[Paris pastries / 巴黎甜點] Park Hyatt Paris-Vendome 下午茶 / Tea time at Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme (English below)
疫情目前看來還沒有降溫趨勢,希望在台灣的大家一切都平安、保持樂觀的心情。我過去幾週都在和編輯一起校稿,現在已經進入最後階段。目前預計 #新書在3月11日上市、#3月22日下午兩點到四點在誠品松菸店會有一場新書分享會。由於疫情不明,所以目前預定只有一場實體發表會,再看狀況可能使用直播的方式和大家分享新書。等到網路書店確定可以預購之後也會再通知大家。
今天先和大家分享我上週在巴黎凱悅凡登花園酒店(Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme,又譯為「巴黎柏悅酒店」)的下午茶,由於春天即將到來, Jimmy Mornet 主廚(註)也推出新的下午茶菜單。除了濃郁甜蜜的舒芙蕾之外,其他的甜點都採用清新的水果為主題,遠離冬日的厚重。如果你還記得,我之前曾經介紹過幾次 Jimmy 主廚的作品,他是首位提供「無麩質」(sans-gluten)聖誕節蛋糕的主廚、凱悅凡登花園酒店也是第一個在下午茶套餐中提供盤式甜點(desserts à l'assiette)的宮殿級酒店(palace)。
一道鹹點:菊芋(又稱洋姜)泥、菊苣、烤雞、鵪鶉蛋、黑松露與熟成康堤乳酪(Purée de topinambour, endives, volaille à la plancha, œufs de caille, truffle noir & vieux Comté)
巧克力舒芙蕾(Soufflé Chocolat)
青檸果凍、奇異果與小黃瓜、蒔蘿冰淇淋與蛋白霜(Gérée de citron vert, kiwi & concombre, glace et meringue à l’aneth)
肉桂千層布里歐許(Brioche feuilletée à la cannelle)
葡萄柚與香草巴巴(Baba pamplemousse & bois de vanille)
糖果(confiserie):覆盆子與紫羅蘭牛軋糖(Nougat framboise et éclats de violette), 甘草糖(réglisse)
當天天氣很好,我和朋友在中庭坐了一下午,還順道參觀了只開放到二月底的小木屋、最後還被招待了復活節的新品——柑橘義大利榛果巧克力球(Muscadines cendrées gianduja & orange)及開心果馬卡龍等。對最近都在忙著整理稿件、好幾天熬夜到清晨的我來說,是一段難得放鬆的時光。點這裡看更多當天的影音 👉🏻👉🏻https://tinyurl.com/ukhtwjr(前面是Jimmy Mornet主廚前兩年的創作,本次的下午茶經驗從中段開始!)也別忘了點開照片欣賞細節!
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Jimmy Mornet 主廚發表 2019 年聖誕節蛋糕與下午茶:https://tinyurl.com/uxgwaxm
Jimmy Mornet 主廚發表 2018 年聖誕節蛋糕與下午茶:https://tinyurl.com/t4zzf4u
註:Jimmy Mornet主廚:自2016年起擔任巴黎柏悅酒店(Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme)甜點主廚至今,過去同樣曾在幾乎為名廚製造工廠的Fauchon工作,在當時由Christophe Adam(L’Éclair de Génie)領軍的強勁團隊中,與Benoit Couvrand(Groupe Cyril Lignac)、Cédric Grolet(Le Meurice)、Nicolas Paciello(Hôtel Barrière Le Bouquet’s Paris)、Nicolas Bacheyre(Un Dimanche à Paris)等知名主廚並肩作戰,接著歷任雅典娜廣場飯店(Hôtel Plaza Athénée)、巴黎半島酒店(The Peninsula Paris)副主廚,並贏得2013年歐洲盃拉糖錦標賽冠軍(Championnat Européen du Sucre)。他在巴黎柏悅酒店的甜點創作關注「無麩質(sans-gluten)」主題,並首創於下午茶套餐中提供盤式甜點作品。
I got invited the other day to taste the Spring tea time menu of chef Jimmy Mornet at Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme. It was really wonderful experience as my friend and I got a warm welcome by the hotel staff and everything that we tasted was impeccable. The new tea time menu includes one savoury dish and five sweet ones:
Savoury - Jerusalem artichokes purée, chicory, grilled chicken, quail's eggs, black truffle & aged Comté (urée de topinambour, endives, volaille à la plancha, œufs de caille, truffle noir & vieux Comté)
Sweet -
Chocolate soufflé (Soufflé chocolat)
Lime jelly, kiwi & cucumber, ice-cream & meringue with dill (Gérée de citron vert, kiwi & concombre, glace et meringue à l’aneth)
Puff brioche with cinnamon (Brioche feuilletée à la cannelle)
Grapefruit & vanilla wood baba (Baba pamplemousse & bois de vanille)
Confectioneries: Raspberry & violet nougat, liquorice (Confiseries: Nougat framboise et éclats de violette & réglisse)
Every pastry and dessert was light enough to reflect the coming of Spring, yet amazingly delicious and well-balanced. Guests are invited to enjoy the chef’s wonderful creations while having a clear overview on the art of French pastries: viennoiserie, pâtisserie, plated desserts, and confectioneries. Plated desserts are usually served in a full-course menu, which is during lunch or dinner time, but Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme is the only palace hotel in Paris that includes them in the tea time menu, which is a real challenge for the pastry kitchen and its pâtissiers. Among all, I was especially impressed by the puff brioche. It’s fresh, buttery, moist, and chewy that I almost wanted to order another one.
Don’t forget to click on the photos for more details and check my story highlights on Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/ukhtwjr
🔖 More on the chef Jimmy and his creations:
2019 Yule log and Christmas tea time creations: https://tinyurl.com/uxgwaxm
2018 Yule log and Christmas tea time creations: https://tinyurl.com/t4zzf4u
#yingspastryguide #paris #jimmymornet #parkhyattparisvendôme #teatime
- 關於jimmymornet 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
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- 關於jimmymornet 在 Jimmy Mornet - Home | Facebook 的評價
- 關於jimmymornet 在 Jimmy Mornet | Doces e sobremesas, Sobremesas, Doces 的評價
- 關於jimmymornet 在 Jimmy Mornet - Portrait - Inspiring Makers #3 - YouTube 的評價
jimmymornet 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Paris pastry / 巴黎甜點] Jimmy Mornet 主廚 2019 年聖誕節蛋糕創作與下午茶甜點 / Jimmy Mornet, head pastry chef of Park Hyatt Paris-Vendome presents his 2019 yule log and Christmas tea time pastries (for English, click "see more")
前天受邀前往Hotel Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme Paris 巴黎凱悅凡登花園酒店品嚐 Jimmy Mornet 主廚的 2019 年聖誕節蛋糕創作與聖誕節下午茶甜點。雖然比其他酒店發表的時間晚,但仍然非常令人驚喜。
去年 Jimmy 主廚的聖誕節蛋糕是一個逼真的可可豆莢巧克力雕塑,今年則是回歸傳統、以長條形的蛋糕迎戰其他五星級飯店甜點主廚們炫技般的創作。延續去年的概念,今年的聖誕節蛋糕依然是無麩質的作品,以 Sudachi 日本柚子檸檬、糖漬西洋梨、混合聖誕香料為主題。Jimmy 主廚解釋其實製作無麩質的蛋糕非常簡單,因為蛋糕不像麵包需要麩質才能延展、或是需要有強健的組織以支撐成型,所以平常製作各種海綿蛋糕時,可以隨時用等量的米粉、栗子粉、玉米粉或其他無麩質的麵粉等取代傳統麵粉。而他選用 Sudachi 日本柚子檸檬,則是因為這種檸檬比起已經法國甜點界已經幾乎隨處可見的柚子更有新意。西洋梨加肉桂、八角等綜合香料,則是聖誕節甜點的經典款,西洋梨溫柔的甜味也能平衡 Sudachi 的微苦、讓味道更有層次。
我們另外品嚐了本季的聖誕節下午茶甜點,這是一份和其他宮殿級酒店下午茶完全不同的菜單,因為其中竟然包含使用了吹糖技術製作的盤式甜點、冰品和牛軋糖、fudge 牛奶糖。一般在豪華酒店的下午茶甜點通常都是包含各種鹹甜小點的三層架、頂多加上一些主廚精選的糕點,不會有盤式甜點的選項(通常只能在飯店的高級餐廳中以餐後甜點的方式上桌)。我特別詢問了 Jimmy 主廚,他說他們希望能夠提供在其他飯店都沒有的體驗、讓飯店的甜點更平民化、更普及,所以才不辭辛苦地在下午茶也提供技術成分如此高的作品。
更多當天的影音和主廚介紹,請至我的 Instagram 頁面精選動態「Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme」欣賞,裡面還有 Jimmy 主廚去年的精彩作品 👉🏻👉🏻 https://tinyurl.com/txmbkjh
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Jimmy Mornet 主廚 2018 年聖誕節創作與聖誕節下午茶:https://tinyurl.com/t4zzf4u
2019 年巴黎聖誕節蛋糕創作精選:https://tinyurl.com/r9j6jnf
2019 年聖誕節日曆:https://tinyurl.com/serwgfz
I got invited the day before yesterday to Hotel Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme for tasting the yule log and Christmas tea time pastries created by the chef Jimmy Mornet. The timing was a bit late compared with other hotels and shops, but they were beautiful surprises still.
Last year the chef proposed a chocolate sculpture of a cocoa bean for the yule log but this year he has chosen to get back to the traditional presentation. A gluten-free cake like last year, this yule log features Sudachi, a small round and juicy Japanese lime, pears, and Christmas spices. The chef Jimmy explained that different from everyone might have imagined, it is actually not that difficult to make a gluten-free cake as it’s not like making bread while tenacity resulted from gluten is needed to support the structure. One can easily replace wheat flour with rice flour, chest flour, corn four, or other gluten-free alternatives of the same amount. And the reason why he chose to work with Sudachi lime is because it’s a characteristic Japanese citrus fruit much less known than yuzu, which is widely used nowadays in French pastry world. Poached pears with spices like cinnamon, star anis, and cardamon, etc. is a classic match for a Christmas theme. The lovely sweetness of pears softens the slight bitterness of Sudachi and gives more depth to the flavour.
We also had the chance tasting the Christmas tea time menu, which is completely different from that of other palace hotels. Besides one viennoiserie and an entremets in individual portion, the chef proposes an ice-cream, a plated dessert made of blown sugar, nougat and fudge that normally cannot be found on a tea time menu. By replacing ordinary pastries and mignardises with those desserts requiring more skills and efforts, Jimmy told us that he would love to make palace desserts more accessible to the general public, after all, not everyone is available to dine in a fine-dining restaurant in luxury hotels.
It was a beautiful day that day and we were really lucky as we also got to enjoy the incredible view and amazing sunset from the terrace of the suite. Delicate and delicious desserts plus the breathtaking view…couldn’t ask for more! Click on the photos now and have a closer look on this wonderful experience!
Check the featured stories of “Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme” on my Instagram page for more photos and videos 👉🏻👉🏻 https://tinyurl.com/txmbkjh
🔖 More on this topic:
Chef Jimmy Mornet’s 2018 yule log creation and Christmas tea time menu: https://tinyurl.com/t4zzf4u
2019 Yule log creations: https://tinyurl.com/r9j6jnf
2019 Advent calendars: https://tinyurl.com/serwgfz
#yingspastryguide #paris #jimmymornet #parkhyattparisvendome
jimmymornet 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文
[Paris pastry news / 巴黎甜點新聞] Christmas cake "le Cacao" and Christmas tea time at Park Hyatt Paris-Vendome / 巴黎凱悅凡登花園酒店聖誕節蛋糕「可可豆」與聖誕節下午茶甜點(中文請按「繼續閱讀」或直接點連結)
Sorry for being a week late for this post, but finally it's here! Let's have a closer look on the bûche de noël (Christmas cake) "le Cacao" and the amazing Christmas teatime pastries proposed by the chef Jimmy Mornet and his team at Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme hotel! Click on the link below and read the full post (in Chinese).
到底是欠了多少稿其實我也不敢算,但上週末答應大家的可可豆聖誕節蛋糕文終於來了!。讓我們一起近距離欣賞一下巴黎凱悅凡登花園酒店主廚Jimmy Mornet的聖誕節蛋糕和下午茶甜點吧!你今年的聖誕節蛋糕已經決定好要買哪一家的了嗎?😍
#yingspastryguide #paris #frenchpastry #jimmymornet #parkhyattparisvendome #noel2018
jimmymornet 在 Jimmy Mornet | Doces e sobremesas, Sobremesas, Doces 的推薦與評價
Jimmy Mornet Unique Desserts, Small Desserts, Gourmet Desserts, Fancy Desserts, Fancy Cakes. temptingfoods. Temptation For Food. 20k followers. ... <看更多>
jimmymornet 在 Jimmy Mornet - Portrait - Inspiring Makers #3 - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Jimmy Mornet - Portrait - Inspiring Makers #3. 139 views Apr 11, 2019 Présentation de Jimmy Mornet, chef pâtissier au Park Hyatt Vendôme. ... <看更多>
jimmymornet 在 Jimmy Mornet - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Jimmy Mornet. 11340 likes · 1 talking about this. Chef Pâtissier du Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme. ... <看更多>