【Executives from tech giants presenting at COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual】
One of COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual’s top highlights, COMPUTEX CEO Keynotes and COMPUTEX Keynotes gathered executives from Intel, Arm, AMD, NVIDIA, Micron Technology, Supermicro and NXP Semiconductors to discuss the future landscape driven by technology.
These leaders addressed how technologies help with post-pandemic recovery. #5G , #AI , #IntelligentEdge, #HPC are the keys to their future development. #GreenComputing was also highlighted for the long-term good of humanity 🌲 🌲 🌲
As the most important ICT shows around the world, COMPUTEX once again acted as the stage for companies to launch their innovative products and technologies, inviting fans around the world to witness the latest technologies, gaining global perspectives from the CEOs’ point of view.
Watch the keynotes on demand for more tech insights and future trends at COMPUTEX YouTube 👇
【COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 全球科技大廠 CEO 開講,含金量超高千萬別錯過】
COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual 的亮點活動 COMPUTEX CEO Keynotes 及 COMPUTEX Keynotes,匯集 Intel、Arm、AMD、NVIDIA、美光、Supermicro、恩智浦半導體(NXP)等全球科技巨頭的高階主管來分享跨域產業洞察,讓您一窺新興科技所驅動的未來樣貌!🚀
幾位主管們不約而同談及科技如何協助人們迎戰疫情,帶來 #創新 及 #數位轉型能量,其中 #5G、 #AI、 #智慧邊緣 、 #高效運算 等前瞻技術是諸多大廠們接下來的重點發展策略(粉絲們快筆記下來🖊️)。當然,為了人類長遠福祉著想, #綠色運算 也是布局關鍵 🌲 🌲 🌲
身為全球最有影響力的資通訊展會,今年的 COMPUTEX再度成為頂尖廠商發布創新產品與技術的重要舞台。每年都能直擊最新科技,即時從大師的角度獲得全球視野,讓小編的想像力獲得無窮啟發呀~~
這麼多精彩的瞬間,當然要邀您一同參與 🤝 快點選下方連結,前往 COMPUTEX YouTube 隨選即看 👇