Pelapor : Pai Syahira
PEKAN, 20 Okt - Biarpun perkembangan dunia di arus era konvergens, ayat-ayat cinta Allah kepada hambanya tidak pernah dimamah usia dan kekal dijadikan panduan hidup kepada manusia sepanjang zaman.
Adab membaca dan memegang Al-Quran dalam keadaan berwuduk serta kaedah melupuskan mashaf yang rosak melambangkan ketelitian Islam menterjemah isi kandungan dalam kitab diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w agar terus terpelihara kepada umat Islam.
Kewajipan memelihara kesucian dan kemuliaan Al-Quran bukan sahaja ketika fizikalnya sempurna bahkan tanggungjawab sebagai muslim tergalas dalam proses perlupusan Al-Quran yang tertib.
Krew Berita Pahang berpeluang mendalami proses perlupusan Al-Quran bersama kakitangan Unit Penapisan Media Bahagian Penyelidikan Agama Islam Pahang (JAIP) di Pusat Pemuliaan Al-Quran di Pekan, Pahang.
Terdahulu prosesnya diselanggara oleh pihak swasta namun perjuangan memartabatkan tatacara pelupusan kitab suci ini diteruskan oleh empat pegawai JAIP sejak empat tahun lalu menggunakan kaedah relau atau pembakaran.
Proses asas pengumpulan bahan Al-Quran dimulakan di semua 11 Pejabat Agama Islam Daerah di seluruh Negeri Pahang dan dihantar ke Pusat Pemuliaan Al-Quran.
Lazimnya pernerimaan dan rekod daripada agensi, institusi pendidikan dan masjid secara pukal dikumpulkan di pusat. Setelah ditimbang naskah yang diterima akan disimpan dalam stor kontena.
Kemudian proses pelupusan dimulakan dengan membakar Al-Quran yang rosak ataupun terkoyak termasuk bahan cetakan pendidikan yang mengandung teks ayat Al-Quran melalui kaedah pembakaran secara relau.
Proses relau mampu memuatkan sehingga 100 kilogram bahan dengan kadar suhu 1000 darjah celsius selama 60 minit sehingga menjadi abu.
Kebiasaannya berat 10 kilogram abu akan terhasil daripada proses relau setiap Kali pembakaran, dan sejurus itu fasa penyejukkan dilakukan lebih kurang 24 jam.
Proses ini bagi menghilangkan haba yang menggunakan mesin relau bernilai RM 35,000 ini dilihat mampu menjimatkan kos pelupusan.
Kemudian abu dibancuh bersama air mengikut kelikatan yang sesuai di dalam tong dan dimasukkan ke dalam blok acuan.
Ia akan menjadi adunan seberat lima kilogram serta dijemur selama seminggu di mana proses pengeringan di bawah cahaya matahari bergantung keadaan cuaca supaya menjadi keras, padat dan tidak mudah berderai.
Manakala proses pengurusan abu dilakukan secara teliti dengan membungkus blok abu ke dalam plastik dan disimpan di dalam stor sebelum diangkut ke kapal bagi menghanyutkan abu.
Setelah abu diangkut ke kapal dengan bantuan anggota Polis Marin dan Angkatan Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia, proses terakhir melupuskan abu Al-Quran selesai apabila abu dihanyutkan ke laut.
Sehingga kini sejumlah empat tan abu Al-Quran berjaya dilupuskan ke laut oleh pihak JAIP semenjak tahun 2017 termasuk menerima sebanyak 40 tan keseluruhan bahan mengandungi kalimah ayat Al-Quran daripada pelanggan.
Berdasarkan keputusan Muzakarah Fatwa Kebangsaan ke-30 pada 22 Ogos 1992, memutuskan kaedah pembakaran dan menghanyutkan abu ke laut selain daripada penanaman abu.
Reporter: @[279106405462987:274:Pai Syahira]
PEKAN, Oct 20 - Although the development of the world in the current of the convergens era, the verses of God's love for his servants are never aged and remain a life guide to humans all the time.
The manners of reading and holding the Quran in ablution and the method of forgetting damaged mashaf symbolizing the precision of Islam translates content in the book sent down to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w so that it will continue to be preserved to Muslims.
The obligation to preserve the purity and glory of the Quran is not only when its physical is perfect, even the responsibility as a Muslim is relieved in the process of the orderly Al-Quran.
Pahang News Crew had the opportunity to study the process of Al-Quran with the staff of the Media Filter Unit of the Islamic Religion Division of Pahang (JAIP) at the Al-Quran Glory Center in Pekan, Pa
Earlier the process was held by private parties but the struggle to repress the prostitute of this holy scripture was continued by four JAIP officers since four years ago using the furnace or burning method.
The basic process of gathering of Al-Quran materials begins in all 11 District Islamic Religious Offices across the State of Pahang and is sent to the Al-Quran Glory Center.
Usually acceptance and records from agencies, education institutions and mosques are bulk collected at the center. After weighed the accepted script will be stored in the container store.
Then the extinction process begins by burning the damaged or torn Quran including educational print materials containing the text of Al-Quran verse through the burning method of furnace.
The furnace process can load up to 100 kilograms of material with a temperature rate of 1000 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes until it becomes ashes.
Usually the weight of 10 kilograms of grey will result from the furnace process every time of burning, and immediately the cooling phase is done about 24 hours.
This process to remove heat that uses RM 35,000 worth of furnace machine can save the cost of removal.
Then the ashes are built together with water according to the suitable visibility in the barrel and put in the mold block.
It will be a five-kilogram mix and dried for a week where the drying process in the sun depends on the weather so that it becomes hard, dense and not easily apart.
While the ash management process is thoroughly done by wrapping the grey blocks into plastic and stored in store before being transported to ship to drifting the ashes.
After the ashes were transported to the ship with the help of Marine Police and the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Forces, the final process of releasing Al-Quran ashes completed when the ashes were drowned into the
Until now a total of four tonnes of Al-Quran has been successfully released into the sea by the JAIP since 2017 including receiving 40 tonnes of overall ingredients containing the word of Al-Quran verse from customers.
Based on the 30th National Fatwa Muzakarah results on August 22, 1992, decided to burn and drift ashes into the sea apart from the ash planting.
「god's word verses」的推薦目錄:
god's word verses 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最讚貼文
بِسۡـــــــــمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡـمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِـــــــيمِ
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ
Allah is the Most Merciful of the Merciful
O Allah, blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad
The first time in my life doing Tahajjud Prayer was when I was 41 years old. How ignorant I was at that time.
But Alhamdulillah for those who haven't done it yet, there's still a chance to do. While we are still alive.
I have written this TAHAJJUD circumcision prayer repeatedly but I am not satisfied because I want all my friends to take the opportunity to do so.
When I write this entry, it is in Ramadhan. Which we will wake up for sahur. So, take this opportunity to go for a prayer.
The best time to pray is a third night which is around 3 am.
(One night counts since Isyak time and ends at dawn. Meaning, 1 nights ~ 9 hours. So one third of those last nights were at 1.30 am to 4.30 am).
Prayer of Tahajjud is a night prayer carried out after waking up, the afdal is made alone after midnight. This circumcision prayer is highly claimed and very well done as an additional worship. Rasulullah SAW and friends did not leave this prayer for the rest of their life.
The Word of Allah SWT.:
′′ And at night pray for you as an additional worship for you; May your God lift you up to a place of praise."
(Surah Isra '; verse 79)
Rasulullah SAW said: ′′ Do the night prayer because it is the habit of solihin before you, also a way to get closer to your God, also as the redeemer of all bad deeds, the preventer of sin and can prevent sickness from the body." (Tirmizi's history and Ahmad r.a.)
Sunat prayer of tahajjud is encouraged to be established every night.
We pray for Isyak fardhu in the beginning of time with a bow and wake up then fast to sleep so that we can wake up in the middle of the night to perform the prayer of tahajj
The law of prayer of tahajjud is the circumcision of muakkad - which is the practice of circumcision that is
Rasulullah SAW and friends never leave this prayer for their lifetime.
His own majesty has never left the prayer of Tahajjud circumcision even one night until both of his feet are swollen because of standing too much.
His majesty said what it means;
′′ The most important prayer after the fardu prayer is the night prayer (tahajjjud prayer) ′′
- H. R Muslim
Prayer of tahajjud circumcision is highly encouraged to be done together with prayer of repentance.
Prayer of tahajjud circumcision is done at midnight, which is after 12 pm.
This time is after waking up from sleep in quiet condition when all other humans are sleeping well.
The Word of Allah SWT:
O people who are blanketed! Wake up Tahajjud prayer at night, apart from a little time (which cannot be rested), which is half of the night, or lessen a little of the half, or more of the second and read the Quran slowly.
- Surah al-Muzzammil verse 1-4
- As a sign of slavery to Allah SWT.
- Closing a servant with his Creator
- Signs of human gratitude for the blessings of Allah SWT.
- Strengthening the soul and piety of a person to Allah SWT.
- Getting calm in facing challenges and challenges of life.
Prayer of Tahajjud is done without its rakaat, according to its ability and ability, with every two rakaat one greeting. If you feel heavy, you'll just have two rakaats but you'll be done continuously every night.
Rasulullah SAW has said,:
′′ The practice that is loved by Allah, is the continuous (persistence) even though a little."
(History by Bukhari and Muslim from Aisyah. )
The implementation of this way of prayer for tahajjud prayer is the same as other circumcision prayers.
There is no God but You, Glory to You! I ask for forgiveness from You for my sins and I ask You for Your Mercy. Oh my God! Add me knowledge and don't give my heart after You give guidance. And give me Your Mercy; Truly You are the one who bestows blessings! Praise be to Allah who has brought me alive and to Him is my return.
(Ushalli sunnat tahajjudi rak 'ataini Lillahi ta' ala)
I pray for two rakaat Tahajjud circumcision, because of Allah Ta ' ala.
First rakaat: Verse Al-Chair (7 times)
Second rakaat: Surah Al-Ikhlas (11 times)
First rakaat: Ayat Al-Kaafirun
Second rakaat: Surah Al-Ikhlas
The Last 10 Verse, Surah Al-Imran,.
(Rasulullah SAW often reads this on His Majesty's Tahajjud )
The Advantages of TAHAJJUD PRAYER
- Tahajjud is the most afdal prayer of circumcision.
- Prayers answered by Allah.
- Earning peace of soul.
- Feeling close to Allah SWT.
- Given privilege by Allah SWT.
- Get God's help and blessings.
- Beating the distractions and temptations of the devil.
- Prevent sin and avoid sickness.
- Becoming more disciplined in doing the task.
- Allah SWT makes it easy to receive the knowledge learned.
- Out of notes as a neglected group.
- Respected by the community and prevented from human envy.
- Allah SWT gives you lasting ease and sustenance.
- People praying for Tahajjud becomes the love of Allah SWT.
- Given a privilege that others don't get.
- Get the glory of Allah SWT in this world and the hereafter.
- Raise the dignity of a servant in the presence of Allah Azza Wa Jalla.
- Ease the reckoning in the afterlife and crossing Titian Siratal-Mustaqim.
That's how the advantages of prayer sunat tahajjud which is fulfilled in prayer, calm heart and mind, easy fortune and receive protection from human betrayal.
The most important thing is this time the door of repentance is wide open.
Rasulullah SAW said:
′′ Do the night prayer because it is the habit of solihin before you, also a way to get closer to your God, also as the redeemer of all bad deeds, the repellent of sin and can obstruct disease ′′
(The history of Tirmizi and Ahmad R. A)
(I've written this before...)
- Before going to bed, intend to do Tahajjud Prayer.
- Stay away from sin.
- Simple eating and drinking at noon.
- Reading the verses of the Quran.
Rasulullah SAW said:
′′ Whoever wants to sleep and intends to rise up to perform the Tahajjud Circumcision Prayer, then sleep is too much until the morning, then the intention is recorded as a reward, while his sleep is considered as the gift of God given to him."
(The history of al-Nasa ' i and Ibnu Majah r.a.)
According to Imam al-Ghazali, there are four reasons for the world and four spiritual reasons to help someone tahajjud.
Because the world is:
- Avoid over eating and drinking that will only cause excessive sleep
- Don't explode with things that are not useful during the day.
- Sleeping for a while at noon which will help us for night prayers.
- No sin during the day which it may prevent us from performing tahajjud prayers
Because of his spirituality is:
- To cleanse our hearts from any hate towards other Muslims.
- To always have fear in our hearts towards God and realize that our lives are very short.
- To understand the benefits of tahajjud.
- To love Allah, and have strong faith when we wake up the night prayer 'calling' Allah.
1. Away From All Diseases
Salman Al-Farisi tells, Rasulullah SAW once said;
Do the night prayer, because it is the habit of the religious people before you, the way closer to God, the redeemer, the repellent of sin, and the preventer of disease."
2. Blessed with the Impact on the Face
Have you seen the faces of worship members who practice night prayers?
Doesn't their faces look radiant and calm?
That's the proof of the gift that Allah gave him.
Not only that, by seeing their faces we feel happy and happy, even feel like seeing it many times.
3. Loved By All Humans
Whoever practices night worship will surely be loved by every human being, let alone by Allah SWT.
That's the characteristics of those who believe and do good deeds with Allah will surely receive love from anyone.
4. Conversations And His Acts Contains Wisdom (Wisdom)
Indeed, the characteristics of those who believe are those who keep their manners and speech.
This group certainly does not speak any neglect but their words are useful and wisdom.
As well as in deeds and actions of those who always try to stay away from things that neglect and race to do good that get closer to Allah SWT.
5. Blessed With Strength And Fortune (Halal and Blessed)
By fulfilling every charity of worship to Allah SWT, no matter what his worship will surely be fulfilled with abundant provisions, such as good food, health, happy family and others.
Even every provision will be blessed by Allah SWT.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you
Take a stand.
Once asked, many Allah brought.
Dzuriasikim DzulkefliTranslated