1. 校區內所有的圖書館在地下都是連在一起的
2. 最喜歡這種跟自然和諧共生的學校
依山而起,跟我在香港的母校中文大學一樣 :]
3. 松鼠滿地跑,還有自己的 FB 粉絲頁 #讚還比我多
4. 設計學院的建築的外表「故意」弄成全校最醜的
在每次錄 cover 之前,我會三天以上不聽那首歌,徹底忘掉旋律和編曲
不過我還是比較喜歡這所大學 :)
《 UC Berkeley half-day tour 》
1. All libraries in campus are connected to each other underground!
2. I really appreciated this kind of ecosystem, which nature was considered when campus was design.
Very similar to my school CUHK (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
3. Berkeley squirrels, super stars in the school, even have their own fb fans page. #morepagliksthanmine 🐿
4. Department of Design got the ugliest building in whole campus. 😂
The reason behind is that they want to keep student away from existing ideas, and can create independently without being bounded by any other thinking.
It's same in music field actually, so I really agree their spirit I mention in last point.
It common for me to keep myself away from the songs I plan to cover for couple of days.
Then I can find my own style and even be inspired to further songwriting.
Compared to Stanford where I visited few days ago, I enjoy here more. :)