- kisah penduduk kuala syurga dan masalah agama.
Kisah laki bini-cerita pasangan membantu cinta dalam masa tiga hari.
Kisah anak bini- kisah anak tanya soalan pelik tapi di jawab oleh ayah dengan bergaya.
NGETEH di kubur ayah-kisah surat dari kubur kepada masyarakat kebanyakkan.
Kerana dia anak syurga:-kisah 12 parent OKU berdamai dengan takdir.
No wasap untuk order abang mayat share dekat first komen.
Don't say abang not umbrella.. ella..ella.. umbrella.. ella.. ella..
同時也有27部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,520的網紅Nowhere Boys Official Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Nowhere Boys Acoustic Sessions - 將電腦伴奏全部卸下,只用我們五個人在同一時間能夠彈奏的樂器和歌聲,重新編曲並演奏出我們的歌曲。這樣的聲音令我們很感動,因為這就是只屬於我們五個人的「原音」。 這次重新編曲的是小飛俠 Peter Pan - 《The Boy Who ...
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映画『えんとつ町のプペル』のオープニング主題歌「ハロウィンパーティ プペルver.」の配信が開始されました。
[Xin Nishino, Hyde talks about love]
We have two important news today.
It's the first one, but the movie ′′ a no-′′ online bangabandhu is now on sale.
Here →
It's an early bird price, so it's a bit of a bargain, and the general is 1500 yen. The child is 800 yen.
′′ Special Smartphone Wallpaper ′′ will be present as a special gift for the purchase of online bangabandhu (early bird tickets).
This is the main visual of the first movie ′′ a in town ′′ (in Japanese)
One of my personal favorites, and today, I'm going to explain a little bit about this painting.
The protagonist," and Ruby are sitting on the chimney, and they are on their way up, but it is also the theme of the creation of the creation.
In the play, there is a scene where the chimney cleaner boy, who is not good at high, is looking down when climbing the ladder.
When you look down, the weight is behind, so the propped ladders are swaying.
On the other hand, Levitch's father, Bruno, who was watching downstairs," is swaying because he looks down. Look up I advise you, but this is the understanding of the world that hook up to the ladders, and when we are on the way, we can do our best to be a bit hard.
If you say corona is ′′ it will end next month you can resist the poor for about 1 months in the wank.
But in the case of Corona, ′′ I don't know when it's going to end," it's a state of hope removed," so it's mentally quite a bit of a I feel depressed.
If you think so, ′′ hope ′′ is what we need to live, so I thought that providing ′′ the reason to see above ′′ is also one of the work of our expressions. I'm sorry.
The movie ′′ a town ′′ has risen to the public next year, but," no, no, let's publish this year!" I was selfish.
I know it's hard, but that's why I'm going to do my best in the middle of the day, and I'm going to do my best, and I'm going to do my
If you can show the appearance," oh, if you try to die in this way, you'll find a find," and you'll be able to become someone's scale, and you'll be able to publish this year. I went to the crossing.
The main visual is all about that feeling," I saw it in a town where I can't find a star, and I still keep looking up,"
I would be happy if this painting would be the amulet of the person who works hard.
If you can buy online bangabandhu, you'll be able to follow it with special benefits, so come on!
And it's the second one of the important announcement.
Last night, I talked about a live broadcast on Youtube, but Hyde's love exploded, and I talked about it for almost 1 hours, so I'm going to have a short summary of it.
The opening theme song ′′ Halloween party persie ver." for the movie ′′ a ′′ has started.
Here →
Hyde is singing with the kids, but this is really cool to be surprised, so please listen to it once.
I've been listening to it about 20 times since last night.
This song was originally announced around 2012
It's already very nice...... soon, Halloween will be rooted as one culture in Japan, and after that, various Halloween songs came out in the world, but I personally, over this song ′′ You didn't meet the Halloween song.
I knew it was a prude.
Even when I wrote the script of the opening scene of the movie ′′ a in town ′′ I've been playing this song for a long time, and I wrote the opening to be pulled by this song.
So, when I finally got to the stage of ′′ Let's make an opening song," no, wait a minute,"
Since 2012, I didn't have a song over Hyde's ′′ Halloween party ′′ and I wrote a book to fit this song while playing ′′ Halloween party ′′ in the first place.
In this condition," I thought I could make a song over Halloween party?"
So," I'm going to ask Hyde to use this song once," So," if you don't do it, let's make it hard," the story was organised.
As expected," good things are good,"
It's better to be able to take a look at the ego, not to ′′ do it yourself ′′ but if you're going to be aya by something wonderful.
I thought it was the work of the production general command.
So, I asked Hyde for a bad time, and this is really a blessing, and Hyde was a fan of ′′ a town ′′ in the first place, and I was delighted to give you ′′ okay ′′
There's never been such a blessing.
And more thankful is from here.
My Hyde love is exploding from here, but...... when it comes to the movie theater, the standard changes, and even more, there is also a balance with the music before and after, and this time, I'm going to have a ′′ Halloween party ′′ for the movie You needed to arrange it.
Hyde from there was really the best, but Hyde-San, it's not the end of offering songs.
′′ a town ′′ doesn't sound like this or ′′ the sound of listening from the smoke is this way it's really a ton of place for the movie.
In a TV interview, I received a light feeling like ′′ okay, okay I feel like I'm going to have a quick time, but I'm going to have a good time, but I'm going to have a good time with the ′′ place dating ′′ that everyone is thinking about. Thank you for dating me.
The lyrics are slightly different.
There was originally a word ′′ Moonlight ′′ in the lyrics, but ′′ a town ′′ is a town that is covered in smoke and does not know the sky, so I don't even know the moon, so the ′′ Moonlight ′′ is ′′ thin ′′ It's been a light, and other things that are not in a town, I left it from the lyrics and changed it to a town specification.
And also great compatibility with children's voice!
Rock musician and kids are fused with a mess.
In One Word, it means ′′ I like Hyde,"
In my school days, I was a part-time job, and I was able to do a concert staff of ral ann.
The staff has to turn back on the stage and see the customer, but both ears are all looking for the stage, and actually, the live of the time, and the sugawara-kun before he still met. And I was a staff, and sugawara-kun was a customer, and I was able to participate in the live of Mr. Ral.
Sometimes it's going to be a story with sugawara-kun, but that day, I saw that live, and I saw Mr. Ral on stage, and I was also the same as sugawara-kun, and we aim for it ′′ It was a comedy, but when I captured it as a little bigger frame, I thought, ′′ someday, I'd like to go to the other side,"
It was really sparkling.
I've always thought that I want to go to the other side while cleaning up the pipe chair at the evacuation of the concert.
So, this time, I'm going to be with you in this form, and I'm going to have a good time with my hope that day, and if there's a time machine, I'll go back to that day ′′ you're so messed up I want to tell him that if you do your best, you'll be able to do it
Well, anyway, the ′′ Halloween party ′′ that Hyde recreated for the movie ′′ a no-in-town ′′ is really the best, so please listen to it.
Later, ′′ I'm left ′′ is disgusting, so I'm going to have a good time with Hyde, and I'm going to have a good time with Hyde, and I'm going to have a good time with all the fans who have been able to support Hyde for a long time, and I'm going to I will give back.
We will announce it in early November.
With the action, I will tell the world that Hyde, who made my chest hot that day, is so cool,"
Look forward to it.
Ryo Nishino (King Kong)
▼ an article about the latest entertainment business of ryo nishino (1 articles = 2000 to 3000 characters) can be read every morning online salon (almost mail magazine) is here ↓
▼ Instagram version is here ↓
follow the light movie 在 半瓶醋 Facebook 的最讚貼文
ROBOCOP (1987) was released today.
Let’s celebrate one of the best movies ever made.
“I’d buy that for a dollar!”
The screenplay had been offered to (and been rejected by) virtually every big director in Hollywood before Paul Verhoeven got hold of it. He threw it away after reading the first pages, convinced it was just a dumb action movie. However, his wife read it all the way through and convinced him that the story was layered with many satirical and allegorical elements, after which Verhoeven finally decided to direct the film.
The RoboCop suit was designed by Rob Bottin and his team. The production team wasn't satisfied with the initial design, and kept changing it and putting additions to it for months. Ultimately, nothing seemed to work and they went back to what was pretty much Bottin's original design. This caused considerable delays, and by the time the suit was completed, it was three weeks late and arrived at the studio on the day that the first RoboCop scene was scheduled to be shot. It took 11 hours for Bottin's people to fit Peter Weller into the suit, and when it was done Weller found that all his mime exercises were now useless because he needed time to get used to the suit and to perform as a robot in it. Production was halted so that Weller and his mime coach, Moni Yakim, could learn how to move in the suit. The suits were the most expensive items on set. While the price range varies, the producers indicated that they spent anywhere between US$500,000 to US$1 million for the suit.
A very unique part of this movie like other Paul Verhoeven movies is how he brings you more into the universe, news coverage and fake commercials are featured in the film all combined are over 5 minutes long. The world of future Detroit was actually shot in Dallas, Pittsburgh, Detroit and Los Angeles. The locations were all seamlessly woven together making it feel like one city by Production Designer William Sandell.
Because the hands of the ROBOCOP suit were made of foam rubber, the car keys would bounce off of Peter Weller's hand every time he attempted to catch them. The production took up to 50 takes and an entire day's worth of filming before finally getting the shot right.
Paul Verhoeven and Robocop suit creator Rob Bottin clashed repeatedly before and during production over the design and make-up of the RoboCop character. What they argued most about was the scene where Murphy takes off his helmet. Bottin wanted the scene to be filmed in a darkened area, fearing that harsh light would reveal too much of the make-up effects; Verhoeven wanted the scene to be filmed as brightly as possible, citing that director of photography Jost Vacano would be able to light it properly without revealing anything. Verhoeven got his way and Bottin refused to talk to him any further for the remainder of production. However, at the premiere, both men were so impressed with how the scene had turned out, that they instantly forgave each other. Bottin, who had even vowed to never again work with Verhoeven, happily accepted the offer to work on Verhoeven's next project, Total Recall (1990).
To Bring ED-209 designed by the great Craig Davis to life for some of the sequences Phil Tippet and Randal M. Dutra in my opinion did some of the best stop motion work ever done, I think what makes it so epic and memorable is yes it’s super smooth and almost seamless the way it cuts from stop motion to go motion but what’s truly special to me is the amount of character and humor they were able to provide for ED-209, this being the perfect example, the way ED-209 tries to navigate the stairs its almost toddler like, the sound editors even added a baby tantrum mixed with a pig sound effect as ED-209 tries to get up at the bottom of the stairs. stop motion animators Harry Walton and Tom St. Amand also helped make some beautiful work on this sequence.
Enforcement Droid 209's voice is that of producer Jon Davison, its growls are of a jaguar, and its squeals are of a pig. ED-209's body was based on the design of a Bell helicopter and the overall appearance is reminiscent of a line of toys named Robotech (1985) which were based on a 1980s Japanese anime series.
Peter Weller said one of his favorite memories of his film career was filming the drug bust sequence. While filming the sequence, Weller was listening to Peter Gabriel's song "Red Rain" on his Walkman inside the RoboCop helmet as he exchanged gunfire with various bad guys.
The shootout at the cocaine factory was not originally intended to be so fast-paced. The automatic guns used in the scene kept malfunctioning during filming. Most camera shots did not provide more than three seconds of usable footage, because most guns were usually jammed by that time. This necessitated quick cuts during editing, which proved to be advantageous for the scene.
RoboCop's first Directive, "Serve the public trust", was inspired by a fortune cookie.
The convenience store robber was played by the movie's stunt men who gladly accepted to be one of RoboCop's victims and contributed the idea of being hit into the door of the glass cooler.
The film was submitted to the MPAA 12 times before securing an R rating.
The script for Robocop was rejected by just about every major movie studio since it was conceived in the early 1980s. Orion films took the chance and Robocop's success continued on with 2 follow up sequels to the movie, two cartoon series, a television show, several comic book series, and a made for TV series of 4 movie length episodes as well as a fan made parody film. It has also spawned over a billion dollars in children and adult toy lines and collector statues which are still being released to date.
“Your move creep”
In Sacramento, California, a robbery suspect fled into a darkened movie theatre to escape pursuing police. He became so engrossed in the movie playing on screen (RoboCop), that he failed to notice that police had evacuated all other patrons from the theatre. When the lights flipped on, the stunned man was taken into custody.
Thank you for your cooperation
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Nowhere Boys Acoustic Sessions - 將電腦伴奏全部卸下,只用我們五個人在同一時間能夠彈奏的樂器和歌聲,重新編曲並演奏出我們的歌曲。這樣的聲音令我們很感動,因為這就是只屬於我們五個人的「原音」。
這次重新編曲的是小飛俠 Peter Pan - 《The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up》Part I & II! 將二部曲合併再加上西部牛仔元素,我們玩得非常開心!原來不經不覺這兩首歌已經超過5歲了,希望能一直彈下去,能像小飛俠一樣永遠不會長大,對身邊一切保持好奇和熱誠!
Music, lyrics, arrangement, recording, production and video by Nowhere Boys.
Autumn leafs, wrap around a body that won't change
Oh sparkling dust, with a lovely thought we might just float
And the bells begins to ring
Then the clock begins to ring
Like a black bird in the night, fly over you
We'll make it through, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh it's true
I know someday I will fly, right next to you
Into the storm, we will find ourselves in this paradise
In this land we wouldn't die
And I'm going back in time
I move in the speed of light
Flying round and up and down
Between those castles in the sky
I’ll find another cure
I'll bring it back to you
And if you want me to
1, 2, 3, 4, I’m at your door
Sing, Ah - Whoa - Oh
Your feet won’t touch the ground
I’m counting down
To the day we meet again and we’ll sing
Ah - Whoa – Oh
Don’t let me go, don’t let me grow old
We’ll live forever and ever more
Then the bells begin to ring
Darling I will hear you sing
Like a black bird in the night, fly over you
We'll make it through, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh it's true
I know someday I will fly, right next to you
Into the storm, we will find ourselves in this paradise
In this land we wouldn't die
You make me Whoa, Whoa - Oh
You make me Whoa, Whoa - Oh
You make me Whoa, Whoa - Oh
You make me Whoa, Whoa - Oh
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可不可以,你也剛好喜欢我?(Do You Love Me As I Love You?)
#七夕 #像極了愛情 #愚人節那天的告白在七夕這天迎來了結局
#BL #七夕 #艾咪拍拍 #YHA #AmyPaiPai #Tanabata #告白 #Confession #ChineseValentinesDay #可不可以你也剛好喜歡我 #DoYouLoveMeAsILoveYou
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🎬更多【BL劇場】other BL drama series👇
■聖誕篇【Christmas-Sobriety test】 (Eng. sub🇺🇸)
■聖誕篇【Christmas-the red light】 (Eng. sub🇺🇸)
■父親篇【Father's Day】
■母親篇【Mother's Day】
■鬼月篇【Ghost Festival】
■端午篇【Dragon Boat Festival】
■粵語篇【My Drunk Colleague】
■漫威篇【Marvel Special Series_Spoiler】
■漫威篇【Marvel Special Series_Alien】
■世足篇【World Football Special Series_Funny】
■世足篇【World Football Special Series_Romantic】
"At the magpie bridge, the person NiuLang is waiting for is not necessarily ZhiNiu."
🔔 【The mythology of Qixi】
QiXi, the night of the 7th of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, is a traditional Chinese holiday and has thousands of years of history.
Within this ancient tradition there is a beautiful love mythology: a NiuLang boy and a ZhiNiu girl.
In this portrait, he does not allow them to love each other,
NiuLang and ZhiNiu were forced to break away.
He only allows them to meet on the 7th of the seventh month of each year, innumerable magpies form as the bridge for them to connect between him and her.
Today, many young men and women consider QiXi holiday as China's Valentine's Day.
🔔 【Words from the director Amy】
¨This video is not a movie nor is it a television series, it is a short film shot by our team. We are "Amy Paipai", an online creative audiovisual team from Taiwan. From time to time, according to festivals and current events, we develop creative ideas and make audiovisual creations. If you want to see more audiovisual works from our team, subscribe and follow us! If you see our creative videos hacked or illegally shared on another site, please let us know too. Thank you very much for your support! ¨
"By the way, if you want to participate in our creation, you can also send your story to our mailbox. Your story can be filmed in a video. If you want to communicate with us, leave a message below the video and we will reply. Thank you!
“En el puente de urracas, la persona a quien NiuLang está esperando, no necesariamente es ZhiNiu."
🔔【La mitología de Qixi】
QiXi, la noche del 7 del séptimo mes del calendario lunar, es una fiesta tradicional de China y tiene miles de años de historia.
Dentro de esta tradición antigua hay una mitología bonita de amor: un chico NiuLang y una chica ZhiNiu.
En este retrato, no les permite que se amen,
NiuLang y ZhiNiu se vieron obligadas a separarse.
Solo les permite reunirse el 7 de séptimo mes de cada año, innumerables urracas forman como el puente para que se conecten entre él y ella.
Hoy en día, muchos hombres y mujeres jóvenes consideran la fiesta QiXi como el Día de enamorados de China.
🔔【Palabras de la directora Amy】
¨Este video no es una película ni es una serie de televisión, es un cortometraje filmado por nuestro equipo. Somos "Amy Paipai", un equipo audiovisual creativo en línea de Taiwán. De vez en cuando, según festivales y eventos de actualidad, desarrollamos ideas creativas y realizamos creaciones audiovisuales. Si quieres ver más trabajos audiovisuales de nuestro equipo, suscríbete y síguenos! Si ves nuestros videos creativos pirateados o ilegalmente compartido en otro sitio, háganoslo saber también. ¡Muchas gracias por tu apoyo! ¨
"Por cierto, si quieres participar en nuestra creación, también puedes enviar tu historia a nuestro buzón. Tu historia puede ser filmada en un video. Si quieres comunicarte con nosotros, deja un mensaje debajo del video y te responderemos. ¡Gracias!
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