【絕食第80日】【80th Day of Hunger Strike: Update & Volunteers' Thoughts】
17 / 9 / 2020
▍「除了停止了探訪外,這裡任何東西都沒變過。廁所依然是那麼髒,他們(入境處)連一塊香皂都沒有多給我們。」- 羈留者O生氣的說
▍“I am very angry about this lockdown. They (ImmD) did nothing more to advance any prevention or protection measures. Just lockdown. We are running out of toothpaste, soap and hand wash.” — Detainee I
Due to the discovery of the 2nd confirmed case of COVID-19 on 6th September, CIC has suspended all visit. All detainees have since been unable to receiving basic hygienic products from their visiting friends. It has been 10 days. Below are some thoughts of our volunteer H:
CIC is exceptionally meticulous, or better put, bureaucratic about the hand-in articles from visitors to detainees. A book must be totally clean, even a stamp that says “Donated by XX School Library” would made the book ineligible for handing in; The soap must be in blue, yet stores often sell this brand of soap in a pack of six, so volunteers would always be left with 4 bars of non-blue soap; when you bought the towel with the exact wording, the staff will always let you know that your towel is “knock-off” and therefore unaccepted; M&M must come in 5 packs of the same colour. When the articles I bought first got rejected by CIC officers, I was very frustrated. In terms of their function, the towels and soap I bought were just fine. And every time I visited, I always saw other visitors’ “unapproved” articles got rejected. Imagining coming all the way with the hope of giving a little something to make your detainee friend’s life slightly better, and yet got rejected for the bureaucratic instructions of CIC, would you feel upset?
Nevertheless, my angry and frustration has been numbed as I visited CIC more frequently. In order to successfully got the articles to detainees, I have become an expert. I have memorised the entire list of approved hand-in articles and know the prices for each item. And over time, I have stocked up these articles for the detainees. In the past few days, our concern group have received several calls from detainees, saying that they are lacking certain hygienic project. “We are running out of toothpaste, soap and hand wash.” they said. I would love to let them know that I have stocked up, yet I now have no idea when I can give things to them due to the lockdown in CIC.
From these calls from detainees, not only had I learnt about the certain items they need, but also what freedom meant to them. “40 detainees from 7/F have been sent to the isolation camp, do you have any news about them?”, detainee S asked me. “Actually I need help. I don’t want to stay long time in CIC. There is positive case here. CIC is not safe.” Detainee R said. I think the current lockdown of CIC have demonstrated exactly how CIC is not safe. There is a high risk for cross-infection of COVID-19 in CIC. So, why is the authority so determined to detain this group of innocent people, and put their health and lives in danger?
“Most detainees have wrote a complaint letter together to the Immigration Department against the lockdown and ask for reasons.” Said O. “Hope this complaint letter could help reopen visit soon.”
knock off意思 在 EN English Facebook 的精選貼文
Listen! You're picking the wrong person to quarrel with 聽著 你找錯吵架的對象!
You'd better take that back 你最好收回那句話
You want to take it outside? Anytime 你想到外面解決(幹架)嗎 隨時奉陪 - 可能在夜店遇到醉漢的時候常常會聽到這句話
Don't mess with me / Don't get fresh with me 不要若我/給我放尊重點
Let us wait and see, I won't let you get away with that 咱們走著瞧,我不會讓你得逞的
You'll be sorry 你會後悔的
You are gonna get what's coming to you 你會得到報應的
If you're looking for a fight you don't have to look far 如果你找人打架的話;不用找太遠, 就是你要跟他打架的意思啦!
Watch your mouth!Do you know who you're talking to? 說話客氣一點 你知到你在和誰說話嗎
I'll get even with you sooner or later 跟你的這比帳 我遲早會要回來的
Stop complaining 別發牢騷
You make me sick 你真讓我惡心
Knock it off 少來這一套
Get out of my face 從我面前消失
knock off意思 在 親愛的英文,我到底哪裡錯了? Facebook 的最讚貼文
最簡單的是 pirated /ˈpaɪrətɪd, ˈpaɪrətəd/,盜版的。字根就是 pirate, 海盜!
He’s been downloading pirated movies again.
Students seem to have a lot of pirated software.
knock-off 通常表示比較具體的東西:衣服,手表,包包,鞋子等。可以在夜市買得到,應該是個 knock-off.
Oh, those jackets they sell on the street corner are all knock-offs!
He bought some knock-off Nike basketball shoes for NT$100.
(他買了仿冒的 Nike 籃球鞋,只要100元。)
通常 knock-off 的品質跟原本的產品很不一樣,一般的人大概看得出來,有時會 copy 原本的牌子但很明顯產品不是真的,但有時會稍微改牌子,像把我最愛的Adidas 改為 Abibas.
counterfeit /ˈkaʊntərˌfɪt/ 也是仿冒、偽造物。有些英文字典說跟 knock-off 一樣,不過,根據我的經驗,counterfeit 通常表示比較精緻、逼真、需高級技術的仿冒!
Ooh, they printed over fifty million dollars in counterfeit money.
He sold a counterfeit Picasso for two million dollars.
說產品的話,品質比較差的會說 knock-off. 製作的非常好的仿冒精品,像大陸的 A 或 A+ 級,才會說 counterfeit:
Ha, my friend got a really nice counterfeit LV bag in China.
Po了之後,認真的讀者有個好問題:簡單的說 fake 可以嗎?
Fake 是假的意思。所以,我覺得 fake 可以代替 knock-off & counterfeit, 它們就是假的產品。
但 fake 不可以代替 pirated. 因為 pirated 電影的內容就是跟去店買的DVD的內容一模一樣,那就是★那部電影★, 不是個假電影。
這個叫做 bootleg /'butlɛg/.
I heard that he’s got a bootleg copy of “Batman v. Superman”, even though the DVD hasn’t been released yet!
Bootleg 也表示人去演唱會,用自己的錄音機偷錄他們唱的,然後違法發行。
好了,今天的 po 只是教育用的!Don’t buy pirated, knock-off, counterfeit, or bootleg stuff!
knock off意思 在 修思英文俱樂部/pec - [實用片語] knock one's socks off = 讓某人 ... 的推薦與評價
[實用片語] knock one's socks off = 讓某人印象深刻這個片語源自1940 年代美國南方,本來意思是拳賽中把對方襪子都打掉了,那它是怎麼轉變成現在這種令人驚艷的意思呢 ... ... <看更多>