【 螺旋肌力體能訓練專家 】- 筆記心得與經歷分享
🔺今年2021 三月時候參加螺旋肌力體能的研習課程,上課前其實對這個系統了解不深,只是抱著想多聽看看不同觀點跟看法參加,經過兩個禮拜兩天的課程(時間不長,真心希望可以多幾天時間體會),但對我來說,確實是很不一樣的體驗與衝擊,很多訓練概念和動作的想法也因此慢慢建構。
記得當時講師 @rightweightleeding 希望我們自我介紹,以及聊一聊為什麼想來上這堂課,我還記得好像是說,想知道不同的系統對於我現在的認知,期望可以帶來一些訓練觀點上的衝擊,我曾經也不斷追求肌肥大、也不斷追求深蹲、硬舉、臥推的重量(最大肌力),在這個過程我體驗到力量帶來的幫助與成就感,只是也帶來許多的傷害和無法解開的問題,這幾年我上了許多物理治療跟人體訓練相關的課程,運動生物力學、基礎肌肉動力學、呼吸整合課程、無痛訓練、功能性矯正等等,也慢慢體會基礎功的重要,你越看得懂人體,才會明白,花招百出,不如慢慢看清楚真相,點出關鍵的問題。
#人體是複雜的張力結構體 ,從功能性矯正著手、運動生物力學著手或者用肌肉動力學來看,都能找到解釋的方法,個體的差異或者成功的運動員動作案例,也許也會影響我們對訓練的認知,多看、多聽、多嘗試,我相信會找到每個人最適合的方式。期許自己慢慢分享自己訓練跟帶學生的心得。
▶最大肌力不等於更健康或者運動表現,它有非常多的好處,在此並非否定其重要,小編是從國體大畢業,在校期間也上過肌力體能訓的實作課程,也有相關訓練經驗在校加上工作大概6-7年,只是 #人體是複雜的整合結構體 ,往往同樣的結果(例如百米衝刺前5%成績的運動員),不一定都是相同的原因(不是每位都需要把最大肌力點滿) ,給各位自行思考。
▶身體是一個張力整合的結構體 :舉凡你的頭部、頸部,肩、肋骨、骨盆、髖關節,肘、膝、足跟都存在一個相應的位置,改變某一個部位,也會牽連其他部位。你可以想像一件事,你的頸部疼痛或者下背疼痛,可能來自於你的腳踝的問題,這也要告訴我們一件事,我們要看局部,也要能看得懂整體,不然就是拿著鐵鎚找釘子 ,看到哪裡有問題就往哪裡打。
💥#定勢思維 : 人們侷限既有的訊息或已習慣的現象。人在固定的環境或工作中生活,久而久之就會形成一種固定的思維模式,習慣從固定的角度來觀察、思考事物,以固定的方式來接受事物,思維慣性的表徵:這次這樣解決的一個問題,下次遇見類似的問題或者表面看似一樣的問題,不由自主的會循著上次思考的方向或次序去解決。
A. #支撐核心 (#Bracing):脊柱剛性,中軸穩定、運用四肢來產生力量,適合用力移動超大重量的物體。
B. #螺旋核心 ( #Coiling Core ):發展身體彈性以及藉由脊椎側彎帶動旋轉來產生力量,移動自己或移動非超大重量的有效方式,在日常生活中、運動時,像是跑跳、衝刺、球類運動、投擲等,軀幹會不斷發生有彈性的側彎以及旋轉動作。
▶擺位( Bone Alignment):發展特殊角度的技術,像是脊椎平行脛骨、移動時頭部對準足部(Head over foot)、Weckmehod 45站姿和 Green Dots 、手的核心,拳核心CoreFIst ( Fascially Integrated Strength Training)
▶兩側對稱( Symmetry ):慣用邊與非慣用邊的協調,在白話一些就是左手與右手的協調能力,包含兩邊的力量大小、兩邊的肌肉量和其圍度、兩側的協調能力,協調使用非慣用邊的能力。
▶兩側平衡( Balance ):平衡則偏重加入身體重心的概念,中文在平衡與對稱也許比較難以區分,中文字面上左右對稱也可以說左右平衡,這部分我覺得實際去執行動作來感受是最直接的回饋。
▶闊背肌的應訓練以及應用,它連接在肋骨9-12 ,脊椎胸T7-12 ,腰椎 L1-L5,肩胛下角(最近看到的研究方向是沒有直接連結在下角 ),髂嵴和肱骨上,在肌動學上,主要功能是,肩關節伸直、身體側屈、同側旋轉、胸椎伸展。
▶我們利用肌肉的特性來產生 三大動作:甩 、 丟接 、移動。 (Swinging tools 、throwing and Catching、Locomotion)
1️⃣雙側扭力BTT ( Bilateral Torsion ):與傳統的的肌力訓練動作差異不大,雙腳或雙手同時對物體施予一個力,只是在在這個系統會有一些特殊的姿勢擺位來創造身體的張力,下肢發力更著重髖內收以及髖外展肌群。
2️⃣螺旋核心CCT ( Coiling Core ):先用簡單的思考模式來解釋,可以想成傳統肌力的單側訓練版本,只是我們除了在單腳的承重,身體的骨盆、胸肋、以及頭部也要做出相對應的擺位,來產生對應的張力,因為我們的目的是訓練出更好的移動能力、以及更多身體的控制,包含關節的活動度以及穩定度。
3️⃣旋轉運動RMT ( Rotational movement ):在基礎的單邊與雙邊肌力訓練之後,開始正式加入移動的動作,舉凡各種產生位移的動作都會被歸類在RMT的訓練項目,像是藥球的拋或砸、棒鈴訓練、地雷管的爆發力訓練、繩流訓練、速度與敏捷訓練等等。
🔺引用課程中的論述 @weckmethod
創辦人 David Weck ,他是一名肌力體能教練,也是人體力學專家,Bosu Fitness發明者,從事產業超過20年,幫助各種不同的族群達成運動目標,而他也堅信,「誠實的體適能教育能讓世界變得更健康、更美好。」
1. The Truth is Truer than the Fact
2. Every Step Stronger
#研習筆記 #心得分享 #教練 #體育人 #訓練 #運動 #健身
foot bone中文 在 赤米 Nereus Facebook 的最讚貼文
希望大家可以幫吓可仁啦😢 我希望個個小朋友都可以健康快樂咁成長,可以一齊去公園玩
可仁早於出生第4天時已被診斷罹患一種罕有心臟病「主動脈狹窄」(Coarctation of Aorta),需要接受緊急手術。極之不幸的是,可仁最近再被確診患上「第四期神經母腫瘤」(Stage IV Neuroblastoma),目前可仁的頭骨至腰椎和盆骨均受到癌細胞擴散,脊髓神經線受到癌細胞壓住,痛楚非常,並有癱瘓的危機,癌細胞更正轉移至骨髓。
1. 為可仁進行骨髓移植後的免疫治療;
2. 引發社會人士及政府對兒童罕有癌症治療的關注。
電話:2180 4316
【Fundraising Campaign Completed on 3 December 2018】According to CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation, the fundraising campaign for Mark CHEUNG Ho Yan has completed. The fund raised will be used to support the immunotherapy of Mark and 6 other patients who are suffered from the same disease. Thank you for all your kind-hearted support and generosity.
This is an urgent appeal for your generosity to save the life of the 17-month-old son of Dr. CHEUNG Chun Kit, our medical alumnus of Class 2000.
Dr. Cheung Chun Kit is a CUHK medical graduate of Year 2000. His younger son, Cheung Ho Yan Mark, has recently been diagnosed to have Stage IV Neuroblastoma in November 2018, and is in an emergency need of donation to provide the necessary funding to support the life-saving yet expensive immunotherapy.
Mark was presented to his paediatrician for fever and cough in late October 2018. His cough resolved with treatment but his fever never completely went away. Two days prior to his diagnosis, Mark was more clingy than usual and did not like to walk. On a video clip, Mark was noted to have foot drop, a very significant red flag which may indicate a compression on the spinal cord. Emergency scans were immediately performed that night, and Mark was found to have a large tumour on the left side of his abdomen. The aggressive tumour had already spread silently to the back of his skull, his spine, his hips and had compressed his nerves which control his lower limbs, resulting in pain on standing and difficulty in walking. Mark is facing an imminent risk of paralysis.
Mark is diagnosed to have a rare childhood cancer which is called Stage IV neuroblastoma, a cancer which typically presents at late stage because it arises deep in the abdomen. To cure his aggressive cancer, Mark needs to survive through rounds of intensive chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, bone marrow transplant, and finally, immunotherapy. The whole treatment duration lasts 1.5 to 2 years. To completely eradicate all cancer cells, immunotherapy will be needed to boost Mark’s survival from 20% to 50%. However, immunotherapy is a self-financed treatment in the public hospital and the treatment costs could be up to 2 million.
Such close encounter with death is not the first time for Mark. At the first week of life, Mark was diagnosed to have a rare heart problem called “Coarctation of Aorta”. Mark had received life-saving surgery to reestablish the blood flow across his aorta, the major blood vessel that allows blood to go from the heart to the brain and the rest of the body. In a report published in 2002, only 67 cases with dual heart condition and neuroblastoma were reported, giving an odd of 1 in 100 million for a child to be hit by these two rare diseases. Scientists have not yet completely understood the mechanisms that may cause the two conditions to appear in a single child.
It never rains but pours that Mark’s elder brother, now 5 years old, was diagnosed to have autism at around age 2. To enable the elder brother to have intensive training to improve his outcome and development, Mark’s mommy quit her job as a primary school teacher since the diagnosis of autism was made for his elder brother. Dr. Cheung, who is a medical doctor for the elderly, became the sole bread-winner of his family.
CUHK Medical Graduates of Year 2000 have initiated a fund-raising campaign for Mark and his family with the following two objectives:
1. To appeal for donation to support the costs of immunotherapy for Mark
2. To increase the public awareness on the grave needs of children with cancers
CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited
Email: info@cuhkacf.org
Telephone: 2180 4316
foot bone中文 在 Queenie Chan 莉敏 Facebook 的最佳貼文
可仁早於出生第4天時已被診斷罹患一種罕有心臟病「主動脈狹窄」(Coarctation of Aorta),需要接受緊急手術。極之不幸的是,可仁最近再被確診患上「第四期神經母腫瘤」(Stage IV Neuroblastoma),目前可仁的頭骨至腰椎和盆骨均受到癌細胞擴散,脊髓神經線受到癌細胞壓住,痛楚非常,並有癱瘓的危機,癌細胞更正轉移至骨髓。
1. 為可仁進行骨髓移植後的免疫治療;
2. 引發社會人士及政府對兒童罕有癌症治療的關注。
電話:2180 4316
【Fundraising Campaign Completed on 3 December 2018】According to CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation, the fundraising campaign for Mark CHEUNG Ho Yan has completed. The fund raised will be used to support the immunotherapy of Mark and 6 other patients who are suffered from the same disease. Thank you for all your kind-hearted support and generosity.
This is an urgent appeal for your generosity to save the life of the 17-month-old son of Dr. CHEUNG Chun Kit, our medical alumnus of Class 2000.
Dr. Cheung Chun Kit is a CUHK medical graduate of Year 2000. His younger son, Cheung Ho Yan Mark, has recently been diagnosed to have Stage IV Neuroblastoma in November 2018, and is in an emergency need of donation to provide the necessary funding to support the life-saving yet expensive immunotherapy.
Mark was presented to his paediatrician for fever and cough in late October 2018. His cough resolved with treatment but his fever never completely went away. Two days prior to his diagnosis, Mark was more clingy than usual and did not like to walk. On a video clip, Mark was noted to have foot drop, a very significant red flag which may indicate a compression on the spinal cord. Emergency scans were immediately performed that night, and Mark was found to have a large tumour on the left side of his abdomen. The aggressive tumour had already spread silently to the back of his skull, his spine, his hips and had compressed his nerves which control his lower limbs, resulting in pain on standing and difficulty in walking. Mark is facing an imminent risk of paralysis.
Mark is diagnosed to have a rare childhood cancer which is called Stage IV neuroblastoma, a cancer which typically presents at late stage because it arises deep in the abdomen. To cure his aggressive cancer, Mark needs to survive through rounds of intensive chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, bone marrow transplant, and finally, immunotherapy. The whole treatment duration lasts 1.5 to 2 years. To completely eradicate all cancer cells, immunotherapy will be needed to boost Mark’s survival from 20% to 50%. However, immunotherapy is a self-financed treatment in the public hospital and the treatment costs could be up to 2 million.
Such close encounter with death is not the first time for Mark. At the first week of life, Mark was diagnosed to have a rare heart problem called “Coarctation of Aorta”. Mark had received life-saving surgery to reestablish the blood flow across his aorta, the major blood vessel that allows blood to go from the heart to the brain and the rest of the body. In a report published in 2002, only 67 cases with dual heart condition and neuroblastoma were reported, giving an odd of 1 in 100 million for a child to be hit by these two rare diseases. Scientists have not yet completely understood the mechanisms that may cause the two conditions to appear in a single child.
It never rains but pours that Mark’s elder brother, now 5 years old, was diagnosed to have autism at around age 2. To enable the elder brother to have intensive training to improve his outcome and development, Mark’s mommy quit her job as a primary school teacher since the diagnosis of autism was made for his elder brother. Dr. Cheung, who is a medical doctor for the elderly, became the sole bread-winner of his family.
CUHK Medical Graduates of Year 2000 have initiated a fund-raising campaign for Mark and his family with the following two objectives:
1. To appeal for donation to support the costs of immunotherapy for Mark
2. To increase the public awareness on the grave needs of children with cancers
CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited
Email: info@cuhkacf.org
Telephone: 2180 4316