查士丁尼大帝的一個顯而易見的功業,就是我們這幾天參觀的聖索菲亞大教堂。在東羅馬帝國滅亡之前,它有著僅次於羅馬萬神殿(Pantheon)的大圓頂 – 直徑31.5公尺;而公元128年建成的萬神殿直徑則是43.4公尺。在滅國的同一年,佛羅倫薩的大教堂建成,具有直徑45公尺的圓頂。
從公元537年建成到1453年君士坦丁堡陷落,中間除了1204 – 1261這將近六十年之外,一直是東正教普世牧首的座堂(Seat of Ecumenical Patriarchs of Constantinople)。
作為一名好大喜功的統治者,查士丁尼並沒有建造一座更大的圓頂,原因當然不會是他不知道萬神殿到底有多大,因為羅馬已經是他統治的區域;而可能是他的意圖主要是建造最寬廣的室內空間,供信徒禮拜之用。幾乎正方形的聖索菲亞則是82 x 73,而高度有55 公尺。而萬神殿的直徑與高度都是43公尺。
萬神殿之所以能夠支撐這麼大的圓頂,原因之一是建材:羅馬著名的水泥。(對,水泥是羅馬人的發明。)但是到了公元四世紀,水泥已經不再使用,原因可能是材料、也就是火山灰的取得有困難。聖索菲亞使用的是磚瓦與砂漿(Bricks and mortar)。
在皇帝的要求以及建材與預算的限制下,設計師Isidore of Miletus與Anthemius of Tralles採取了一項創新工法:pendentive,如最後兩張圖。想必圖片就足以顯示他們的巧思。
而就在558年,一場地震就真的讓它崩塌。於是查士丁尼任命Isidore的侄子(Isidore the younger)進行第二次的設計建造。
為了補強之前因為急就章而導致的許多工程問題,Isidore the younger進行了許多疊加的工程。這就是為什麼這座教堂看起來那麼繁複的原因。
我們一開始提到1204 – 1261年那六十年之間,聖索菲亞並沒有作為東正教普世牧首的座堂。這是怎麼回事呢?因為那六十年,整個君士坦丁堡被十字軍攻佔,國都被洗劫一空,聖索菲亞改為天主教堂。這點我們下次再談。
#君士坦丁堡 #查士丁尼 #聖索菲亞 #伊斯蘭 #清真寺 #pendentive #isidore #anthemius #東正教 #orthodox #hagia #sophia #sofia #constantinople #Justinian #Islam #mosque #pantheon #萬神殿 #cement #水泥 #Istanbul #伊斯坦堡 #伊斯坦布尔
miletus 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
(( 5 Key Points from the Apostle Paul ))
“From Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called to himself the elders of the assembly. When they had come to him, he said to them, “You yourselves know, from the first day that I set foot in Asia, how I was with you all the time, serving the Lord with all humility, with many tears, and with trials which happened to me by the plots of the Jews; how I didn’t shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, teaching you publicly and from house to house, testifying both to Jews and to Greeks repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus. Now, behold, I go bound by the Spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there; except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions wait for me. But these things don’t count; nor do I hold my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to fully testify to the Good News of the grace of God. “Now, behold, I know that you all, among whom I went about preaching God’s Kingdom, will see my face no more. Therefore I testify to you today that I am clean from the blood of all men, for I didn’t shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. Take heed, therefore, to yourselves, and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the assembly of the Lord and God which he purchased with his own blood. For I know that after my departure, vicious wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Men will arise from among your own selves, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them. Therefore watch, remembering that for a period of three years I didn’t cease to admonish everyone night and day with tears. Now, brothers, I entrust you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build up, and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified. I coveted no one’s silver, or gold, or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands served my necessities, and those who were with me. In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring you ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” When he had spoken these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all. They all wept a lot, and fell on Paul’s neck and kissed him, sorrowing most of all because of the word which he had spoken, that they should see his face no more. And they accompanied him to the ship.” (Acts 20:17-38 WEB)
Imagine for a moment that you’re on your deathbed and have one last chance to tell your loved ones something.
Wouldn’t you say the most important things in your heart and hold nothing back?
That’s why I feel that the passage above is so powerful.
It records the Paul’s last words to the elders of the Ephesian church and the touching moment as they bid farewell for the last time.
Let’s break down this passage and take away some revelations from it.
1. Serve the Lord humbly without fear of persecution.
2. Declare the whole counsel of God, which is the Good News (Gospel) of the Grace of God.
3. Beware of false prophets who will try to lead you astray with false teachings.
4. The Word of God’s Grace is the one that builds you up and gives you your inheritance in Christ when you believe in it.
5. Work diligently and make an honest living, sharing your resources with those in need - with men, it is more blessed to give than to receive - the Lord will repay you with eternal rewards.
Meditate on the 5 powerful lessons above. They are the extracted from the words that poured forth from the deepest recesses of Paul’s heart, after his legendary ministry of establishing the early church for the Lord.
These valuable words of advice are aimed at leaders in the church, so if you desire to lead and feed the body of Christ effectively under the New Covenant of Grace, keep these lessons in your heart!
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#Grace #Gospel