號外號外!! 今晚 Sappho de Base *特別演出!! 來自紐約強大的吉他手.. 錯過可惜!!
2013/08/01 (四)
@ Sappho de Base
時間: 21:30 開始
票價: NT$ 200
地址: 大安區安和路一段102巷1號, Taipei, Taiwan 108
Funky Groove Jazz music brought to you by NYC guitarist Simon C.F. Yu along with some of the best musicians in Taiwan.
Jazz / Funk Experiment
BIO: 吉他手:余俊鋒(Simon Yu)−美國波士頓伯克利音樂學院流行作曲系及演奏系一級榮譽畢業。曾經到中國(北京,上海,香港),日本和美國東岸作巡迴演出。2009年更被邀請到上海音樂廳的星期音樂會,帶領CPU爵士樂隊演出了一場由電台直播及電視台轉播的“古典也爵士音樂會“並與絳州大鼓的著名鼓手蔡立風合作演出,大獲好評。同年他推出了第2張個人大碟,。他運用了中國音樂及西方電子音樂的元素創作了這一張很有特色的専輯,還邀請了多位國樂大師合作錄音和開演奏會。在流行樂方面,他曾替多位香港流行歌手編曲,包括方力申,傅穎,張智霖,江若琳等。在2010年,他參加了擁有5個格林美獎的美國殿堂級Hip-Hop歌手Lauryn Hill的樂隊在北美做了23場演出。
The extraordinary multi-talented fretted-fretless guitarist/composer/arranger/producer/director/photographer/magician was born in Hong Kong, Feb 14 1987. He went to the U.S. to study music at Berklee College of Music, and graduated in December 2007 with a major in performance and also contemporary writing and production. He moved to Manhattan, New York in Spring 2008.
Simon performs with a lot of the best musicians in New York City and Asia and has toured around the world. In 2010 he was honored to be a member of the band of one of America’s music icons –Ms. Lauryn Hill, with whom he toured North America and Canada.
Simon C.F. Yu 余俊鋒 (Guitar)
Michael Ning 甯子達 (Bass)
Fish Huang 黃子瑜 (Drums) http://fb.com/drummerfish
Sam Su 蘇聖育 (Saxophone)
magician jazz band 在 Lil' Ashes (小塵埃) Facebook 的精選貼文
:) 謝謝
11th July ( Thu) 7:30pm
灣仔藍屋 Blue House in Wan Chai
香港故事館 Hong Kong House of Stories
1. Lil' Ashes 小塵埃 (Acoustic Pop)
2. Simon Yu 余俊鋒 & Tasng Tak Hong 曾德康 (jazz/funk)
il' Ashes 小塵埃
故事是這樣的,女生Pollie與男生Jonathan在知專設計學院數碼音樂及媒體科第一年認識對方。第二年,女的自覺彈奏樂器是件極其需要手腳協調的高超技術的事,所以誠邀男的為女的伴奏及教導。短短一年磨合時間,游走不同空間表演;定期於Fullcupmusic Café駐場演出,或偶爾來個街頭游擊突襲,實行在不同環境氣氛得到新的音樂體驗。2012年更獲邀為西班牙女歌手Russian Red香港演唱會作暖場嘉賓,其後再參與Clockenflap音樂節、草民音樂節、街頭開放音樂,到今年的北京草莓音樂節,再加入Sonymusic的平原習作成為其中一員。在這兩年短短的時間已取得一張漂亮的成績單。
Pollie個子小、聲音大,伴著讓女生唱得最舒服最愜意的是男生的結他與鍵琴,簡簡單單的Acoustic Pop風格與知音者拉近距離。首張發表於各大音樂平台英語單曲〈Stricken Chord〉表面是女生對男生的愛情宣言,但實際更引伸至關乎人與人之間的微妙互扣關係,是一首讓聽者深思的小塵歌。
Simon Yu 余俊鋒 & Tasng Tak Hong 曾德康 (jazz/funk)
結他手:余俊鋒(Simon Yu)− 美國波士頓伯克利音樂學院流行作曲系及演奏系一級榮譽畢業。曾經到中國(北京,上海,香港),日本和美國東岸作巡迴演出。2009年更被邀請到上海音樂廳的星期音樂會,帶領CPU爵士樂隊演出了一場由電台直播及電視台轉播的“古典也爵士音樂會“並與絳州大鼓的著名鼓手蔡立風合作演出,大獲好評。同年他推出了第2張個人大碟,受到曾在香港中樂團服務多年的父母影響(餘昭科:二胡;蔡雅絲:古箏)。他運用了中國音樂及西方電子音樂的元素創作了這一張很有特色的専輯,還邀請了多位國樂大師(郭雅志,王曉南,蔡雅絲等)合作錄音和開演奏會。在流行樂方面,他曾替多位香港流行歌手編曲,包括方力申,傅穎,張智霖,江若琳等。在2010年,他參加了擁有5個格林美獎的美國殿堂級Hip-Hop/R&B歌手Lauryn Hill的樂隊在北美做了23場演出。
The Extra Ordinary Multi Talented Fretted-Fretless Guitarist/Composer/Arranger/Producer/Director/Photographer/Magician was born in Hong Kong, Feb 14 1987.
Born in a family of a Gu-Zheng Virtuoso Mother (Ngar Si Choi-Renowned Gu Zheng player, she is listed in the “Who's Who of China's Contemporary Music Circles”), a Video Producer Father (Chiu For Yu- Exclusive Director for the Hopng Kong Chinese Orchestra) and aLegendary Director/Editor Grandfather (Choi Cheung- Who has Directed/Produced more than 150 films in Hong Kong and his works are listed in Hong Kong Film Archive’s Museum as part of important path of Hong Kong’s movie history). Simon has absorbed all the essences of this Multi-Art family.
At 14, he was awarded the best guitarist price in a High School Band Competition and he decided to become a Professional Musician. So, he came to U.S. and study music in Berklee College of Music. He graduated in Dec 2007 majoring Performance and also Contemporary Writing and Production. He moved to Manhattan, New York on Spring 2008.
Simon performs with a lot of the best musicians in New York City and Asia and toured around the world. In 2010 he is honored to be a band member of the One of America’s Music Icon –Ms.Lauryn Hill’s group toured North America and Canada.