This could help solve more cold cases, provided there aren't privacy issues.
gene sequencing 在 國家衛生研究院-論壇 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【mRNA疫苗臨床試驗95%有效! mRNA疫苗會是COVID-19的救世主嗎?】:發表在新英格蘭醫學期刊(NEJM)上的兩篇論文提到【註1】,兩個mRNA疫苗臨床研究分別收案3萬多人與4萬多人,在打完疫苗之後的兩個月追蹤當中,施打疫苗讓COVID-19感染率減少了95%!【註3】
■分子生物學的中心法則 (central dogma)(圖1)
用最簡單最直接的方式來描述的話,生物體的遺傳訊息是儲存在細胞核的DNA中,每次細胞分裂時,DNA可以複製自己 (replication),因而確保每一代的細胞都帶有同樣數量的DNA。
而當細胞需要表現某個基因時,會將DNA的訊息轉錄 (transcribe) 到RNA上頭,再由RNA轉譯 (translate) 到蛋白質,而由蛋白質執行身體所需要的功能。這也就是所謂的分子生物學的中心法則 (central dogma)。
對於最終會製造成蛋白質的基因來說,RNA是扮演了中繼的角色,也就是說遺傳訊息本來儲存在 DNA 上頭,然後經過信使 RNA (messenger RNA, mRNA) 的接棒,最後在把這個訊息傳下去,製造出蛋白質。【註4】
中國科學院的《國家科學評論》(National Science Review)期刊【註2】,2020年3月發表《關於SARS-CoV-2的起源和持續進化》論文指出,現已發生149個突變點,並演化出L、S亞型。
■mRNA 疫苗是一種新型預防傳染病的疫苗
近期,美國莫德納生物技術公司(Moderna)與輝瑞公司(Pfizer),皆相繼宣布其COVID-19 mRNA疫苗的研究成果。
● 將病毒的屍體直接送入人體,如最早的天花疫苗(牛痘,cowpox)、小兒麻痺疫苗(沙克疫苗,polio vaccines)、肺結核疫苗(卡介苗,Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, BCG)以及流感疫苗等。
卡介苗 BCG(Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine) :卡介苗是一種牛的分枝桿菌所製成的活性疫苗,經減毒後注入人體,可產生對結核病的抵抗力,一般對初期症候的預防效果約85%,主要可避免造成結核性腦膜炎等嚴重併發症。
● 將病毒的蛋白質面具,裝在另一隻無害的病毒上再送入人體,如伊波拉病毒(Ebola virus disease, EVD)疫苗等。
上述例子都是將致命病毒的部分殘肢送入人體,當病毒被樹突細胞(dendritic cells)或巨噬細胞(macrophages)等抗原呈現細胞(antigen-presenting cell, APC)吃掉後,再由細胞將病毒殘肢吐出給其他白血球,進而活化整個免疫系統,然而,mRNA疫苗採取了更奇詭的路數 - 「讓人體細胞自己生產病毒殘肢!」
■mRNA 疫苗設計原理(圖2)
因社群媒體的發達、公衛專家、病毒研究者以及期刊編輯的努力,這次的COVID-19病毒序列很快的被發表;中國北京疾病管制局的研究團隊,挑選了九位患者,其中有八位,都有前往華南海鮮市場的病史,並從這些患者採取了呼吸道分泌物的檢體,運用次世代定序 (NGS,Next Generation Sequencing) 的方式,拼湊出新型冠狀病毒全部與部分的基因序列。並陸續將這些序列資料,提供給全世界的病毒研究者交互確認,修正序列的錯誤。
以冠狀病毒為例,通常會選病毒表面的棘狀蛋白(spike protein)。因為棘蛋白分布於病毒表面,可作為白血球的辨識目標,同時病毒需透過棘蛋白和人體細胞受體(receptor)結合,進而撬開人體細胞,因此以病毒繁殖的策略而言,此處的蛋白質結構較穩定。
挑選會轉譯(translation)出目標蛋白質的mRNA,並進行各項修飾,以提高該人工mRNA在細胞裡被轉譯成蛋白質的效率。如:輝瑞的mRNA疫苗(BNT162b1)選用甲基化(methylation)後的偽尿嘧啶(1-methyl-pseudouridine)取代mRNA裡的原始尿嘧啶(uracil, U),有助於提升mRNA的穩定性,並提高mRNA被轉譯成病毒棘蛋白的效率。
因為mRNA相當脆弱且容易被分解,因此需要對載體進行包裹和保護。然而,有了載體後,接踵而來的問題是「該怎麼送到正確的位置(淋巴結)?」。而輝瑞和莫德納不約而同地都選用了奈米脂質顆粒(lipid nanoparticles)包裹mRNA載體,奈米脂質顆粒通常由帶電荷的脂質(lipid)、膽固醇(cholesterol)或聚乙二醇(polyethylene glycol, PEG)修飾過的脂質等組成,可以保護RNA,並將mRNA送到抗原呈現細胞豐富的淋巴結組織。
mRNA可將特定蛋白質的製造指示送至細胞核糖體(ribosomes)進行生產。mRNA 疫苗會將能製造新冠病毒棘狀蛋白的 mRNA 送至人體內,並不斷製造棘狀蛋白,藉此驅動免疫系統攻擊與記憶此類病毒蛋白,增加人體對新冠病毒的免疫力,最終 mRNA 將被細胞捨棄。
值得注意的是,由於 mRNA 疫苗並無攜帶所有能製造新冠病毒的核酸(nucleic acid),且不會進入人體細胞核,所以施打疫苗無法使人感染新冠病毒。
Pfizer、BioNTech 研發的 BNT162b2 是美國第 1 個取得 EUA 的 mRNA 疫苗,施打對象除成年人,還包含 16 歲以上非成年人。且相比 Moderna 製造的 mRNA-1273 疫苗,患者施打第 2 劑 BNT162b2 的副作用較輕微。
Moderna 也不遑多讓,mRNA-1273 於 2020 年 12 月中取得 EUA,且具備在 -20°C 儲存超過 30 天的優勢。在臨床試驗中,使用 mRNA-1273 的 196 位受試者皆無演變成重度 COVID-19,相較安慰劑組中卻有 30 人最終被標為重度 COVID-19 患者。【註8】
▶DNA的英文全名是Deoxyribonucleic acid,中文翻譯為【去氧核糖核酸】
▶RNA 的英文全名是 Ribonucleic acid,中文翻譯為【核糖核酸】。
Baden LR, El Sahly HM, Essink B, et al. Efficacy and Safety of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine. N Engl J Med. 2020 Dec 30:NEJMoa2035389. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2035389. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33378609; PMCID: PMC7787219.
Polack FP, Thomas SJ, Kitchin N, et al. Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine. N Engl J Med. 2020 Dec 31;383(27):2603-2615. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2034577. Epub 2020 Dec 10. PMID: 33301246; PMCID: PMC7745181.
Xiaoman Wei, Xiang Li, Jie Cui, Evolutionary perspectives on novel coronaviruses identified in pneumonia cases in China, National Science Review, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2020, Pages 239–242,
▶蘇一峰 醫師:
▶中時新聞網 「mRNA疫苗臨床試驗95%有效 醫:哪國搶到就能結束比賽」:
( 台大醫院 National Taiwan University Hospital-基因分子診斷實驗室)「DNA、RNA 以及蛋白質」:
《科學人》粉絲團 - 「新冠病毒知多少?」:
(報導者 The Reporter)【肺炎疫情關鍵問答】科學解惑 - 10個「為什麼」,看懂COVID-19病毒特性與防疫策略:
科學月刊 Science Monthly - 「讓免疫系統再次偉大!mRNA疫苗會是COVID-19的救世主嗎?」:
GeneOnline 基因線上 「4 大 COVID-19 疫苗大解密!」 :
(CDC)了解mRNA COVID-19疫苗
圖2:mRNA 疫苗設計原理
圖3:mRNA 疫苗設計流程圖
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gene sequencing 在 李怡 Facebook 的精選貼文
What’s free is the most expensive | Lee Yee
Last week, Carrie Lam announced that the Central government will support Hong Kong’s fight against the epidemic in several large initiatives, including universal screening, earmarking AsiaWorld Expo as a holding treatment facility, and the construction of the makeshift hospitals, all cost to be borne by the Central government.
Such “good deeds”, shouldn’t society respond with great enthusiasm? But according to Carrie Lam, there are voices in society trying to divide the public and the government, “Every time (the government) does something, it will be discredited by some people with conspiracy theories,” and asked the media to “join (the government) in the call on citizens to participate in testing.”
Distorting facts is what discrediting means, but some facts cannot be denied, for example:
● Nationally-approved testing personnel have been exempted by the government from the requirement to register for medical laboratory work in Hong Kong. China’s BGI (formerly Beijing Genomics Institute) will process the samples from the citywide screening. Its chemists are not registered in Hong Kong.
● BGI is a listed company in Shenzhen responsible for collecting and analyzing the “national gene bank”.
● In July 2020, two companies under BGI Group were included in the sanctions list by the U.S. Department of Commerce for “suspicion of forced collection of DNA of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities for research in order to suppress Uyghurs.”
● On Aug. 14, a multinational biotechnology company filed a lawsuit with the High Court against BGI, accusing it of infringing upon a gene sequencing kit patent. GBI’s trustworthiness is in line with the level of many other Chinese companies.
● Some medical professionals believe that under the current condition of border and market non-closure, doing universal screening alone is not helpful. The public’s acceptance of testing increases the risks.
Faced with these facts, it’s evident to the public how many will be tested voluntarily. Moreover, the effectiveness of screening has been questioned by regions who’ve successfully stopped the spread of the virus, including Taiwan.
Because of China’s support, Hong Kong is not paying. As such, Carrie Lam and her cabinet have relentlessly professed their gratitude towards the Central government.
Japanese writer Isaka Kotaro said, “Nothing is more expensive than free.” A few years ago, Chinese entrepreneur Jack Ma also repeated the same thing, “free is the most expensive.” Why the most expensive? Because the price you pay is time, privacy, health, freedom, these seemingly intangible things, our most precious wealth. From the collected samples, a chemist can obtain one’s DNA, some very sensitive and personal privacy information.
We would rather pay for what we need, rather than the free things given. If the three anti-epidemic initiatives were paid for by the government, it will be necessary to get LegCo to approve the funds. In the process, at least the government and BGI or other institutions must go through negotiations that must be disclosed, rather than operating within a black box. If the three initiatives were to invite bids from Western countries, there will not be viral conspiracy theories or “smearing” remarks on social media.
The Carrie Lam regime has been accusing the United States and other Western countries of adopting “double standards” for Hong Kong in recent years. For example, the US police force also used violence against the protesters, many countries have national security laws, and other countries have postponed elections, etc., why only criticize and sanction Hong Kong?
Regarding the behaviors of people, society, and countries, we should adopt the same standards for judging and commenting, but the premise is that the other party is a person, society, and country with certain standards. We respect people from anywhere, but that does not equate respecting people who have no standards in words or deeds, and do not respect themselves. Many countries have national security laws, but behind which most countries have legislative procedures that are fully authorized by public opinion, and are restricted by the judiciary and independent media and public opinions. How is a national security law with absolute powers without checks and balance comparable to those in these other countries? Many countries allow a certain degree of police violence on protesters, but there are other mechanisms to restrict them, such that improper police violence will be followed by legal consequences.
Under autocracy, power is the single most almighty thing, accompanied by no “standards” whatsoever, whether professionally, or behaviorally of those in power and their people. Autocracy does not comply with universal standards. The standards used on those people and regimes with standards cannot be adopted on those people and regimes that do not. Facing those without standards, the natural human instinct is distrust.
gene sequencing 在 DNA Sequencing | Understanding the genetic code - Illumina 的相關結果
Illumina next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology uses clonal amplification and sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry to enable rapid, ... ... <看更多>
gene sequencing 在 DNA sequencing (article) | Biotechnology | Khan Academy 的相關結果
Key points: · DNA sequencing is the process of determining the sequence of nucleotides (As, Ts, Cs, and Gs) in a piece of DNA. · In Sanger sequencing, the target ... ... <看更多>
gene sequencing 在 DNA sequencing - Wikipedia 的相關結果
DNA sequencing is the process of determining the nucleic acid sequence – the order of nucleotides in DNA. It includes any method or technology that is used ... ... <看更多>