【#驴友分享】RM1057玩转泰国曼谷 Bangkok +考艾 Khaoyai 🇹🇭
5天4夜闺蜜之旅 ✈
❤RM1057 费用包括机票,交通,住宿以及入门票。
💹汇率 : 12.5 (这是2018年5月的汇率哦)
➡最近的汇率已经升到12.30了 ❗❗
✈ 机票:RM345.30(Air Asia 包括四個人共用的去50kg 行李 回75kg行李)
🏢住宿 : RM335.80(我們都是在Agoda預定的喔)
🚇+🚕交通费: RM309.82
📡Wifi : RM9.54 (True move,20GB,7天)
🎫入门票: RM56.25
BTS from Ratchathewi to Siam Station
💰 64baht(4person)
BTS from Phaya Thai to Mochit
💰 148baht (4person)
(RM6.63/ person)
🚕 Grab
Dmk airport to Cubic Pratunam hotel
💰 319baht(4person)
Chatukchak to siam
💰183baht (4 person)
📌Total = 502baht (RM62.75)
(RM15.69/ person)
🚕 TukTuk
Siam area to Pratunam area
💰 100baht
Big C to Cubic Pratunam hotel
💰 100bahtfrom
📌Total = 200baht (RM25)
(RM6.25/ person )
🚙 包车 : 9000 baht(RM1125)
💟 考艾三天两夜来回,包括回程的时候载我们到dmk机场。
💟 司机服务态度一级棒,有礼貌,重点是很会抓角度拍照,还可以充当私人摄影师呢 👍
💟 车很新很舒服, 就算乘载4个乘客加上我们四个大行李箱也不会窄 车型是 fortuner 。
🔔 强力推荐要找司机游泰国的可以联系他,這裡附上司機的聯繫方式。
💌 Facebook :Kungthailand Sawudee
「旅行必备 Wifi」
📲 电话卡299 baht(RM37.37)
➡我们用的是True move,20GB,7天。
1.The Bloom - 200baht
2.Primo Piazza - 200baht
Hobbit - 50 baht
📌Total= 450baht (RM56.25/ person)
📪21/1,13Khwaeng Thanon Phaya Thai,Khet Ratchathewi,10400,Thailand
💰 RM454.86(4person,2room)
💰 RM113.72(/ person)
✨ 这是我们在bangkok第一晚和第二晚住的酒店。
✨ 酒店有提供 7*24 小時 tuk tuk去三个主要的路线哦。
✨ 步行五分钟就到能到达Pratunam market
✨ 步行大约3分钟就到达7-11和Family mart
✨ 酒店lobby就有按摩服务了哦,手藝还不賴(但是需要自行付費喔,價錢可以接受,不貴)
✨只是晚上從Pratunam market的方向回酒店,女生就有點危險喔,因為酒店周圍蠻安靜的,位置也在比較裡面。
干净度⭐ ⭐ ⭐
服务态度⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
方便度⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
(5个⭐ 为满)
2.Pino Hotel
📪 地址:8 ,Pakchong-Subsanoon Rd., Pak Chong 30130, Thailand
💰 RM285.66(2room,4person)
💰 RM71.42(1person)
✨ 接待处有饼干和水可以免費享用。
✨ 柜台的接待员都很有礼貌。
✨ 這個價錢,能有這麼大的房间很可以,厕所也是很乾淨喔。
✨ 唯一的缺點就是廁所的水會時冷時熱,水溫有點難控制。
干净度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
服务态度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
方便度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐
3.U Khao Yai
📪 地址: 99/22 Moo 1, Mu Si, Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima 30130泰国
💰 RM602.54
(4person,2 superior rooms)
💰 RM150.64(1person)
✨这间酒店其中一个特色是24小時住滿制度,就是指隨時可以辦理入住,而且可以住滿24小時哦,例如你早上9点办理入住,你就可以住到隔天早上9点才办理退房手续,超值得的有没有 😍
✨ 在接待处check in 後,每間房就可以得到一个免費的手工皂 ,肥皂的香味可以自己選擇和附送一些酒店按摩Spa回扣卷。
✨ 酒店的设备齐全,如泳池,游戏房,健身房,按摩院,樣樣齊全。
✨ 酒店有免费的早餐,可选择buffet或者有Room breakfast以便不方便到餐廳享用的住客,超貼心的有沒有!
✨酒店早餐真心很好吃呀 😋
✨ 酒店的每个地方都是你的伸展舞蹈,隨便一拍都是美景。
✨ 每間房可以任拿房間的兩瓶饮料。(飲料選擇有啤酒,可樂,Sprite,果汁等等任君選擇)
✨ 房间里備有浴袍,可以用来拍装逼照😂
✨ 房間的阳台看出去都是美丽的风景,不管是在房內還是房外,都能感受到自己被大自然包围,真的很棒 👍👍
服务态度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
方便度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐
干净度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
【Day 1⃣ 曼谷 Bangkok】
1.🏠 Check in CUBIC hotel
2.☕ B-story ⭐
✨ 以旧教堂改建,歌德式的咖啡厅。
✨ 價錢方面不会太贵哦,在可以接受的範圍內,重点是环境超級棒的。
✨ 特定的咖啡会有3D立体拉花哦。
✨ 地點就在Ratchathewi BTS 旁边,方便。
👍 必去哦😍
3.🛍 Siam Square
4.💄 Stylenanda Pink Hotel
📪 地址: Siam square, Soi 5 Bangkok,Thailand
⏰ 营业时间: 10am-9pm
✨ 在韩国🇰🇷 超夯的3CE终于在泰国曼谷也有分店啦😍
✨ 并不是真的是酒店,而是以酒店为名,集合了3CE美妆,Stylenanda服饰和Pink Pool Cafe咖啡馆的地方。
✨ 整个建筑物都是以粉色为主,简直爆发了我的少女心💕
✨ 粉粉的裝修,每個角落都可以讓你拍得美美的。
👍 必去😍
5.👗 Choosedress
✨ 這一家是 以 Fashion & Spa 的集合點,是曼谷少女人氣服飾店之一。
✨ 主要是賣少女服飾,而二樓還備有試衣間,第三樓則是美甲美髮店,叫Sleep salon & nails,顧名思義就是要讓每個到此一遊的你們沈睡在美甲美髮之中。
✨ 衣服價錢会有点稍贵,但是在這裡有試衣間,可以先試了衣服是否適合再消費。
✨ 衣服風格都會偏韓風,每一件都是精挑細選。
6.👗 Cintage School
📪 地址:Siam square Soi 10, Bangkok
⏰ 营业时间: 11am – 9pm
✨ 分为3层哦
✨ 低层是服装店,售卖很多韩式服装。
✨ 2楼是Bonnie Studio,可以在这里做指甲哦,但是需要付費喔。
✨ 3楼就是咖啡厅啦。
✨ 里面有很多幻色系的蛋糕和饮料。
📪 地址:Siam Square Soi 7, Bangkok
⏰ 营业时间:12pm – 9pm
✨ 第三層的Pink Planter Cafe咖啡廳以粉红色和火烈鸟为主题。
✨ 楼下两层为MatchBox服饰店
✨在這裡拍照也是美美的,愛拍照的絕不能錯過 !
✨ 楼上就是Pink Planter cafe,價錢和味道都屬於中等。
👍 必去❤
✨ 超齐全的化妆品店
✨ 不管是泰国本地人使用的化妆品又或者国际出名的化妆品都有賣喔。
9.🌙 MBK Night Market
✨ 在eveanbody附近就有的night market.
10.🍽 Inter since1981
✨ 是一个超过31年的老店,食物选择很多,老字号平价泰菜,重点是价钱便宜又好吃哦。
✨ 就连当地人都常去的餐厅,当然也少不了满满的游客。
✨建议你们尽量避免用餐高峰期 ,不然就要排队啰。
✨ 推荐炸鸡和Stir Fried pork with garlic and pepper on rice。
11.🍸 Red sky bar
📪 地址:999/99 Rama 1 Road,Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
👗 Dress code applies: Smart Casual, no singlets, flips flops, sport shorts
⏰ 營業時間:16:00 - 01:00 hrs
🔥 Happy Hours : 16:00 - 18:00 hrs
✨ 先搭电梯到22楼Lobby Reception ,再搭升降机到Centara Grand 酒店的55楼。
✨ Happy hours 还会有buy 1 free 1的饮料哦。
✨ Minimum spend 一杯饮料。
✨ 在Red sky bar可以365度俯视整个曼谷城市的夜景。
✨ 只要有消费就会有免费三种口味的花生哦,是可以免费refill的。
12.🛍 Central World
✨ Central world是由三個百貨組合而成,彼此相連:Zen百貨、世貿中心(Central world plaza)、伊勢丹百貨(iSETAN)
✨ 一楼就有赫赫有名的Naraya啦!
🚉 交通:BTS捷運Chit Lom奇隆站往1號出口方向直走,可由天橋進入百貨。
📪 地址:Ratchadamri Road ,Patumwan, Bangkok
⏰ 營業時間:10a.m.-10p.m.
13. 🛍 Big C Supermarket
📪 地址:97/11 Rajdamri Road,Lumpini,Pathumwan,Bangkok
⏰ 營業時間:早上9點到晚上12點或凌晨2點
✨Central world过天桥,对面就是bic C啦。
✨ 市中心蛮大间的Big C ,不管是药妆零食样样齐全。
✨ 在这里就是疯狂的买,买,买!
✨ 这里super rich的汇率也是还不错的哦 。
✨Super rich有好几间分行,建議在泰國想換錢的,可以找super rich喔,因為Super rich的汇率在曼谷都是比较好的。
【Day 2⃣ 曼谷 Bangkok】
1.🛍 Chatuchak Weekend Market 洽圖洽週末市集
✨从BTS(Phaya Thai)站到BTS (Mo Chit N8)
✨一下站就是就能看到Chatuchak 市集啦。
⏰ 开放时间:每周六、日开放。平日部分店铺开放。
🚌 公交车: 3, 8, 28, 38, 39, 44, 59, 77, 134, 136, 138, 145
🚃 地铁 MRT : 在 [ Kampaeng Phet ] 站出来,出口就有周末市场的地图。
🚉 轻轨 BTS : 坐BTS的Sukhumvit线,在北部终点 [ Mo Chit ] 站下车。
2. Siam area 走走
3.🛍 Platinum Fashion Mall
📪 地址:542/21-22 Petchaburi road, Petchaburi road district, Rachateewe Bangkok 10400
✨如果沒有時間到洽圖洽市集逛的 也可以來這裡逛逛喔 這裡賣的衣服飾品很多 價位也很便宜 畢竟是走低價位的 所以也會時不時看到當地人來批貨,只是遊客拿的價格可能會不太一樣喔。
✨ 晚餐或午餐可以選擇在最頂層的foodcourt用餐哦,這裡的猪脚饭超级赞啦,推荐推荐👍😍
🚇 交通路線:出BTS捷運chit lom奇隆站往1號口方向的Central World世貿中心百貨走。
⏰ 營業時間:9a.m. -8p.m.,不過每家店的營業時間不同。不要四、五點才來逛水門市場,很多店家可能早就先關了。
4.🌙Pratunam night market
✨近期泰国超火红的red apple 和maltini能在这里找到,而且价钱都只是100baht,是比较了很多地方得出来的结果,这里是最便宜而且款式比较多的😍
5.💆Arunda Thai Massage
📪14,Soi Phetchaburi 15,Thanon Phayathai Ratchathewi Bangkok,10400,Thailand
✨在Spenza 酒店的隔壁哦。
✨我们选择foot massage,250baht按摩1小时,个人觉得是蛮值得,重点是这里的手艺很好。
【Day 3⃣ 考艾 Khaoyai】
1. Check out Cubic Hotel ,Depart to khaoyai 🚗
✨考艾Khaoyai 距离曼谷市中心2个小时半的车程,你们可选择包车或自驾,但是不建议塔巴士或火车去,因为考艾是個比較偏遠的小鎮没有什么grab car喔。
2.🐮 Dairy Home Factory
3.🍸 PB Valley Khao Yai Winery
📪 地址: 02/2 Moo 5, Mitraparp Road Payayen Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30320
⏰ 开放时间:8:30a.m.-下午4:30p.m.
💰 费用: 入场免费(但是品酒行程每人需200泰铢, 约RM 24)
✨ 这里的员工会根据你的品酒爱好,推荐给你不同的酒。
✨ 可以选择性,付费参观酒的制作过程
4.🌸 The Bloom
📪 地址: 357 Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima, Phayayen, 30320
⏰ 开放时间:7a.m.-8p.m.
💰 费用: 200baht(Set 1)
Set 1- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water =200baht
Set 2- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water + lunch/dinner =300baht
Set 3- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water+ appetizer =300baht
Set 4- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water + steak =400baht
Set 5 - ticket + golf + drink + cake + water + appetizer + lunch/ dinner =400baht
Set 6- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water + appetizer + steak =500baht
✨ 一座超过100英亩的超大花园,整座花园被无数美丽花朵装饰、点缀着。
✨ 超过30种花可以让你看个饱哦。
✨ 每个角落都是拍照的好地方啊😍 哪有一个女生可以抵住花的诱惑呢😍
✨考艾是12月到1月才有太阳花看, 但是我们7月去, 这里也可以看到少许太阳花。
(必去👍 )
5.🍽 505 Kawhom Main Kitchen
6.☕ The bridge’s lodge
✨ 建筑物是以木建成的,建筑物旁还围绕着很多綠色植物,絕對是拍照打卡的好地方啊,
7.🏰 Primo Piazza
📪 地址: 861 Moo 6, Thanarat Road, Tambol Nong Nam Daeng, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30130
⏰ 开放时间:9a.m.-10p.m.
💰 费用: 200baht
✨这里不像piazza palio是意大利风特色商城,它是一间主题餐厅!
✨这里最大的主角,不用我介绍就知道是可爱到爆炸的羊驼和草泥马 😍
✨不想在这里用餐也没关系 也是有好多拍照打卡的地方 一定要拍得够哦 才能把200baht入门票赚回呢!
8.🍽 Midwinter Green
📪 Address: 10 88/88 Soi Ban Sai Thong Mu 24 Soi 2, Nong Nam Daeng, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30130, Thailand
⏰ 营业时间: 10am-10pm
✨ 这家餐厅是在一个具有中古欧洲风的城堡里面,从餐厅的外观上看,你可以看到一个德国式城堡,有着中世纪的屋顶和高塔,外观非常壮观吸睛 。
9.🏠 Check in PINO Hotel
10.🏃 Pak Chong Night Market
✨ 一小圈就可以走完。
✨ 售卖衣服,食物和一些小饰品。
✨ 晚餐可以在这里解决哦。
【Day 4⃣ 考艾 Khaoyai】
1.🏠 Check out PINO Hotel
2.🔮 Hobbit House
📪 地址: 292 Moo 15 Tambon Lat Bua Sikhio Nakhon Ratchasima 30340
💰 入场费: 50baht
💰 Dressing booth : 100baht
✨ Hobbit house是一家网红酒店,但因为它的设计独特,很多旅客都慕名来拍照。分成3个主题,Hobbit , Santorini 和卡通。
✨去不到纽西兰的Hobbiton,就去考艾的hobbit house吧!去到那里,仿佛身处纽西兰的感觉。
(必去👍 )
3.🏰 My Ozone
📪 地址: 334 Moo 6, Tambon Wang sai, Amper Pak chong,Nakhon Ratchasima, 30130 Ban Wang Sai, Thailand
✨ 超像童话故事城堡的五星级酒店。
✨号称考艾小城堡 🏰周围被绿油油的草原给包围着,会有种穿越到童话故事化身为小公主/小王子的feel~
✨ 只要付100baht还可以体验骑马,驯马师会让马带着你绕马场一圈哦。
4. 🏰 Thames Valley
📪 地址:999 Moo 4, Moosi, Pakchong, Nakorn Ratchasima 30130
✨ 独特的英式风格酒店 酒店外有个花园迷宫,可以悠闲散步之余还可以玩起抓迷藏呢!
✨ 就算不是这里的住客,还是可以免费到里面拍照的哦,因为这里每个角落都是拍照的好地方,还会让你越来越上瘾
✨如果有在The castle restaurant或 The Castle tearoom消费的就不需要另附泊车费哦,没有消费的则需付泊车费哟。
✨ 喜欢喝下午茶的,可以到The castle tea room享受贵妇下午茶哦。
5.🏰 Check in U Khao Yai
【Day 5⃣ 考艾 Khaoyai】
1.🏠 Check out U Khao Yai
2.🍽 Krua khaoyai Restaurant
📪地址27 Moo 7, Thanarat Rd., Tambon Moosie
⏰ 营业时间 : 9am-8pm (open daily)
✨服务员会听英文 ,所以沟通是沒有問題的喔。
✨ 价钱属于中上,但是很合理哦。
✨ 味道很不错,餐厅设计就犹如一般餐厅,无特别之处。
✨推荐Pork spare rib 和 Deep Fried Mango Fish👍👍
3.🏰 Palio
📪 地址 : Tambon Mu Si, Amphoe Pak Chong, Chang Wat Nakhon Ratchasima 30130, Thailand
⏰ 营业时间 : 10am-7pm
✨ 很漂亮的意大利风特色商城,里面有各式各样的风格小店。
✨ 一定要拍照打卡的地方哦,这里简直是愛拍照的人的天堂😍
✨在里面真的会忘我的以为置身在意大利街头呢 😝
(必去👍 )
4.🛍 Premium Outlet Khao Yai
✨ 只有一些比较有名的服装和鞋子牌子,但选择不多。
✨ 售卖的东西还算便宜。
5.🛬 出发dmk机场,We‘re Back!
🔍在曼谷市区,一班朋友或三四人旅行的,建议可以选择搭乘Grab Car,因為幾個人平分價錢就像搭Bts一樣,对于第一次使用grab car的用户,有discount code使用哦,相较起Tuk tuk 可以坐得比较舒服又没那么危险哦。
🔍Tuk tuk车有很多都是可以减价的,通常他们开口喊的第一口价是会比较贵的,尽量减价,敢敢减价,价钱不满意可以再问其他的。
🔍有兴趣前往考艾 Khaoyai的,建议有朋友会驾车,可以选择自驾,会省很多哦,只是驾车的朋友可能会比较累,但是考艾很多地点都可以用waze去,不用担心会迷路哦。
🔍 泰国真的泰好买,泰好玩了!
💕有什么疑问的朋友们也可以留言或者私信 Sii Siok Huei
🔻作者闺蜜👭们的IG 🔻
📷 siokhuei97
📷 shutenq0212_
📷 evelynzhuu
📷 zhien.0929
#泰國 #曼谷 #考艾 #欢迎私聊投稿
同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅エマチャンネル,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Inter Factory → https://zozo.jp/?c=gr&did=94810907 動画を見ていただきありがとうございます! 正直ここ数ヶ月間は本当に辛くて、人生で最も大きな挫折を経験した期間でした。 そんな中でも、同じような境遇に遭ったことのある方々からの温かい励ましの言葉や...
inter factory 在 張國耀 Chong Kok Yew Photography Facebook 的最佳貼文
2016中國大陸連州國際攝影年展 (2016 LIANZHOU FOTO, China )
再凝望-台灣當代攝影的新視野 (Yet Another Gaze – A New Horizon for Contemporary Taiwanese Photography) (海報設計 / 湯詠棉)
策展人 / Curator : 沈昭良 (Chao – Liang Shen)
藝術家 / Artist : 李立中 (Li - Chung Lee) – 神遊 (Space Out), 李岳凌 (Yehlin Lee) – 黑暗聆聽(Listening to the dark), 李雅妍 (Ya - Yen Lee) – 俄頃的呢喃 (Flash of Whispering), 杜韻飛 (Yun - Fei Tou) – 生殤相(MEMENTO MORI), 陳以軒 (I - Hsuen Chen) – 遍尋無處 (Nowhere in Taiwan), 陳伯義 (Po - I Chen) – 遺留 (Remains), 陳淑貞 (Shu - Chen Chen) – 婚移全家福 (Interracial marriage family portrait), 黃建樺 (Chien - Hua Huang ) – 編碼者 (Transcoder), 羅晟文 (Sheng - Wen Lo) – 白熊計劃 (White Bear), 蕭又滋 (Arron Hsiao) – 列車計畫 (Train Project) 。
開幕導覽 / Guided Tours : 2016. 11. 20 / PM : 18 : 30 - 19 : 45
地點 / Location : 二鞋厂3、5 展示区 / Shoe Factory - Display Area 3 & 5
展期 / Duration : 2016. 11. 19. - 12. 9
再凝望 - 台灣當代攝影的新視野
文 / 沈昭良
其中,攝影創作的發展,自然也在這種內外衝擊的交流轉向中,一方面逐步調整視覺語法,一方面扎根於在地關注、全球論述與數位融合的基礎上,透過直視景物、排除 / 貫徹個人情感、對於生命哲理與存在價值的探究、關注人類與環境間的議題,數位材料技術的引用,以及大尺幅或視覺群化展示等等形式特徵,具體產生了各式發想自現實題材,時而宏觀遠眺,時而微觀凝視的創作。
此次的<再凝望-台灣當代攝影的新視野>展,則是在上述的發展脈絡下,針對台灣內部,相對具備特定方向與論述的攝影創作內容,所進行的集結與梳理。包括杜韻飛(Yun-fei Tou)的「生殤相」 (MEMENTO MORI),藉由西方藝術史裏的肖像語境,拍攝台灣數家公立收容所內的流浪犬,於安樂死當日的最後身影。在觀看與被觀看、主體與客體的轉換中,以接近人身大小的作品展示,探討人類與他者間的支配與宰制關係。羅晟文 (Sheng-wen Lo)的「白熊計劃」 (White Bear),則是透過在全球各地所拍攝,人類圈養的白熊與其所處的人造環境,進而延伸人與自然環境、動物圈養及動物權等命題。
陳以軒 (I-hsuen Chen)的「遍尋無處」(Nowhere in Taiwan),主要描述自身因為留學而經歷了反向的文化衝擊,在非純粹風景與城市景觀的曖昧交界,透過公路攝影,不自覺望向孤立疏離的自我身影。李岳凌 (Yehlin Lee)的「黑暗聆聽」(Listening to the Dark),試著將抽像聽覺做為視覺書寫的因子,隨著攝影,徘徊在日沒微光的幽暗邊界。李雅妍 (Ya-yen Lee)的「俄頃的呢喃」 (Flash of Whispering),則是藉移動在都市裏的無預警遭遇,透過直覺反射式的隨機抓拍,一方面回應來自城市街頭的呢喃召喚,一方面探索周遭景物與自身靈魂間的密碼囈語。
陳淑貞 (Shu-chen Chen)的「婚移全家福」 (Interracial marriage family portrait)系列作品,內容聚焦在外籍配偶的家庭合照。藉由她們所居住的空間、內部陳設與神韻樣態,進一步思考異國婚姻在語言、文化、習慣乃至於信仰的融匯上,可能的和諧與曲折。蕭又滋 (Arron Hsiao)的「列車計畫」 (TRAIN PROJECT)則是搭配高速閃光燈,以無差別的隨機方式,拍攝快速行進中的列車車廂,呈現個體在封閉空間與人群中的精神樣態。陳伯義(Po-i Chen)的「遺留」(Remains)系列,主要拍攝台灣自1949年起至1960年代,來自中國大陸各省的國民黨部隊及眷屬所居住的眷村,在拆遷後現場所遺留的物件,藉以回溯在大時代下的顛沛遷徙,所隱含的政治、社會、族群與認同議題。李立中(Li-chung Lee)的「神遊」 (Space Out),則是針對現今台灣廟宇內部的空間採集,探索靈界的空間配置在現代化進程中,展現的特異與多元組合。
另外在數位攝影的創作實踐上,黃建樺(Chien-hua Huang )的「編碼者」(Transcoder),透過詼諧馳騁卻猶如社會縮影的樂園,試圖在社會形態、生存機制與角色身份的相互指涉中,折射出人們對於世界的想像與追尋。
Yet Another Gaze – A New Horizon for Contemporary Taiwanese Photography
By Chao-liang Shen
The evolution of the creation of art in Taiwan as a whole has been calling for an answer to the structural questions of the times since Martial Law was abolished in 1987. Undoubtedly, through tracing back to the sources of history and the origin of the homeland, artists have been able to focus on agendas that are closer to reality and the correction of ideology, leveraging individual or compound cases of life, ecology, environment, the city, space, energy, consumption power, authority, colonization, nation, globalization, post-industrial revolution, and inner searching.
Amid these topics, the development of photography naturally echoes the aforesaid internal and external shocks and changes, and different visual languages have gradually been generated. Moreover, photographers have begun to plant their creative roots in the combination of local focus, global discourse, and digital convergence. These concepts are characterized by direct view, including and excluding one’s emotions, combing through life philosophy and the value of existence, addressing human-environment relations, borrowing digital material or techniques, large-scale pieces, conceptual grouping, and so on. All of these have led to concrete creations inspired by real-life topics in views both macro and micro.
The “Yet Another Gaze – A New Horizon for Contemporary Taiwanese Photography” exhibition collects and combs through the aforementioned context, featuring Taiwanese photography pieces with specific angles or arguments. MEMENTO MORI by Yun-fei Tou presents euthanasia in a couple of public animal shelters in Taiwan with the images of the stray dogs on the last day of their lives through portrait works in the style of western art history. Switching roles between the gazing and the gazed-upon, or the subject and the object, the influx of true-to-size photography works probe the dominance relationship between human beings and others. White Bear by Sheng-wen Lo, on the other hand, discusses topics extending to animal rights and captive breeding from the interactions between human and Mother Nature through images, taken all over the world, of captive white bears and the artificial environment in which they are fenced.
Nowhere in Taiwan from I-hsuen Chen mainly illustrates the photographer’s reverse culture shock after returning home from studying overseas. On the vague line between atypical sceneries and city landscape, the photographer looks into his own isolated and lonely shadow. Listening to the Dark by Yehlin Lee attempts to write visually through the abstract sense of hearing. The photographer has been wandering along the dim boundaries in the low light of sunset with his camera. Flash of Whispering by Ya-yen Lee is a collection of reflective snapshots as the response to the summons of the city streets. The images are the code-talk of her surroundings and her soul.
Interracial marriage family portrait by Shu-chen Chen features portraits of foreign spouses and their family in Taiwan. Through representation in details of their facial expressions and living space and interior decorations in their families, Chen’s images demonstrate both harmony and conflicts reflected in the contrasts of their languages, culture, habits and regional beliefs. TRAIN PROJECT by Arron Hsiao uses high-speed flash to engage in a “shooting spree” to capture moving trains. The photographer intends to show the psychological states of individuals in a confined space and among crowds. Remains from Po-i Chen mainly shoots the things left behind by the families of KMT troops who moved from various provinces in China to Taiwan from 1949 to 1960 in their military villages after the demolition and relocation of the military communities. The photographer reviews the historical journey as well as hidden political, social, racial and identity debates. Space Out from Li-chung Lee focuses on picking up of pieces of space in Taiwanese temples to build his narration of the bizarre and diverse combination of space planning of the invisible world in modernization.
On the implementation and practice of digital photography, Transcoder by Chien-hua Huang seeks the refraction of people’s imagination and wants of the world through inter-references of forms of society, the survival mechanism, and role/identity playing in humorous ways, as if society were an entertainment park.
In conclusion, I hope that the group exhibition “Yet Another Gaze - New Horizon of Contemporary Taiwanese Photography” can bring together the creative momentum of the new generation in Taiwan to portray the gazes and steps of the stage we are now at as part of the progress of global modern photography.
inter factory 在 Ccc旅行攝 Facebook 的最佳貼文
6月12-20不丹團 揪人
今年尼泊爾爬山完之後想要繞去大吉嶺一趟 發現有充裕的時間可以再回不丹一次 聯絡了之前去不丹的旅遊公司的CEO (上次去玩完之後成為好友 也介紹一些朋友給他)發現6月有兩個慶典可以參加 請他給我行程 因為有認識 所以只要我們湊團到10人以上 陸路進出9天8夜一人只要1550美金(和簽證費)「註通常一人一晚最低消費是250美」
這兩個慶典都在很少人去的不丹中部 拉車時間比較長 但是是看到跟格魯派(我們熟知的達賴喇嘛-黃帽)不同(藏傳佛教)教派的噶舉派慶典 (面具舞等等)
吃住交通導遊都包含 我當時只有買明信片郵票跟啤酒有花到錢, 住宿都是3星旅館有wifi 或者不錯的不丹建築民宿
想要陸路進出的順變跟我去大吉嶺錫金品茶的 我可以跟你們在Siliguri (機場是Bagdogra目前查到國泰或者華航+印度捷特航空從台北經印度德里到Bagdogra 6/8-6/21 都是台幣24300左右) 碰面 我可以帶你們搭公車到邊界
飛機進出的自理台北-曼谷航線 (威航虎航都是不錯的便宜選擇飛DMK, 價格都在7-8000左右 只是大家要記得跟去不丹是不同機場BKK)我們在不丹見
至於曼谷不丹部分 我查到的機票時間如下 目前來回官網查到是是$635 (~21300台幣)(還沒收到旅行社報價越晚訂越貴)
6/12 KB 141 BANGKOK 09:00 PARO 12:35
6/20 KB 130 PARO 13:35 BANGKOK 18:45
有超過10-15人我才能有這個好價錢 不然就放棄啦 有什麼問題盡量問我啊
09 Days 08 Nights Bhutan Tour(Drive In Drive Out)
June 12th 2016 (陸路)- Day 01: Drive Phuntsholing Punakha (175 km + 75 km, 8-9 hrs drive)
After arrive in Phuntsholing in the morning and done with Immigrations formalities we drive to Thimphu and the drive to Punakha.
陸路有點顛簸 但是多參觀了邊界的不丹小城Phuntsholing 一路上有好多時間跟導遊聊天 當時問了了很多不丹的風俗飲食宗教家庭等等的問題 會暈車的請自備藥物
Dinner & O/N Hotel Lobesa or Similar
June 12th 2016 - Day 01 (飛機進不丹): Arrive Paro by Air & transfer to Punakha via Thimphu (55 km + 75 km, approx 4.1/2 hours drive)
After arrive in Paro International Air-Port, Greet by BHT team & Transfer to Thimphu for lunch . After lunch we will visit Memorail Chorten built in the memory of the late King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, & Dive to Punakha.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Lobesa or Similar
June 13th 2016 - Day 02: Punakha – Bumthang ( 212 km 8-9 hrs)
After breakfast we will we will drive full day through thick vegetations and many species of rhododendron & high passes of Pele-La (3150 mtrs), crossing Trongsa and visit Trongsa Dzong. Built in 1648, it was the seat of power over central and eastern Bhutan. Both the first and second kings of Bhutan ruled the country from this ancient seat. All four kings were invested as Trongsa Penlop (“governor”) prior to ascending the throne. The dzong is a massive structure with many levels, sloping down the contours of the ridge on which it is built. Because of the dzong’s highly strategic position, on the only connecting route between east and west, the Trongsa Penlop was able to control effectively the whole of the central and eastern regions of the country from here.
We drive and cross a small pass arrive Bumthang.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Mepham Guest house or Similar
June 14th 2016 - Day 03: Bumthang.
Today Morning after breakfast we will drive to visit Mebar Tsho - the Burning Lake. According to the legend Terton Pema Lingpa had a vision of the sacred treasures that Guru Rimpoche had hidden within the lake centuries earlier. However the people of Tang and the local ruler were cynical of his claims. In order to prove his claims, Pema Lingpa held a butter lamp in his hand as he jumped into the lake. After remaining under water for a long time he re-emerged holding a chest and a scroll of paper with the butter lamp held in his hand still burning bright. Thereafter, the lake came to be known as Mebartsho (the burning Lake).
The Burning Lake, Mebar Tsho is located along the way to the Tang village ,over the feeder road under Bumthang valley. It takes approximately thirty minutes drive to the Mebar Tsho from Chamkhar town.
Mebar Tsho is considered one of the most sacred sites in the region as it is related to the renowned religious treasure reveler (Terton) Terton Pema Lingpa. Pema Lingpa is considered an incarnated disciple of Padmasambhava who discovered treasure within the lake in late 15th century.
Today this small fresh water lake is a sacred pilgrimage site for the Bhutanese with bright multicolored prayer flags surrounding it and a small altar dedicated to Terton Pema Lingpa has also been set up. On auspicious days people offer butter lamps at the lake. Many tourist visit the site to observe spectacular beauty of this important historical and religious site.
Then we drive back to Chumey and witness the festival.
Nimalung Lhakhang is located in Chumey in Bumthang. It is approximately a 15 minute drive from the road that branches off from the village of Chumey.
The Lhakhang was co-founded by Dasho Gonpo Dorji and Doring Trulku Jamyang Kunzang, the third mind-aspect reincarnation of Terton Jigme Lingpa in 1935.
The main relic of the two-storied temple is a magnificent statue of Guru Rimpoche. The monastery is decorated with murals of the Nyingmapa and Drukpa traditions. There are also paintings of Guru Rimpoche and his disciples, the lineage of Terton Pema Lingpa, and several Buddhist masters affiliated with the monastery.
One of the most important festivals held at the Lhakhang is the Kaling Zhitro Drubchen. It was initiated by Doring Trulku and he was the first person to have started the rite in Bhutan. It is held on the first fifteen days of the first month of the Bhutanese calendar.
The local Tshechu is held once a year in the 5th month of the Bhutanese calendar. During the Tshechu an awe-inspiring Thongdrol (gigantic scroll painting) of Guru Rimpoche is put on display for attendees. The Thongdrol is nine meters long and twelve meters wide and in addition to inspiring wonder is said to cleanse the sins of all those who look upon it. The Thongdrol which was donated by Lopen Pemala and was consecrated in June 1994 in the presence of a large crowd of villagers by Lhalung Thuksey Rimpoche, the reincarnation of mental aspect of Pema Lingpa. During the festival, a series of colorful and spectacular mask dances are performed.
After the festival we also visit the Yathra (woolen cloths) weaving factory then we stroll in the town and drive back to hotel.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Mepham Guest house or Similar
June 15th 2016 – Day 04: Bumthang (Kurjey Festival)
In the morning, we will visit Jambay Lhakhang, built in 659 by Tibetan King Sontsen Gampo to pin down a giant demon who was obstructing the spread of Buddhism. In the October month, the Jambay Lhakhang Drup, which is sacred & one of the most colourful festivals in Bhutan.
We will also visit Kurjey Lhakhang (left-bottom), one of the most sacred monasteries in Bhutan. Built by the Guru Rinpoche in 1652, it houses a rock with his body imprint. Legend has it that Guru Rimpoche manifested as a Garuda to defeat the demon Shelging Karpo who had taken the form of a white lion. And we will also witness the festival here.
The festival takes place at Kurjey Temple, located at Kurjey in the Chokhor valley in Bumthang district. It is a 15 minute drive from our hotel to arrive at the temple grounds.
The history of the temples at Kurjey is associated with Sindhu Raja and Guru Rimpoche. Sindhu Raja invited Guru Rimpoche from Nepal to Bhutan to subdue some evil spirits that had been plaguing the land. Upon invitation, Guru Rimpoche visited Bumthang and meditated in a cave that resembled a pile of Dorjis (stylized thunderbolt used for Buddhist rituals). After subduing the evil spirits and demons, imprints of the Guru’s body remained in the rock face. Thereafter, the name came to be known as Kurjey meaning - “Imprint of the body”. The Lhakhang is now a blessed site of great historical significance.
There are three main temples at Kurjey. The oldest temple was constructed on the site where Guru Rimpoche meditated by Minjur Tenpa the first Trongsa Penlop (Governor of Trongsa) in 1652.
The second temple was founded by Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck (1st King) in 1900 while serving as the 13th Trongsa Penlop. This temple is the most sacred as it was built in the place where Guru Rimpoche left his body imprint.
The third temple was built in the 1990s. It was sponsored by the Queen Mother Ashi Kezang Choden Wangchuck. It houses the images of Guru Rimpoche, King Thrisong Detsen and Pandit Santarakshita.
In front of the temples are Chortens dedicated to the first three kings of Bhutan.
The Kurjey festival is an important occasion not only for the local people of Bumthang but for all Bhutanese. The festival brings together tourists and Bhutanese from all over as it presents the perfect occasion to not only receive blessings by witnessing age-old mask dances but also to enjoy this unique culture whilst basking in the natural beauty of Bhutan’s spiritual heartland.
After the festival we will hike to the Tamshing Goemba, built in 1501 by the Buddhist saint Pema Lingpa. If time permits then we will visit Kencho Sum Lhakhang and Swiss farm for local cheese, wine beer and honey.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Mepham Guest House or Similar
June 16th 2016 - Day 05: Bumthang - Gangtey (193 km, 7-8 hours drive)
After early breakfast we will drive to Gangtey. Whole day drive back the same route. The one of the best country side to see.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Gakiling or Similar.
June 17th 2016 – Day 06 : Gangtey to Thimphu (140 km – 5 hrs drive)
After breakfast we will visit the valley and take a short walk, the valley of Phobjikha is well known as the winter home of the Black necked crane (Grus Nigricollis). Bhutan is home to around six hundred black-necked cranes with Phobjikha being one of the popular places that the birds migrate to in the winter months from the Tibetan plateau. The elegant and shy birds can be observed from early November to end of March. This is an old monastery that dates back to 17th century. Lao visit Gangtey Goenpa. Then drive to Punakha and visit Punakha Dzong - Built in 1637, and then also visit
Chhimi Lhakhang – also the temple of Divine Mad Man. We the drive to Thimphu.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Kisa or Similar
June 18th 2016 – Day 07 : Thimphu – Paro (60 km 1.5 hrs drive)
After breakfast in the hotel we will do the Thimphu sightseeing - visit the Big Buddha Dordenma staue, then visit Motithang mini Zoo to see the rare "Takin" national animal of Bhutan, then visit Zilukha Nunnery , Visit Zorig chusum 13 varities of Arts & Crafts. Then we drive to Paro.
After Lunch in Paro we will visit Ta Dzong, once a watchtower, built to defend Rinpung Dzong during inter-valley wars of the 17th century, Ta Dzong was inaugurated as Bhutan's National Museum in 1968. Then drive to visit Paro Rinpung Dzong. Built in 1646 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal , the first spiritual and temporal ruler of Bhutan, the Dzong houses the monastic body of Paro, the office of the Dzongda (district administrative head) and Thrimpon (judge) of Paro district. The approach to the Dzong or we exit and walk around through a traditional covered bridge called Nemi Zam where our car wait for us in the parking.
Dinner & O/N Olathang Hotel or similar
June 19th 2016 - Day 08: Day hike to Taktsang Monastery (Tiger Nest)
Day hike to the view point of Taktsang Monastery. Horses can be arranged with an extra payment. The hike which is all the way uphill takes about 2 /3 hours through villages and pine forests. The monastery clings to a huge granite cliff 800 meters from the paro valley. It is believed that the great saint Guru Padmasambhava came in the 7th century on a flying tigress and meditated in a cave. The demons were subdued who were trying to stop the spread of Buddhism and converted the Paro valley into Buddhism. During the end of the 17 century a monastery was built on the spot where the saint mediated and it is a pilgrimage site for every Buddhist to visit once in their life time.
Will have lunch in the cafeteria and walk back. If time permits then we will visit ruins of Drugyal Dzong.
Dinner in Farm House can make stay overnight also and Hot stone bath.
O/N Hotel Olathang or Similar or Farm House.
June 20th 2016 - Day 09 (陸路): Drive to Phuntsholing (Indian Border town) .
After breakfast in the hotel we drive to Phuntsholing and checkout to India by evening.
June 20th 2016 - Day 09 (飛機出不丹): Drive to the Airport.
Rate for the above package for the off-season month (Dec, Jan , Feb,June,July, August)
USD $ 1550 (陸路)per person above 10+ in the group.
USD $ 1550 (飛機)per person. above 10+ in the group. 曼谷不丹進出機票不含
Services Included:
• Twine share room in 3 star standard hotels.
• All meals (B,LD,)
• English speaking guide
• Entrance fees
• All necessary permits
• Land Transportations.
• Visa fee
Services Excluded:
• Mandarin speaking Guide ($ 100 per day )
• Travel insurance
• Airfare
• Expenses of personal nature (laundry, phone call etc)
• Liquor beverage (hard and soft drinks)
• Tips
• Pony hiring charge during Taktsang Monastery 虎穴寺 (走路的話 3/4小時來回)
• Service not mention here
• Hot stone bath.
• Lunch on the last day to Phuntsholing as the service ends with breakfast.
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#ファッション #fashion #メンズ #新生活
inter factory 在 こすぱっしょんゆりえ Youtube 的最佳貼文
0:00 オープニング
0:41 ストレッチヒールブーツ
2:12 ざっくりVネックダンボールニット
4:12 コインネックレス2セット
5:40 ボリュームスリーブゆるニットカーディガン
8:17 CNP Pブースター
9:32 CICAトナー
11:02 CICAセラム
12:17 エンディング
【LOWRYSFARM】ストレッチヒールブーツ¥ 6,050(税込)→ ¥ 4,235(税込) (30%OFF)
タイムセール価格(2月27日 23:59まで)30%OFF 通常価格 ¥3,960→¥2,772税込
【apres jour×ARIAZ】コインネックレス2セット ¥880税込
【WEARISTA maiko × INTER FACTORY】ボリュームスリーブゆるニットカーディガン
CNP Laboratory チャアンドパク インビジブル ピーリング ブースター 100ml [並行輸入品]¥2,030
【GU】バンドカラーロングシャツ(長袖) ¥1,990 +税 XLサイズ
ダウンロードページ▶︎ https://parte.tv/u/cospashionyurie