(for English, please click "see more")
專訪Fou de Pâtisserie 創辦人與總編輯 Julie Mathieu下篇來囉!
🍰 關於Fou de Pâtisserie雜誌:https://tinyurl.com/yxmza2ot
The second part of the interview of Julie focuses on her observations and interpretations of currents trends and prominent phenomena. She also gives very sharp comments on heated debates such as "can pastry chefs copy others?" and "is copying a way to diffuse skills and ideas that contribute to further development?".
If you're also interested in these topics, just click the following link to read further (in Chinese).
🏃♀️🏃♂️🏃♀️ Missed the 1st part of the interview? Don't panic, here it is: https://tinyurl.com/yxascnck
#yingc #interviews #foudepatisserie #juliemathieu
juliemathieu 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文
[Interviews / 人物深度專訪] Fou de Pâtisserie 創辦人與總編輯 Julie Mathieu (for English, please click "see more")
🍰《Fou de Pâtisserie》是影響全球甜點潮流的重要雜誌,也是法式甜點愛好者人手一本的聖經。本週四我特地為台灣讀者面對面專訪到其共同創辦人與總編輯 Julie Mathieu,Julie 與我聊了許多她在法國甜點界的觀察,也和我分享該品牌未來的計劃。訪問中也談到很多我長期關注的議題,包含未來法式甜點發展的趨勢、甜點人的角色與倫理等。
因為是一篇重量級的訪談,我將內容分為上下篇,充滿 Julie 犀利觀察與評論的下篇將於明日刊出,請大家千萬別忘了關注喔!
Fou de Pâtisserie is the most influential magazine (now a media platform) in French pastry industry. It not only shares the latest news, trends, stories, and numerous recipes, but also plays a very important role in promoting French pastries and in influencing the "boom" of it around the world.
I had the chance meeting Julie MATHIEU, the co-founder and the editor-in-chief of the magazine, this Thursday. Julie has shared with us lots of insights of current trends apart from giving us a clear overview on Fou de Pâtisserie as a brand. Her observations and comments on the overwhelming influence of social media and the role of pastry chefs nowadays are extremely inspiring.
As it's a long and important interview, I have divided it into two parts. Part one focuses on the introduction and development of Fou de Pâtisserie as well as the impact of social media. Part two will be on current trends and the role as a pastry chef, and it'll be published tomorrow.
I'll try my best to write an English version of this interview. But here you are, it's now available in Chinese. Click on the link below and enjoy reading!
#yingc #interviews #foudepatisserie #juliemathieu