2021 秋冬大秀,是Michael Kors 品牌四十歲的生日大秀。
從小就喜歡時尚,販售自己設計的服裝;從Lothar’s擔任銷售顧問、服裝設計與櫥窗設計(有看《庫伊拉》的朋友一定覺得這段劇情很熟悉吧!),因為遇到伯樂,資助、協助他開始完成自己的品牌,於是,1981年,Michael Kors(品牌)誕生了。
如同我們的人生,品牌一路上難免也會歷經一些波折,還好,因為設計師的堅持,還有一些機緣,如今的Michael Kors早已是個時尚王國,同時也在美國流行史上佔有舉足輕重的地位。(由Michelle Obama拍攝其首張第一夫人官方肖像時,就是選取他的黑色削肩洋裝可見一班)
第一次看四十週年大秀時,就覺得好些禮服有似曾相識感,後來做功課後才發現,原來Michael Kors巧妙地將他經典的設計,加入2021 當代的一些思考與調整,讓很多服裝能夠更貼近現在的時尚觀點。
我們先從瑪娘娘 Madonna開始吧(第一張照片)!這張照片是來自《Glamour》雜誌1990年十二月號。
當年她被選為『Women of the Year』,身上這件水鑽洋裝來自Michael Kors 1990 早春系列。華麗、璀璨、性感,又有好萊塢性感女神的韻味,相當好看!2021大秀中,是交由Bella Hadid來詮釋,在水鑽洋裝外罩一件純白西裝外套,讓性感多了一層自在與率性!(第二張照片)
再來第三張照片中這套1992秋冬的壓軸亮片和服風格禮服是由超模Cindy Crawfold詮釋,在秀上她不使用任何腰帶,讓洋裝和身體有自然的律動;下秀後她繫上銀色腰帶拉出層次感。2021的版本維持全身tone on tone的華麗,腰帶也是亮片款,把身材比例拉得相當好,完全表現胸部以下就是腿這句話(笑
第四張照片要和大家說的是,在1989秋冬大秀中,由超模Naomi Campbell詮釋的皮革大衣與洋裝也有全新的風格,原本的深V剪裁以及蕾絲內搭,現在改為圓滑的弧線剪裁(蕾絲部分拿掉),維持簡單優雅的風格。
Michael Kors有一句蠻有名的穿衣哲學:『Go Big or Go Home』,他覺得每個女人的衣櫃中都必須要有一件動物紋的單品。第五張照片是1994秋冬由超模Helena Christensen 詮釋的斑馬紋外套、短裙搭配黑色高領cashmere針織衫的風格,充分展現『Go Big』的風格,同時也有股狂野的幹練感;2021秋冬,由新一代超模Vittoria Ceretti穿上更為誇張版本的斑馬紋,但似乎更好看了!
對於風衣,Michael Kors也覺得她是完整女人衣櫥的一個必備單品,好的風衣只要搭配得宜,其實不太有所謂『過季』的困擾(當然除非真的是太搶眼的當季設計印花的款式啦)。
最後一張照片這件1991秋冬大秀上的金色大衣就為我們最好的示範。1991的秀上,Gail Elliott以白色襯衫搭配黑色短裙,然後自在地把風衣綁好,就是一個perfect look;而在2021秀上,我們讓風衣成為主角,單穿風衣(或是把風衣稍微拉開,呈現類洋裝的風格)就很亮眼。
Michael Kors透過這樣的Reissue膠囊系列,讓舊朋友看到品牌經典looks的新生命;同時讓新朋友知其然也知其所以然,更懂品牌的DNA,非常建議朋友們可以點選下面連結,就能得到更多有意思的故事喔!
#michaelkors #reissue
同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#bangkoklockdowns #thailandlockdowns #曼谷通關 #泰國通關 #曼谷自由行 #最新曼谷交通攻略 #bangkoktransportation #bangkokairportsuvarnabhumi #motorbikebangkok #SaphanTaksin #...
go big意思 在 媽媽好忙。媽媽好嗎? Facebook 的最讚貼文
🐶 看 Paw Patrol 學英文
Paw Patrol 電影在台灣上映了,你們去看了嗎?(圖片取自電影官網)
之前停課林寶在家看了兩個月的 Blaze and the Monster Machines,每天結束都會看到 Paw Patrol 的預告,後來調整了下作息時間,改看 Paw Patrol,現在是在 Netflix 上看。
不看則已,一看連二寶都愛上了!實在好奇幾隻狗狗怎麼有這麼大的魅力(媽媽覺得設定好瞎)?一些幼教專家分析了為什麼孩子喜歡看 Paw Patrol,不外乎是把自己投射在狗狗身上,小小身量,但可以拯救整個城市裡無能的大人!至於為什麼狗狗乖乖聽 Ryder 指揮呢?有人說,看在幼兒眼裡,10 歲的大哥哥大姐姐就是神 -- 看林寶跟表哥的互動,真的是這樣沒錯啊!
對於看膩了 Paw Patrol 的爸媽來說,好消息是:通常小孩到 8 歲左右就會失去興趣了哈~
又搜尋了幾篇報導,發現對 Paw Patrol 的批評也不少。Paw Patrol 其實是加拿大玩具商特意為了開發學齡前小男生的「變形機械」類型玩具市場,在世界各地徵稿,最終設定 10 歲天才男孩 Ryder 和他救援的小狗,所使用的車輛、集合基地 the Lookout,在影片裡都有超常細膩的特寫和變形動畫,其實就是在為玩具打廣告,繞過加拿大法規裡面不能在學前幼兒節目時段播放廣告的規定。說穿了,Paw Patrol 卡通其實是製作成本超高、宣傳效果超成功的廣告片!
故事中最早出現的幾隻狗狗裡面,只有 Skye 是女生,性別比例嚴重失衡,這也是最為人詬病的一點--雖說原是針對小男生設計的,但推出後喜歡看的女孩也不少。Skye 很帥的開著飛機,還很會後空翻,但從服裝、道具到飛機,全都是粉紅色的。第二季出現的 Everest 也是女生,但戲份少很多,服裝是粉紫色,跟 Skye 一樣長睫毛... 這次電影裡的新角色 Liberty 也是女孩,不知道是不是會刻意避免太過女性化的刻板印象。
還有一些好玩的資訊:幫 Ryder 配音的男孩們會遇到尷尬的變聲期,一變聲就得換人了,到現在 Ryder 的聲音演員已經換過四位--讓我聯想到維也納少年合唱團。另,玩具商老闆現在是加拿大財富榜前70幾名,都拜這幾隻狗狗所賜!
說了這麼多,小孩還是每天看啊... 不如來學學英文吧!
幾個角色都有經典台詞 catchphrases,粉絲網站上有詳細整理,把最常聽到的摘錄在底下:
* "No job is too big, no pup is too small!"
* "PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!"
* "PAW Patrol is on a roll!" -- 'on a roll' 有好運連連的意思,表示任務會成功
* "Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!" -- 'yelp for help' 押韻
* "Chase is on the case!" -- 押韻
* "PAW Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, sir!"
* "Ready for a ruff ruff rescue!"
* "I'm fired up!"
* "Wait for me!" -- 林寶最喜歡 Marshall,因為他最搞笑,每次集合都是最後一個
* "I'm okay!"
* "Let's take to the sky!"
* "This pup's gotta fly!"
* "Green means go!"
* "Don't lose it, reuse it!" -- 押韻
* "Rubble on the double!" -- 押韻,'on the double' 主題曲裡面也出現過,快速的意思
* "Let's dig it!"
* "Let's dive in!"
* "Ready, set, get wet!" -- 押韻
* "Off the trail, Everest won't fail!" -- 押韻
* "Ice or snow, I'm ready to go!" -- 押韻
* "I'm all ears!"/"Soy Todo oídos!" -- 專注聆聽的意思
Liberty: (電影版新角色)
* "Liberty, reporting for duty!" -- 押韻,報到(有點軍人或船員用語的感覺)
另外,船長 Cap'n Turbot 講話也很有趣,常常押頭韻,愛用很多術語,狗狗常聽不懂,需要 Ryder 翻譯,下次可以注意聽看看!
go big意思 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
繼上次的年報導讀會議後, 讓我們再做另一個會議! 這次很榮幸邀請到一位對估值很有見解的股友前輩來帶大家了解估值(恩, 這次我會是主持人, 不是主講人).
主題: 估值(valuation)分享會(Cat: 這不算基礎的估值會議)
主講人: 小揚(from安泰價值投資)
https://www.facebook.com/antaiinvestment (此為小揚的粉絲頁)
參與者: 具基本估值能力. 若打算參加者, 請事先跟我(請私訊)提出一個關於估值的case study, 到時候可在會議中分享(最好是以投影片形式呈現, 這樣到時候好跟大家分享). 若有估值的問題, 也可以提出.
Case study可以是美股, 也可以是台股.
時間: 台灣時間07/10 (周六)晚間9點.
預計一個小時(不會像上次那樣冗長了😅): 前30分鐘由小揚做分享, 後30分鐘大家分享估值案例&提問
進行方式: 以Zoom進行(之後會私訊會議資訊給參與者)
🌻Morgan Stanley Mid-year Investor Outlook: A tricky transition
🌻在您投資生涯中, 有沒有一些觀念讓您受用很多?
下面這位投資名人的好觀念影響我很深. 他的意思是, 一般投資人, 只要能説出三個買一家公司的理由, 就很夠了. 這也迫使我, 每次在買股票時, 問自己對這家公司的了解有多少. 也會去衡量公司的優點與缺點在哪裡.
"It is vital (重要的) that you know what you own, that if I asked you on the street why you like a certain stock, you can give me three reasons. If you don't know how they make their money, who their key clients are and what they make if, then I will tell you that you are over your head and should not own individual stocks."
Jim Cramer: In Times Like This, Go for the Easy Money
Look at the stocks you own. Can you tell me why you've got them? If you can't answer the following three questions, then have a look at several I like right now.
We've endured the meme stock craziness, with all of its love for heavily shorted stocks. We have watched the collapse of bitcoin to levels viewed as shocking, even if they are still more than double where they were not that long ago. We've dealt with Fed officials making it clear that they are no longer on the side of the bulls or the bears. They are on the side of job growth, but are wary of inflation. We've seen the end of the rush to get vaccines, which means that millions of people are going to get the new COVID variant, because there is no natural immunity to it. We've watched as the hopes for an infrastructure bill have collapsed. We've endured shortages of everything from chips to plastic to imported goods and labor.
And we're still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yep, we are in one of those halcyon moments, where the masks are off -- even if they shouldn't be -- and Americans are back doing what they do best: consume, spend, go out to eat and then consume and spend some more.
There are times in the stock market where the collective mindset is revealed. This is one of those times: Things are cool, it's not a big moment, there's no real news for a bit, it's the historically strong period and we can reach some conclusions about where we are.
When things are like this, it is important to remember that buyers like to revert to tried-and-true companies that thrive no matter what. These are companies that have an edge and are better at what they do than other companies.
You know that I am a great believer in index funds, that the average person doesn't have the time or the inclination to research individual stocks. It's a difficult barrier. I think you need to make time to read the quarterly report and listen to the conference call, to Google articles and, if possible, get some research about the companies you own. It is vital that you know what you own, that if I asked you on the street why you like a certain stock, you can give me three reasons. If you don't know how they make their money, who their key clients are and what they make if, then I will tell you that you are over your head and should not own individual stocks. I am reminded by this, because, once again, without a mask, I can be recognized and if I am not holding "Nvidia the Second," I can carry on a conversation.
I have had many in the last two weeks and when I have asked this litany of questions, I find myself at a loss as to why almost no one knew what they owned. But they thirsted for individual stocks, because they, like me, think things are better post pandemic. No, that's not a facetious comment. Many, many stocks did better with a stay-at-home economy. A huge number.
So what do I do? I revert to what others do when you are stumped about how to stay in touch with stocks, but want to do less homework. That means buying stocks that are accessible, not stocks like Unity (U) or Snowflake (SNOW) or Twilio (TWLO) or Okta (OKTA) .
I revert to normal businesses people know and I suggest they Google some articles, peruse the conference call, but, above all, like the company's products so you can buy more if it goes down.
Here's some that I have been telling people I like:
First is Ford (F) . I think the Ford lineup is amazing. The electric F-150 series will be incredible. I am eager to get a Maverick for my family, because it is a smaller pickup that will get the job done for the myriad little things I need to do with this farm I bought from that crazy bitcoin foray. I like the competitive edge of the CEO, who says he is going to bury Elon Musk when the Lightning comes out. I even think the Bronco is cool as all get out. Most important, though? I think the chip shortage is ending. My semiconductor friends are telling me the foundries are producing more feature-rich chips and that means Ford can pump out the trucks small business people love and need. Plus, the used car prices at last have plateaued, according to their most important pricing index. Halcyon times.
Second, Costco (COST) : The samples are coming back. Tell me you don't love the samples. You need things in bulk. You want low prices. You want to get all of the things that people don't think of with Costco, like insurance, hearing-aids -- hey, they are a fortune -- jewelry, things around the house. You go and you will buy far more than you first came for. My kind of store.
The kids love this American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) , which we just bought for my charitable trust, which you can follow along by joining the Action Alerts PLUS club. Jay Schottenstein, the CEO, came on "Mad Money" recently and it's clear that his Aerie model has real staying power: 26 consecutive quarters of double digit growth. No flash in the pan, that one. Number one brand in jeans for the 15 to 25 year old group. The best in the mall. How did I know this? I see the credit card bills.
I got up this morning to do my physical therapy. I have been doing it ever since I hurt my back in February. I have this really cool pair of sneakers that fit me perfectly and I love them, but I am fortunate enough to have a vacation house and I am always taking those shoes with me.
So I went on Amazon (AMZN) this morning and lo and behold I saw them for half price. I bought two pairs. Then I went over everything I have bought in the last year and got a bunch of those things. Then I bought a pair of binoculars, because mine were stolen. I paid half price.
Yep, Amazon's universal. I was talking to Alexa, while I was ordering, getting some new music on, asking questions. I saw that despite all of the Sturm und Drang of Amazon being late with things, all the delivery dates were within range. I didn't click on any ads, and I didn't need the speed of Web Services, but the whole thing reminded me about how special the darned company is. I don't care if it's ahead or behind plan for the moment. I would just buy some more when it goes down.
Finally, Apple (AAPL) . I think people who don't own Apple should look what they are holding at this very moment. Yes, right now. Or look at what's in your lap or on the table besides your fork. And then think about the bill you paid last night without knowing it. Think about what you bought in the App store yesterday. Think about what would happen if it would break or get stolen or, left in the Uber (UBER) , or heaven forbid, be dropped into the pool or in the, yes, toilet.
There, that's what you buy in halcyon times. Stocks of companies you know that if they go lower, because things get less halcyon, you are fine with it and buy more. If things go up, believe me, you will participate.
So accept the moment. Don't try for the hard money. Go for the easy kind. That's the best kind.
Picture: 牡丹(peony)花開. 恨不得院子裡有一塊地是牡丹園.
go big意思 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文
#bangkoklockdowns #thailandlockdowns #曼谷通關 #泰國通關 #曼谷自由行 #最新曼谷交通攻略
#bangkoktransportation #bangkokairportsuvarnabhumi #motorbikebangkok #SaphanTaksin #中文字幕 #CC #englishsubtitles
Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar,
因為公司已經委派任務給我, 六月尾我會去泰國
除非到時有突發事件發生, 要取消航班
除了搭的士, 就有更多便宜的選擇, 就是機場快線
繼而可以轉乘空鐵BTS, 或是地鐵MRT
亦都會講旅遊時候在市內的交通, 最常見幾種交通工具
例如有取代了 Uber的grab、 Tuktuk、電單車等等
曼谷的士最多可以載五個人, 有些會較大型, 但較少量
但車頂上面的英文「Meter」招牌, 就一定要認住
因為是用咪錶正路的的士, 有些不正路的司機, 會開天殺價
那麼你就不應該上車, 例如如果曼谷新機場Suvarnabhumi Airport,
搭的士出市區, 大約400THB 大概是100hkd,
如果他們不跟咪錶, 價錢可以任由他說, 分分鐘要double
如果你是三個人或以上一起搭的話, 我當然會建議你搭的士吧
假使你一兩個人, 我建議你搭機場快線ARL出市區
但如果你是搭廉航的話, 請你睇清楚自己是否在新機場到境
因為好多廉航著陸在舊機場, 是沒有機場快線,這個是溫馨提示
溫馨提示還有兩件事, 第一就是每個入境泰國的人
需要攜帶 2 萬泰銖、家庭則需要 4 萬泰銖。
假設香港人, 每個人是要帶接近5000hkd, 或家庭的10000hkd
所以如果你帶不夠錢, 實在有機會被人懷疑你是黑工
海關雖然不是每個人都查, 但是都會抽查
另一個溫馨提示就是, 任何人士在境內購買、使用吸食、進出口電子煙皆一律違法。
當你拿回行李, 出到到境大堂, 就見指示牌去BF
ARL機場快線買車票的時候, 你首先要決定,
之後你想轉乘BTS 抑或 MRT 去你的酒店
因為ARL 落車的站 BTS 和 MRT是有所不同的
如果你住的酒店是 BTS站 附近,就搭到 Phaya Thai站轉 BTS 空鐵去到你酒店,
如果你住的酒店是 MRT站 附近,就搭到 Makkasan站轉 MRT 地鐵去到你酒店,
如果要轉MRT, 就搭到去 A6站, 35THB=9hkd, 22分鐘
機場快綫A6 Makkasan站落車,再轉地鐵MRT
如果要轉BTS, 就搭到去 A8站, 45THB=11hkd, 26分鐘
我記得由機場快線落車去Phaya Thai站,
再轉搭BTS, 都叫做Phraya Thai站
但我記得在Praya Thai站有好多樓梯要行的
如果你去的時候已經有好多手提行李, 那麼你自己想想是否太麻煩
如果你在離境當日, 已經買了很多東西,
我建議你由酒店一程車去機場, 這些錢就不好慳啦
當你在機場快線ARL售票機的時候, 首先選擇語言
第二步你要選擇落車地點, 就好似是Phaya Thai站抑或Makkasan站
然後再選買幾多張飛, 一個人一張,如此類推
售票機的右手面即時顯示, 你要落車的地方和價錢
售賣機是接受硬幣和紙幣, 那麼你就可以入錢
然後售賣機就會吐出一個token塑膠幣, 就是你一程的車票
然後就可以入閘, 你不需要看我在哪裏上車
因為當天上車, 我是在 Hua Mak A4上車的,
Hua Mak 即相等於香港的東涌或青衣啦,
機場快線車廂裏面都好乾淨, 望落跟香港的地鐵差不多
所以大家如果是精明消費的朋友, 機場快線除了的士之外的另類選擇
由於當日我要搭地鐵MRT, 這裏路牌指示都非常清楚
一落車如果覺得口渴, 周圍都有大家好掛住的泰式奶茶
如果你轉乘MRT, 這個地鐵站名叫做 Phetchaburi站
下一個站就是Sukhumvit地鐵站, 即是Terminal.21附近
在BTS叫Asok站, 大家相連的
我意思是說如果你住在Terminal 21附近的酒店
你出街要搭BTS的時候, 都可以在這裏搭車去其他地方
非常之方便, 落到去MRT買票, 都好像香港搭地鐵一樣啦
如果你就要去翟道翟, 搭MRT,
翟道翟地鐵站名叫kamphaeng phet
好車站裏面都有Super rich換錢
千萬不要在機場換super rich, 會貴很多
到步當晚, 可能你在酒店附近逛街shopping或按摩啦
第二日的交通費, 我這裏有些少貼士同大家分享
Rabbit Card兔子卡, 相等於我們香港的八達通
兔子卡(Rabbit Card)只能用在曼谷BTS搭乘,
Rabbit Card初次買卡費用為200THB,
此外,兔子卡(Rabbit Card)也有分為大人卡、小童、老年人、學生卡
外一種就是BTS的一日券, 必須要在售票處購買,
價錢是140THB, 某些公司都有代購
除了因為可以節省搭車費之外, 另外最重要解決的問題
再投入硬幣或紙幣,然後攞飛, 就可以搭車啦
BTS 有兩條主要路線,分別是深綠色的Silom Line和淺綠色的Sukhumvit Line。
2020曼谷空鐵 BTS 沿線熱門景點, BTS Sukhumvit 蘇坤蔚線
有以下站名, Siam、Chit Lom、Mo Chit、Asok站
高檔的有Siam Paragon、中價的Siam Square
和Siam Center、Discovery Center等購物商場,
而且這個站有bts可連結Chit Lom站,可通往Central World、四面佛等。
霓虹夜市Talad Neon Night Market、Big C Supercenter、曼谷水門市場等等
BTS 深綠色的Silom缐, 主要站有 National Stadium、Sala Daeng、Saphan Taksin站
National Stadium站可通往BACC曼谷藝術及文化中心、
也可以從這裡通往TOKYU東急百貨、MBK Center、Siam Square。
Sala Daeng站最知名的景點莫過於Patpong Night Market了!
Saphan Taksin站附近有石龍軍路食街, 我曾經介紹過
看完我影片之後, 你們就不用每次搭的士
曼谷搭的士有兩個問題, 第一可能的士司機會兜路
除了的士、BTS、MRT以外, 曼谷市內亦都可以搭Grab
即是之前的Uber, 下載跟用的介面都差不多
電單車每2公里40Bath, 這個方法香港人好少用
適合短程, 我自己就搭過兩次, 其實都安全的
但是講到底, 香港人條命都是矜貴些, 所以輕輕介紹一下
另外一種交通工具是Tuktuk, 相信好多人都搭過
Tuktuk和電單車一樣, 都只適合短程, 所以發應該多過50bath
如果貴過50bath, 我建議你寧願搭回的士或地鐵較好
這些影片的留言在置頂, 會有一條link,
就會有我的曼谷播放清單, 超過50條影片, 陸續更新
希望大家多多支持啦, 今次講住咁多先,
暫時不會再講鬼故啦, 盡可能做到知識共享
如果你們對某些話題有興趣, 可以隨時留言給我
我會找相關的書籍跟大家分享, 今次講住咁多先啦,88
I believe Thailand is the earliest to set for the lift of all business and activity lockdowns .
Because my company has delegated tasks to me, I will go to Thailand at the end of June.
Unless there is an emergency at that time, the flight will be cancelled.So today I’m going to share with you that cheapest way to get to city from Bangkok Airport .Other than taxi, there are chaer options, Airport Rail Link ARL.Then you can transfer to the skytrain BTS or subway MRT .
Besides Bangkok airport traffic, I also talk about the most common types of transportation in the city.For example, there are Grab, Tuktuk n motorcycles.Bangkok taxis can carry up to five people, some will be larger, but not many.Thai taxi colors represent management of different car companies,
, .................
go big意思 在 Nini Fun Youtube 的最佳解答
歡迎大家給予意見哦~ 之後還想要改島🥰
→諮詢Instagram: Daruma_Penny
→Facebook: NiniFun (@pennyninifun)
→Instagram: Pennicentt
→Personal Facebook: Penny Fun
→For Business Inquiries ONLY. Please email:
*Canon EOS Rebel T6i
* Canon G7X II (my vlog camera)
*Camera Stand (Big one)
*Camera Stand (For Vlog)
→Video editor: Wonder Share & Imovie
Penny XOXO
" I do not own ANY of the soundtrack, property and rights for audio go to (band/singer name)"
go big意思 在 Untyped 對啊我是工程師 Youtube 的最佳解答
Coding vs Programming 軟體工程師在 編碼 or 編程? | 5 Differences between Coding and Programming【電腦說人話】
Coding? Programming? 程式設計?編碼編程?想到電腦科學就會想到這些詞,但是它們到底是什麼意思?差別又在哪呢?
(Tools 使用工具, Expertise 專業知識, Approach 方法途徑, Outcome 成果產出, Learning 學習過程)
在這個人手好幾台電腦的時代,實在是有好多電腦的詞聽不懂。Cookie 不再是好吃的餅乾,Class不再是學生上的課,Bug 因為非常不一樣的原因而令人討厭。Coding, Programming 兩個詞表面上好像一樣,但是實際上卻截然不同。好多詞不懂~沒關係!讓 Untyped 為你解惑!
【電腦說人話】這個系列是希望透過口語化的方式,透過生活中的例子去介紹一些看似艱澀像外星語但實際上卻不難懂的電腦科學專有名詞。希望能讓曾經對這些詞彙充滿畏懼與疑惑的妳,能夠不再害怕,勇敢學習Computer Science!
【㊫ 電腦科學/軟體工程 學習資源 📖】
全端工程師密技 Full Stack Eng - Career Path (Codecademy)
前端工程師密技 Front End Eng - Career Path (Codecademy)
Scala 函数式程式設計原理
Android 應用程式開發 專項課程
普林斯頓大學 電腦科學 演算法 基礎理論
Go 語言學起來
Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Programming in Java 專項課程
Java 軟體工程基礎課程
全端開發 跨平台手機app 開發 完整課程
#程式設計 #Programming #電腦說人話
Coding vs Programming
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Untyped 對啊我是工程師 - There are so many data types in the world of computer science, so are the people who write the code. We aim to UNTYPE the stereotype of engineers and of how coding is only for a certain type of people.
凱心琳: 一個喜歡電腦科學邏輯推理,在科技圈努力為性別平等奮鬥的女工程師。
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