[劇透慎入] 電視史上最黑暗的一個月
今日準備睇權力遊戲最後一集之前,我偷偷上imdb睇定觀眾評分,結果分數再度尋底,只得5分 (執筆時已低至4.8分)。我無失望,仲放鬆咗一口氣,因為我知道盲撐套劇o既人睇完呢集會進一步消失。
鋪排咗八季o既Night King主線,打一集就完,你集數有限,唔夠時間,我都忍,但你老味Bran究竟係做乜春?大家遐想佢補充到Night King o既背景,以為佢會控制到龍,以為佢回到過去做出左右歷史大局o既決定,甚至乎以為佢就係Night King,以為佢就係Lord of Light,結果唔係,乜柒都唔係,乜春都無做過,由第七季開始佢只係不斷故弄玄虛,甚至乎佢做唔做Three Eyed Raven都對成個北境主線係完全無影響,有無Bran呢個人,根本Night King都一樣可以南下,一樣可以攻打Winterfell。
可憐o既Bran唯一作用,就係證實Jon係Targaryen。但呢度衍生更嚴重o既問題,就係Jon完全浪費Targaryen神聖o既血緣身份,佢知道自己係Targaryen後,依然忠於龍母,變得更優柔寡斷,”She is my queen”, “I don’t want it” x 100,全季幾乎未勇猛過一刻,主角唔似主角,觀感上極差,好多人話權力遊戲呢套嘢真實在無主角光環,但無主角光環唔代表要主角變成路人甲。
龍老母直頭係一個被編劇徹底強姦o既角色,第三集仲係救世主,隔咗一集,經歷一堆強行要佢黑化o既劇情,結果黑化理由仍然唔充份,但第五集就要化身成天火屠城o既Mad Queen,再過一集,一統Westeros可能只係二十分鐘,講咗兩段對白,再加一場同Jon o既對手戲,就趕住被人一刀桶死。呢種角色心情既急速轉變,我只係响一套戲見過,就係喜劇之王,導演叫周星馳示範喺醫院等老婆生仔嗰種表情個場戲:「個仔出世,老婆死咗,個仔識叫爸爸,天才呀,條啫生喺個頭度,畸形架。」難怪Emilia Clarke話接到劇本後,自己一個人响倫敦戇鳩鳩行咗兩個鐘,如果佢唔去多人o既地方,睇唔開去自殺好合理。
今季難睇劇情係數之不盡,Jaime選擇北上,援助Winterfell,完成自己o既救贖,本身可以係呢套劇經過八季後心路歷程發展得最完滿o既角色,亦都係我鍾意o既角色,但忽然之間唔知痴起邊條根,佢走返落去Kings Landing救Cersei,當年為咗阻止Mad King濫殺無辜而弒君o既佢,結果講咗句“I never really cared about the innocents”呢句最崩壞o既名句。响我o既角度,Jaime係變咗無啦啦北上,Battle of Winterfell無乜特別建樹,跟住又無端端落返去,佢呢個角色今季仿佛只係為咗扑大隻妹而存在。
今季完全係角色違背性格設定,劇情放棄常識邏輯。Tyrion弱智咗兩季,我已經唔洗多講,就算二線角色o既劇情與行為,都一樣係咁離譜。Bronn衝入Winterfell勒索係發生咩事?佢要錢我明,但佢同Jaime叫出生入死過,仲救過人一命,而家玩乜尻勒索?Euron上水唔知點解會撞到Jaime都算,無情白事同人隻秋呢度直頭滑稽過笑片,The Mountain都唔會好似佢咁失控。Varys呢啲角色可能唔受歡迎,不如快手快腳處置佢,結果編劇安排佢眾目睽睽下叛國,入紙申請死刑。
士兵响城牆外防守敵人我都忍到,我話畀自己聽呢套唔係戰爭戲,唔好咁認真,但龍老母唔小心畀Euron撃落一條龍後,佢隔一集竟然用一模一樣o既方法再次進攻艦隊,今次唔止成功,仲成個城滅埋,我睇緊啲乜撚嘢;Bran打打吓仗反咗白眼,正常觀眾都認為一定有固中原因未解釋,記得有人講笑話佢變烏鴉飛上天觀戰,屌你老味原來係真;The Prince That Was Promised呢個預言仲有無人記得,我開始懷疑係啲紅祭司圍內講吓笑,根本唔重要;無端端地獄咁既廢墟中出現隻身光頸靚o既白馬Slow撚晒Motion咁救Arya,個個都以為有咩寓意,有咩解釋,無,佢真係只係隻無撚端端出現o既白馬;你老味臭閪講幾句話唔想再打仗,唔想再勞民傷財,Westeros就突然變咗公投選皇帝,咁呢八季究竟爭緊乜春,我睇唔透,我未撚試過咁撚憎民主社會。
有無人好奇怪點解呢個post我會揀呢張配相,呢一幕係第七季Cersei响Ellaria Sand面前將佢個女Tyene Sand落毒,Cerci好恨毒咁要Ellaria响地牢慢慢睇住自己心愛o既人迎接死亡,再响面前慢慢腐爛。而呢個月,我肯定所有GOT fans,都係以同一種心情眼白白睇住自己最心愛o既劇被摧殘。
GRRM未寫完書,絕對唔係David Benioff同Daniel Weiss寫爛呢套劇o既藉口 ,因為網上無數咁多theories,甚至乎鳩作o既流出劇情,都比現在出色同合理。第七八季有無可能重拍已經唔重要,作為GOT fans當前最大o既願望係D&D可以被踢出StarWars 10-12 集o既班底,我唔係Star Wars fans,佢地搞唔搞死Star Wars唔關我事,但我好想D&D畀人搞死。
HBO Asia
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅約書亞樂團 Joshua Band,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #約書亞樂團 #想不到 詞 / 曲 Writting:周巽光 Ewen Chow、璽恩 SiEnVanessa、趙治德 Samuel Chao、蔡依純 Anna Cai 中譯英:宋怡萌 Joy Sung 主唱 / 璽恩 SiEnVanessa 數位平台連結▶http...
「king of kings譜」的推薦目錄:
- 關於king of kings譜 在 向西村上春樹 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於king of kings譜 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於king of kings譜 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於king of kings譜 在 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於king of kings譜 在 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於king of kings譜 在 king of kings譜在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的評價
- 關於king of kings譜 在 king of kings譜在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的評價
- 關於king of kings譜 在 King of kings 萬王之王- Hillsong Worship - 中文版華語歌詞MV ... 的評價
- 關於king of kings譜 在 BU 高雄靈糧堂學生牧區- 萬王之王King of kings中文版歌詞MV ... 的評價
- 關於king of kings譜 在 成都外貿網站海外推廣【TG飞机∶@AK5537】YouTube代全 ... 的評價
king of kings譜 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的最佳解答
幾天前放上來的一篇小文不見了, 臉書仍然沒有替我跟進, 所以現在唯有再發布一次作為紀錄。已經閱讀過的朋友, 不好意思, 有興趣的話, 就當再多看一遍啦! :-)
(後加: 剛才再發現原來還有另外幾篇文章被臉書消失了!臉書何解會如此?還好我有備份)
The short article that I have posted on here is still missing and Facebook Help Centre still hasn't fixed the problem yet, so I decided to put it up again. For those who have already read it, sorry. You may read it again if you're interested.. :-)
(Added: Just found that in fact some other articles have been made disappeared as well! Gladly, I have back-ups.)
Originally posted on Monday December 1.
【葡萄牙聖誕蛋糕 ~~ 帝王蛋糕】【Portuguese Christmas Cakes ~~ Bolo Rei】
踏入12月, 聖誕氣氛越見濃厚, 很快又會到聖誕節! 在葡萄牙, 除了可以欣賞設計美麗、五顏六色又令人賞心悅目的街頭聖誕燈飾和巨型聖誕樹之外, 還有就是品嘗傳統蛋糕 ~~ 《帝王蛋糕》。《帝王蛋糕》無容置疑是葡萄牙聖誕節的的一大象徵。
December has arrived! Christmas is approaching, and the Christmas atmosphere is becoming stronger and stronger. In Portugal, in addition to enjoying the beautiful and colourful Christmas lights and decorations on the streets and the giant Christmas trees being placed in plazas, one other thing that all Portuguese people would include in celebrating the Christmas ~~ eating the traditional Portuguese cake called Bolo Rei (English: King cake).
傳統地, 葡萄牙人會在聖誕節 (12月25日) 到大約主顯節 (1月6日) 這段時間裡吃《帝王蛋糕》。《帝王蛋糕》其實源於法國, 在19世紀時引進來到葡萄牙。現在依舊在里斯本市中心營業的著名糕餅店 Confeitaria Nacional 就是於1829年首先將Bolo Rei 食譜引入葡萄牙 (Confeitaria Nacional 乃當時葡萄牙君王的御用糕餅店)。
Traditionally, the Bolo Rei is eaten around December 25th (Nativity) until January 6th (Epiphany or "Day of Kings"). The Bolo Rei recipe originated in France and arrived in Portugal during the 19th century. Confeitaria Nacional, which is still operating today in Lisbon city centre, is the first bakery which first introduced this recipe to the country in 1829. (At the time Confeitaria Nacional was the official bakery of the Portuguese monarchy).
帝王蛋糕的主要材料是軟麵團, 加入以葡萄牙砵酒浸泡的葡萄乾、果脯、各種堅果, 還有蠶豆, 搓揉成環形狀, 模擬成一個后冠, 上面放上結晶乾果, 然後烘焙 。烘焙後放涼再撒點糖霜在上面就可享用。
The major ingredients of a Bolo Rei are: a soft dough with raisins, candied and dried fruits, various nuts and fava beans that have all been soaked in port wine. The dough is shaped into a ring that resembles a crown. Put some crystallised fruits on top and then bake in the oven. Allow to cool completely and then dust some icing sugar on top for decoration.
今個月會去葡萄牙旅遊的朋友, 記緊要試試吃這個帝王蛋糕呀! :-)
Remember to try Bolo Rei if you're visiting Portugal this month! :-)
king of kings譜 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的最佳貼文
【葡萄牙聖誕蛋糕 ~~ 帝王蛋糕】【Portuguese Christmas Cakes ~~ Bolo Rei】
踏入12月, 聖誕氣氛越見濃厚, 很快又會到聖誕節! 在葡萄牙, 除了可以欣賞設計美麗、五顏六色又令人賞心悅目的街頭聖誕燈飾和巨型聖誕樹之外, 還有就是品嘗傳統蛋糕 ~~ 《帝王蛋糕》。《帝王蛋糕》無容置疑是葡萄牙聖誕節的的一大象徵。
December has arrived! Christmas is approaching, and the Christmas atmosphere is becoming stronger and stronger. In Portugal, in addition to enjoying the beautiful and colourful Christmas lights and decorations on the streets and the giant Christmas trees being placed in plazas, one other thing that all Portuguese people would include in celebrating the Christmas ~~ eating the traditional Portuguese cake called Bolo Rei (English: King cake).
傳統地, 葡萄牙人會在聖誕節 (12月25日) 到大約主顯節 (1月6日) 這段時間裡吃《帝王蛋糕》。《帝王蛋糕》其實源於法國, 在19世紀時引進來到葡萄牙。現在依舊在里斯本市中心營業的著名糕餅店 Confeitaria Nacional 就是於1829年首先將Bolo Rei 食譜引入葡萄牙 (Confeitaria Nacional 乃當時葡萄牙君王的御用糕餅店)。
Traditionally, the Bolo Rei is eaten around December 25th (Nativity) until January 6th (Epiphany or "Day of Kings"). The Bolo Rei recipe originated in France and arrived in Portugal during the 19th century. Confeitaria Nacional, which is still operating today in Lisbon city centre, is the first bakery which first introduced this recipe to the country in 1829. (At the time Confeitaria Nacional was the official bakery of the Portuguese monarchy).
帝王蛋糕的主要材料是軟麵團, 加入以葡萄牙砵酒浸泡的葡萄乾、果脯、各種堅果, 還有蠶豆, 搓揉成環形狀, 模擬成一個后冠, 上面放上結晶乾果, 然後烘焙 。烘焙後放涼再撒點糖霜在上面就可享用。
The major ingredients of a Bolo Rei are: a soft dough with raisins, candied and dried fruits, various nuts and fava beans that have all been soaked in port wine. The dough is shaped into a ring that resembles a crown. Put some crystallised fruits on top and then bake in the oven. Allow to cool completely and then dust some icing sugar on top for decoration.
今個月會去葡萄牙旅遊的朋友, 記緊要試試吃這個帝王蛋糕呀! :-)
Remember to try Bolo Rei if you're visiting Portugal this month! :-)
king of kings譜 在 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band Youtube 的最佳解答
#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #約書亞樂團 #想不到
詞 / 曲 Writting:周巽光 Ewen Chow、璽恩 SiEnVanessa、趙治德 Samuel Chao、蔡依純 Anna Cai
中譯英:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
主唱 / 璽恩 SiEnVanessa
看吧 祢的良善我想不到 祢真好
I can’t comprehend Your kindness to me, You’re so good
I thought I already knew
祢卻為我犧牲祢的至寶 想不到
Yet You sacrificed Your treasure for me, I can’t speak
奇妙 祢的拯救出乎意料 忘不了
Amazed, overwhelmed by Your saving grace, can’t forget
More than I could ask or think
還沒開口祢就已經回應 我禱告
Before I spoke You were there to respond to my prayer
我再不開口 連石頭都要讚美跳躍
If I hold my peace, even rocks will start dancing their praise
我大聲宣告 讓世界知道祢有多好
Loudly I declare so the whole world will know You are good
想不到萬王之王 謙卑自己
To think, the King of Kings would humble himself
Entered the city You rode on a donkey, Sing Hosanna
Woah 和撒那 Woah
全地都揚聲讚美 迎接君王
The whole earth lifting up praise, welcome King
Creation speaks of Your glory they shout the aloud
Whoa Whoa
想不到 想不到 想不到
It’s beyond anything I could dream,
想不到 想不到 想不到 想不到
far beyond anything I could think or imagine
You are good
想不到 想不到 想不到
It’s beyond anything I could dream,
想不到 想不到 想不到 想不到
far beyond anything I could think or imagine
I’m amazed
想不到神獨生子 降生馬槽
How could the Son of God born in a manger
成為人卻行神蹟奇事 何等奇妙
Become the Son of Man working miracles
Whoa Whoa
You paid the price on the cross so to save me
三天後從墳墓中復活 我想不到
The third day raising to life, I’m amazed by You
Whoa Whoa
製作人 Producer / 簡道生 Dawson Chien
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer / 曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
編曲Arrangement / 簡道生 Dawson Chien
Keyboard & Synths / 簡道生 Dawson Chien
Electric Guitar / 陳逸宏 Ian Chen
Bass / 簡道生 Dawson Chien
Drum / 蔣孟平 Benjamin Chiang
和聲編寫 / 璽恩 SiEnVanessa
和聲 / 璽恩 SiEnVanessa
錄音 Recording Engineer / 劉員杰 Francis Law、孫立衡 Peter Sun(Drum)
剪輯 Editing Engineer / 簡道生 Dawson Chien、孫立衡 Peter Sun
混音 Mixing Engineer / 孫立衡 Peter Sun
錄音室 Studio / 異象工場、台北靈糧堂
奉獻 Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工
Apple Music▸https://apple.co/3Au41TK
My Music▸https://bit.ly/2UnIVpA
LINE MUSIC▸https://bit.ly/3fyxAeu
king of kings譜 在 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band Youtube 的最讚貼文
#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #約書亞樂團 #想不到
想不到 / Beyond My Imagination
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:周巽光 Ewen Chow、璽恩 SiEnVanessa、趙治德 Samuel Chao、蔡依純 Anna Cai
英譯詞 Translator:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
演唱 Vocal:璽恩 SiEnVanessa
看吧 祢的良善我想不到 祢真好
I can’t comprehend Your kindness to me, You’re so good
I thought I already knew
祢卻為我犧牲祢的至寶 想不到
Yet You sacrificed Your treasure for me, I can’t speak
奇妙 祢的拯救出乎意料 忘不了
Amazed, overwhelmed by Your saving grace, can’t forget
More than I could ask or think
還沒開口祢就已經回應 我禱告
Before I spoke You were there to respond to my prayer
我再不開口 連石頭都要讚美跳躍
If I hold my peace, even rocks will start dancing their praise
我大聲宣告 讓世界知道祢有多好
Loudly I declare so the whole world will know You are good
想不到萬王之王 謙卑自己
To think, the King of Kings would humble himself
Entered the city You rode on a donkey, Sing Hosanna
Woah 和撒那 Woah
全地都揚聲讚美 迎接君王
The whole earth lifting up praise, welcome King
Creation speaks of Your glory they shout the aloud
Whoa Whoa
想不到 想不到 想不到
It’s beyond anything I could dream,
想不到 想不到 想不到 想不到
far beyond anything I could think or imagine
You are good
想不到 想不到 想不到
It’s beyond anything I could dream,
想不到 想不到 想不到 想不到
far beyond anything I could think or imagine
I’m amazed
想不到神獨生子 降生馬槽
How could the Son of God born in a manger
成為人卻行神蹟奇事 何等奇妙
Become the Son of Man working miracles
Whoa Whoa
You paid the price on the cross so to save me
三天後從墳墓中復活 我想不到
The third day raising to life, I’m amazed by You
Whoa Whoa
製作人 Producer / 簡道生 Dawson Chien
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer / 曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
編曲Arrangement / 簡道生 Dawson Chien
Keyboard & Synths / 簡道生 Dawson Chien
Electric Guitar / 陳逸宏 Ian Chen
Bass / 簡道生 Dawson Chien
Drum / 蔣孟平 Benjamin Chiang
和聲編寫 / 璽恩 SiEnVanessa
和聲 / 璽恩 SiEnVanessa
錄音 Recording Engineer / 劉員杰 Francis Law、孫立衡 Peter Sun(Drum)
剪輯 Editing Engineer / 簡道生 Dawson Chien、孫立衡 Peter Sun
混音 Mixing Engineer / 孫立衡 Peter Sun
錄音室 Studio / 異象工場、台北靈糧堂
奉獻 Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工
Apple Music▸https://apple.co/3Au41TK
My Music▸https://bit.ly/2UnIVpA
LINE MUSIC▸https://bit.ly/3fyxAeu
king of kings譜 在 king of kings譜在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的推薦與評價
Free chords, lyrics, videos and other song resources for "King Of Kings - Hillsong Worship" by Hillsong Worship. 譜? tw万王之王(King of kings) 和弦简谱- 歌谱- ... ... <看更多>
king of kings譜 在 king of kings譜在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的推薦與評價
Free chords, lyrics, videos and other song resources for "King Of Kings - Hillsong Worship" by Hillsong Worship. 譜? tw万王之王(King of kings) 和弦简谱- 歌谱- ... ... <看更多>