[#甜點新聞 / News] 奪下亞太區超過半數獎牌,台灣巧克力再度橫掃世界巧克力大賽 / Winning over half of the prizes, Taiwan chocolates and chocolatiers sweep through International Chocolate Awards Asia Pacific Competition (English below)
昨日在屏東縣政府的協辦與支持下,世界巧克力大賽(International Chocolate Awards, 以下簡稱 ICA)亞太區決賽結果於屏東縣立圖書總館發表。#台灣品牌以驚人的氣勢奪下103面_超過半數的獎牌,在 198 個獎項中,拿下共 22 金、32 銀、35 銅與 14 個特別獎。
由於比賽重點為「bean-to-bar」巧克力(從可可豆至巧克力皆在當地生產),而屏東正是台灣可可樹種植面積最大的區域,頒獎典禮在此舉行最為名實相符。屏東巧克力業者們也不負眾望,奪下 7 金、11 銀、9 銅與 8 項特別獎,其中 福灣巧克力 Fu Wan Chocolate 表現最為耀眼,囊括此地區中所有的金獎與特別獎,共7 金、9 銀、4 銅與 8 項特別獎,其中包含黑巧克力類別的最大獎「Best in Competition」(競賽最佳獎)。
今年的亞太區比賽中,最受到矚目的就是「茶」這個元素。台灣是世界知名的茶產地,而台灣的巧克力業者將對茶的了解完美地發揮在巧克力製作中,以技術和品味驚艷了 ICA 的評審。福灣巧克力便以台灣紅玉茶 62% 黑巧克力、台灣紅烏龍 62% 黑巧克力、台灣鐵觀音 62% 黑巧克力、紅烏龍 56% 牛奶巧克力、碳焙烏龍 56% 牛奶巧克力、玫瑰荔枝東方美人 56% 牛奶巧克力、鐵觀音 56% 牛奶巧克力等奪得多項獎項。而以「喫的台灣茶」、「喫的台灣咖非」系列知名的 COFE,今年也大有斬獲,結合水果與茶的「紅烏龍鳳梨」獲得風味白巧克力類金獎與特別獎、「包種茶芒果」獲得銅獎,「碳焙烏龍茶」、「東方美人」也獲得銀獎。COFE 的茶巧克力製成,並非為常見的「將茶粉或茶葉加入巧克力中」,而是「以茶直接取代可可固形物」,再加上可可脂成型。這個概念與技術也在今年獲得特殊肯定,「冷壓可可脂」獲得可可脂、成長中國家、直接交易等三項金獎。
如果你還記得,好食光 Keya Jam 的創辦人柯亞,曾經在我的專訪中提到「#以擔任國際比賽評審的方式_建立台灣自己的論述與評鑑標準」,ICA 比賽便是這個策略最好的實務操作案例。由於台灣的巧克力業者、職人與評鑑專家成功地憑藉專業認證進入評審團中,台灣的特色、風味與希望彰顯的價值便能夠在國際比賽中發揮影響力、進一步影響整個巧克力產業未來發展的軌跡。願台灣的甜點、餐飲產業與專業職人都能和台灣巧克力一樣,成功找到自己的位置、影響並領導世界。
📌 ICA 相關:
2020 年亞太區完整得獎名單:https://tinyurl.com/y33xuj7a
2019 年福灣勇奪 ICA 世界冠軍:https://tinyurl.com/y9gqa8j8
2019 年亞太區台灣獲獎情形:https://tinyurl.com/y4kq46fa
🔖 延伸閱讀:
可以吃的茶和咖啡:拜訪 COFE:https://tinyurl.com/y3ufawte
台灣需要建立自己的論述與評鑑標準——專訪 好食光 Keya Jam 創辦人柯亞:https://tinyurl.com/y67ebplk
「不設限 巧克力」專題:https://tinyurl.com/ydfwqqvh
The award ceremony of International Chocolate Awards Asia-Pacific Bean-to-Bar and Chocolatier Competition took place yesterday (9th October, 2020) in Pingtung, Taiwan. Winning 103 awards, including 22 golds, 32 silvers, 35 bronzes and 14 special awards, which over half of the total 198 ones, Taiwan’s definitely got a glorious victory and starts to occupy an important position in world chocolate scene.
Supported by and collaborated with the Pingtung county government, the competition involved 883 entries of 148 chocolatiers from 14 countries. As specified, this competition features bean-to-bar chocolates and Pingtung, where most of the cocoa plantations are in Taiwan, naturally enjoys an advantage. Chocolatiers from this region have won 7 golds, 11 silvers, 9 bronzes, as well as 8 special awards. Fu Wan Chocolate, the biggest local chocolatier has got 7 golds, 9 silvers, 4 bronzes and 8 special awards.
Tea chocolates is the highlight this year. As Taiwan is renowned for its tea, its chocolatiers have apparently utilised their knowledge, skills and taste about it. Their capability to bring them into full play has definitely impressed the jury. Red Jade Tea 62% dark chocolate, Red Oolong tea 62% dark chocolate, Tie-Guang-Ying 62% dark chocolate, etc., contribute to Fu Wan's triumph. COFE, a brand specialised in tea and coffee chocolates is another example. Instead of adding tea and coffee into chocolate, they replace cocoa solids with tea or coffee, which adds an irresistible and incomparable depth to the products. Their latest series that combines a variety of teas and fruits leads to a great success. The “Red Oolong & Pineapple” white chocolate has won itself 1 gold and 1 special awards.
📌 ICA related:
Asia-Pacific Bean-to-Bar and Chocolatier Competition 2020 winners: https://tinyurl.com/y33xuj7a
Fu Wan Chocolate wins the biggest overall award in 2019 ICA world competition: https://tinyurl.com/y9gqa8j8
Taiwan makes a huge buzz in 2019 ICA Asia-Pacific Competition:https://tinyurl.com/y4kq46fa
🔖 To read more on this topic:
Taiwan could set a new norm of cocoa industry - Interview with Warren Hsu, founder of Fu Wan Chocolate: https://tinyurl.com/y26uucj5
Having tea and coffee in a different form - a visit to COFE: https://tinyurl.com/y3ufawte
Are international contests an elixir to Taiwan’s chefs and artisans? Interview with Joy Cocoa & Coffee Plantation and Jade Li Chocolatier:https://tinyurl.com/yy6w8j6x
The importance of developing Taiwan’s own discourse and evaluation system - Interview with Keya: https://tinyurl.com/y67ebplk
Chocolate, unlimited and boundary-less: https://tinyurl.com/ydfwqqvh
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「大家要注意了,台灣巧克力現在來勢洶洶!」世界巧克力大賽全球總決賽上大會主席的向世界如此宣告,台灣已經在巧克力市場中佔有一席之位,而來自屏東的「 #福灣巧克力」正是帶領此風潮的領頭羊!
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[News / 甜點新聞] 🎉 COFE 台灣茶巧克力獲得世界巧克力大賽亞太區一金三銀四特別獎 / COFE's COTE bars wins 1 Gold, 3 Silver, and 4 Special awards in International Chocolate Awards Asia-Pacific Competition (for English, please click “see more”)
還記得我上個月去拜訪的 COFE 嗎?他們在上週末於屏東舉行的世界巧克力大賽亞太區決選中大放異采,以四支「#喫的台灣茶」#獲得共八項大獎:東方美人(金獎、特別獎)、包種(銀獎、特別獎)、紅玉(銀獎、特別獎)、COFE TEA(銀獎、特別獎) 。COTE bar 的設計是台灣多位不同領域的職人共同努力催生的作品,產品總監顧瑋 Wilma Ku 是已多年耕耘台灣精選農產品,並創立 土生土長 On the Ground、 台灣好食 Taiwan Good Food 等推動在地美好飲食風景的重要人物;研發設計則由知名台灣果醬品牌 在欉紅 red on tree 與巧克力品牌 九日風 的主廚楊豐旭 Danny Yang 擔任(九日風也以新品夾心巧克力獲得二銀一銅);形象設計由知名圖文創作家 米力 操刀、執行顧問則是專業咖啡品牌顧問王詩鈺 Wang Shih Yu。
本次有來自十數國超過 900 件參賽作品,台灣的品牌共獲得 13 金 42 銀 32 銅 18 特別獎,是對台灣精品巧克力的巨大肯定。得獎名單中有許多熟悉面孔,例如知名巧克力主廚黎玉璽 Yu-Hsi Li(@JADE LI Chocolatier)以她的「Pineapple & Pepper」(鳳梨、胡椒)獲得調味黑松露巧克力與甘納許類別的金獎,福灣巧克力 Fu Wan Chocolate 與屏東本土的巧克力師 曾志元 Zeng Zhi-yuan 更囊括多項金獎與銀獎。
❣️ 延伸閱讀:
可以吃的茶和咖啡:拜訪 COFE: https://tinyurl.com/y3ufawte
The 2019 Asia-Pacific – Bean-to-Bar and Chocolatier Competition of International Chocolate Awards took place last weekend in PIngdong, the very south end of Taiwan where local chocolate is grown. If you still remember, I have visited a Taiwanese brand COFE that offers edible tea and coffee chocolate bars about a month ago and was impressed by their COTE bars. These characteristic tea bars wins 1 Gold, 3 Silver, and 4 Special Awards in the while chocolate bars category in the competition where some 900 chocolate products from 14 countries entered. This brilliant record is created by COFE’s strong teamwork. The team is composed with some well-recognised Taiwanese professionals such as Wilma Ku, founder “On the Ground” and “Taiwan Good Food” association that promotes local quality produce, Danny Yang, pastry chef and chocolatier of Red on Tree and Le Vent et le Soleil (they’ve won 2 Silver and 1 Bronze for their own chocolate bonbons in the current competition), Milly, the renowned graphic designer and writer, and Wang Shih Yu, professional coffee brand consultant.
More than 900 items from 14 countries entered in the competition. Taiwanese brands have won 13 Gold, 42 Silver, 32 Bronze, and 18 Special Awards in total. Some familiar faces can be found in the list, including renowned chocolatier Jade Li, who got a Gold medal for her Pineapple and Pepper dark chocolate ganache; local dedicating chocolate brands like Fu Wan Chocolate and Zeng Zhiyuan have outstood the crowds, winning a significant number of gold and silver medals.
The Gold, Silver and Bronze winners are eligible to enter the World Final which will take place in Guatemala later this year. Congrats to all the Taiwanese chocolatiers and wish them best luck in winning more awards in the global final!
❣️ To get to know more about COFE and their edible chocolate bars: https://tinyurl.com/y3ufawte
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