In the midst of great opportunities, countless fans and fangirls, and receiving a chance to let my YouTube career explode; I have chosen to walk away from all that to do something better. The opportunities will be lost or have to wait, the fans will slowly dwindle and YouTube will be put on hold. But I have chosen a greater path in my life, a much greater direction in my life. Tomorrow morning I will be leaving to the Provo Missionary Training Center and will prepare for my full time LDS Mission. It is expected that on August 28 I will be departed into the Washington D.C. South Mission, where I will be speaking in the Mandarin Chinese Language. I cannot express in words how excited I am and how ready I am to go. For everyone who has had an influence or impacted my life in a positive motion, thank you so much!
My mom will be updated a blog for me:
Thanks again for all the support you have all given me. It is truly appreciated!