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2021123 Live recipes 中英對照
特別鳴謝Easycook 義工團,咁快就做起食譜🙇♀️
📌 黑朱古力180g
📌 雞蛋4隻
📌 糖霜少許
📌 士多啤梨1粒
1. 黑朱古力放在碗內,弄碎,之後放入微波爐叮2分鐘,或用熱水墊底溶解朱古力。
2. 雞蛋分開蛋黃和蛋白。4份蛋白用電動打蛋器打至白泡狀。備用。
3. 4份蛋黃分別放在4小碗。朱古力叮好取出,先攪勻,之後放入第1份蛋黃,不停攪均,再放入第2份蛋黃一起不停攪勻,之後第3份蛋黃,再第4份蛋黃,如此類推,直至完全攪勻。
4. 打好了的蛋白遂少逐少分數次加入在朱古力漿內,完全攪勻。
5. 準備焗盤,盤底掃油,盤側邊圍上牛油紙,焗爐放熱水,焗盤坐底,以140度焗20分鐘。
6. 時間到,取出朱古力蛋糕,糖霜篩在蛋糕面上,再加上士多啤梨作裝飾,即成。
提示:1. 朱古力可選用牛奶朱古力
2. 蛋黃放入朱古力漿時,要快手攪勻。
3. 如果用鑊蒸,隔水蒸40 – 45分鐘。
English Version
Easy Flourless Chocolate Cake
(YouTube video starts at 25:36.)
Egg yolks - 4 (to be added one at a time)
Sweetened chocolate bars - 180g (your choice of dark chocolate or milk chocolate. Break into small pieces and melt them in the microwave for 2 minutes or use a double boiler.)
Egg whites - 4 (beat until stiff peak)
6 inch cake pan
Garnish ingredient:
Icing sugar
Ice cream - optional
1. In a stand mixer bowl, add in 4 egg whites, and beat until stiff peak. Set aside.
2. In a separate big bowl, add in room temperature melted chocolate, 1 egg yolk, and mix well by stirring quickly in one direction.
3. Continue with the remaining 3 egg yolks by adding in ONE AT A TIME until you get a smooth chocolate batter.
4. Add a bit of beaten egg whites from the stand mixer bowl into the chocolate batter and mix well to get a nice consistency as the beaten egg whites.
5. Pour the entire chocolate batter into the beaten egg whites in the stand mixer bowl, and mix well. Make sure all egg whites are incorporated into the chocolate batter.
6. Transfer to a 6 inch cake pan greased and lined with parchment paper.
7. Bake by using water bath at 160C (320F) for about 20 minutes or less with a tray of water at the bottom of your oven or underneath the baking pan. Adjust the time and temperature accordingly to your oven. You can also steam it for 40 to 45 minutes.
8. Garnish with icing sugar and strawberries. Serve.
肥牛片 一包(大約$20片)
金菇 兩包(切掉根部,洗乾淨,抹乾水份)
椒鹽粉 適量
鹽 適量
胡椒粉 適量胡椒粉
紅椒粉 適量(可不用)
1. 肥牛片灑上少許椒鹽粉和鹽
2. 每片肥牛卷入一小撮金菇後,放入氣炸鍋焗盆內,再灑上調味料,跟着噴油在肥牛卷上,然後放入氣炸鍋,用攝氏200度焗3至4分鐘
English Version
Enoki Mushroom Beef Rolls
(YouTube video starts at 39:18.)
Sliced fatty beef slices - (or use pork tenderloin slices or lamb slices)
Filling ingredient:
Enoki mushrooms
Carrot shreds - optional
Blanched Gai Lan stems - optional
Asparagus - optional
Seasoning ingredients:
Szechuan pepper salt
Red chili powder
1. Roll each beef slice with enoki mushrooms filling.
2. Optional to season the beef slices with Szechuan pepper salt, red chili powder, and/or salt before rolling or after rolling.
3. Place a parchment paper in the air dryer basket, spray a layer of oil, place beef rolls on top and spray another layer of oil on top.
4. Air fry for 3 minutes for medium-well or 4 minutes for well done at 200C (393F).
5. Transfer to serving plate. Serve.
材料:芋頭一斤四兩,蝦米隨意,冬菇3隻,瑤柱4-5粒,一孖臘腸,粘米粉160g, 粟粉4湯匙,芝麻同蔥適量
調味料: 五香粉一茶匙,固體植物油一湯匙半,鹽及糖各半茶匙,白胡椒粉半茶匙多些
準備: 配料蝦米,冬菇,瑤柱用水浸軟切細,(水留用), 臘腸切細粒
粉漿: 用浸過配料的水幾粘米粉同粟粉攪勻,粉漿水大概700ml
English Version
Taro Cake
(YouTube video starts at 0:53.)
Taro - about 1 kg and pick the lightest ones for more starchy-texture. Cut half into strips and the other half into cubes. This will have a different bite texture when steamed. Must be pan-fried until fragrant and golden brown with extra oil than usual.
Dried shrimps - preferable buy the cheapest and smallest kinds. Clean and soak to rehydrate (save the soaking liquid), and chop into small pieces.
Dried mushrooms - 3 big ones. Clean and soak to rehydrate (save the soaking liquid) and chop into small pieces.
Dried scallops - about 4 -5. Clean and soak to rehydrate (save the soaking liquid) and cut horizontally sideway to shorten the strands then loosen into small pieces.
Chinese sausages - 2 clean and chop into small pieces
Chinese cured pork strips (“Lap Yuk”) - optional
Binding batter ingredients:
Rice flour - 160g – 180g
Corn flour/starch - 4 tbsp (or use “Teng Mein” flour 4 tbsp or less. This will prevent the taro cake from coming apart.)
Saved soaking liquid from dried shrimps, mushrooms, and scallops - about 3 cups (If you do not have 3 cups just compensate with more water.)
Water - about 1 ½ cups or more depending on how much the taro absorbs the liquid. The more starchy-texture the taro has the more liquid it absorbs.
Seasoning ingredients:
Vegetable shortening - 1 ½ tbsp (or use lard. This is for smoothness in taste)
Five-spice powder - 1 tsp
White pepper - heaping ½ tsp
Salt - ½ tsp but not too much
Sugar - ½ tsp
Garnish ingredients:
White sesame seeds
Green onion pieces
1. In a bowl, add in saved soaking liquid from dried shrimps, mushrooms, scallops, and mix well. Add in rice flour, cornflour, and mix well. Set aside
2. Heat up a wok, add more oil than usual. Add in all taro pieces and fry until fragrant and golden brown. Transfer to serving plate. Set aside.
3. In the same wok, add in oil, dried shrimps, Chinese sausage pieces, and fry until fragrant.
4. Add in mushroom pieces, and fry until fragrant.
5. Lastly, add in dried scallops, and fry briefly to avoid toughness when chewed.
6. Add in vegetable shortening, five-spice powder, white pepper, sugar, and mix well.
7. Return fried taro pieces back to the work and mix well.
8. Add in 1 cup of water, mix well, cover wok with lid, and bring to a boil.
9. Add another ½ cup of water, mix well, and bring to a boil.
10. Add in binding batter prepared in Step 1. Mix well. The mixture will slowly thicken. Add more water now if you find it too thick.
11. Transfer to a steam proof OILED container.
12. Steam for about 35 to 40 minutes.
Note: Best to pan fry them the next day.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Natayi,也在其Youtube影片中提到,吃了會懷孕!!! 【Natayi's SNS】 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/NatayiK Instagram: NatayiK Snapchat: natayi 評價 Rating: 濃厚味噌雞Miso: 8/10 叉燒Chashu: 10/...
nice cream價錢 在 Suetleimama 雪梨媽媽 Facebook 的精選貼文
聖誕staycation告吹了,幸好也自製了一個本地小旅行,連言妹妹都話好似去咗酒店玩咁開心!美美的湖景加上典雅的裝潢,看看餐牌tea set 才 $88起!難怪之前聽說要一個月前才訂到位⋯
印象中香港湖畔餐廳並不多,所以照片乍看如同身處外國。我們選了平日的下午茶時段,這天氣坐戶外正好,推薦訂枱時選 Corridor seat,就是我們坐這個玻璃窗旁湖景位哦~ 不過坐戶外還是要做好防蚊,喜歡坐室內會推薦window seat!
我們點了三份Tea set: dessert platter、fish and chips、apple pie, macaron & ice cream,賣相很美,味道不錯但沒有太大特別驚喜,不過配合這環境這價錢也沒有好投訴~
預訂前有朋友提醒餐廳以往booking很亂,但我用網上訂枱,前一天有sms確認,整體experience不錯。這裡的員工也有點像身處外國的感覺,不太像一般香港的「摩打手」節奏,但都是helpful & nice。(也可能是平日相對人比較少哈哈...)
🌟小補充:餐廳提供兒童餐具,也有high chair。訂枱現時只限每次2人,像我們四人家庭就要訂兩個bookings哦。我們訂枱時request了一張high chair,到步坐下waiter叔叔把high chair 搬來而且用酒精消毒紙巾抺過才給我們用,感覺非常貼心!不過女洗手間沒有換片板(沒有機會找到人問哪裡有),帶年紀小的baby來或會有點麻煩。
Billow Bar Seafood Bistro
#大埔湖畔餐廳 #白鷺湖
nice cream價錢 在 金寶湯與羅宋湯 - 小喵奴是怎樣煉成的 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【一田春日BB用品展 元気BB育成大作戰】
🎊一田百貨將會喺10/3 - 25/3舉行「#元気BB育成大作戰👶🏻」 一田春日BB展 ,6間分店(沙田/大埔/荃灣/屯門/觀塘/將軍澳)將會同步進行,我今次就嚟咗荃灣廣場地下嘅一田,佢喺地下中庭仲設有特別展場呢👍🏻,有近千款bb用品以3折起發售〽️,減價貨品花多眼亂,等喵奴帶大家去睇睇 #特選貨品 啦🤓!
今日喺一田搵到唔少筍嘢😍,你需要嘅都有,兼及BB衣食住行,包括 #外出用品、#BB玩具、#BB食品及補充品、#護理產品、#哺乳用品 同 #嬰兒寢室用品 等等,孕媽/靚媽喺一田BB展行一轉包你有收獲🎁!
[📱YATA-Fans 手機APP會員]限定割引👇🏻
1. 順順兒Co-free 呵護柔巾(50片) $11.4
2. Zappy嬰兒純水濕紙巾(30片x3包裝)$31.2
3. Biolane抗敏換片護膚膏(50ml)$30
4. Marcus & Marcus兒童背囊$94.5
5. Minimoto Eva膠口水肩$14.5
6. Tomme Tippee餐具套裝$25
1. Combi NEYO Plus 手推車 $2294
2. Aprica LUXUNA Comfort 舒適系列雙向嬰幼兒手推車 $2711
3. gb Gold Qbit+ 手推車 $2160
4. 韓國Hugpapa 3合1 Dial-Fit 嬰兒揹帶 $1299
5. Recaro Young Sport Hero 汽車座椅 $2952
1. K’s Kids 廚師學習布書 $99
2. Little Pony 兒童安全門欄 $288
3. Czraz NICE Bumper 寶寶屋 $899
1. 寶寶百味即食有機米米粥唧裝 $19.9/包
2. SmartFish Cream 智晴叻DHA 忌廉魚油 $450/3盒
1. MUSTELA髮膚沐浴啫喱750ml x2 + 水份潤膚乳 50ml $284
2. QV 嬰兒保濕潤膚膏 (250g x2) $158
3. Derma + Care 嬰兒皇牌抗敏修護套裝 $119
4. Huggies 皇牌天然加厚配方嬰兒濕紙巾補充裝(184片) $99/3包
5. Karibu 摺疊浴盤 $319
1. NUK 自然母感奶瓶入門套裝 $359
2. Chu Chu PPSU 奶樽 (240ml x4) $249
3. Tommee Tippee 電子消毒及烘乾機 $640
1. Casablance 12件嬰兒床品套裝 $499
2. Cherry 角落小伙伴12件嬰兒床品套裝 $699.9
3. Infantino 旋轉木馬音樂吊飾 $299
4. Halo 防窒息二合一包被+睡袋套裝(1套3件) $699.9
此外,#一田eShop📲將會首次加推bb展舉行期間精選超過300款嘅bb用品,家長們可以 #足不出戶 就訂購到大型傢俱及補充日用品啦🛍。
仲有仲有,今年繼續設有YATA-Fans 手機App📱會員尊享優惠,只要免費下載YATA-Fans手機App註冊成為會員,即可享有指定產品限定割引優惠。相入面會有詳盡介紹限定割引產品🛒。
✅10/3-25/3 BB展期間,逢星期五、六、日於全線一田百貨/超市購物,憑建行(亞洲)信用卡即日單一簽賬滿$400可以換領$40一田現金禮券
一田百貨 (YATA) - official Page
#一田春日BB展 #YataBBFair
nice cream價錢 在 Natayi Youtube 的最佳解答
【Natayi's SNS】
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/NatayiK
Instagram: NatayiK
Snapchat: natayi
評價 Rating:
濃厚味噌雞Miso: 8/10
叉燒Chashu: 10/10
お湯Soup: 7/10
半熟玉子Egg: 7/10
面Noodle: 8/10
濃厚辛味噌雞Spicy Miso: 8.5/10
炸雞Chicken: 6/10
豬肉丼Pork Rice: 6/10
Mochi Ice Cream: 8.5/10 (皮大好評)
三宝亭裡面裝修感覺好高級 哈哈哈
(我們桌的服務員姊姊特別美 嘻嘻)
【About this Video】
Sanpoutei Ramen First try
Sanpoutei serves chicken soup ramen from Niigata in Japan
People who love thick pork bon soup might also like this
As they have really thick chicken soup ramen~~
The average ramen price is $13 on the menu
A bit pricier for the quantity
But this place has a really nice environment and service
All of Sanpoutei's noodles are produced in shop
I really like the texture of it
As I prefer softer noodles
Sanpoutei’s waiter/waitresses really put their heart in when they serve
Which is not that common in other ramen shops
Thank you!!
My friend mentioned that working in ramen shop is really dangerous
As they have to serve us hot ramen risking themselves being poured

nice cream價錢 在 大丈夫。工作遊記 Youtube 的最佳解答
咪以為熊本熊 係日本最紅的吉祥物呀?船梨精 已經被選為日本人的No.1至愛角色。我問過同事點解船梨精咁煩咁嘈大家都咁歡喜?因為日本人好喜歡她的「キモ可愛い」最接近應該就是蠟筆小新,又淘氣又搗蛋,真係無佢符。
好早之前朋友已經問我有無興趣去渋谷個船梨精主題CAFE呀?!見你地有去女僕 同MIFFY,又心郁郁想去貓頭鷹CAFE。於是我真係要開一個主題CAFE系列名為【Xros CAFE系列】Xros有Cross over既意思,明抄數碼暴龍?
船梨精主題CAFE係要買整理券(せいりけん)朋友早早就去左LAWSON訂左,大約每張324円未連稅喎!以為有整理券就可以絲絲然有15分鐘BUFFERING啦,錯啦!原來張券有寫明過左時要重頭排過?我地遲左10分鐘,排到排左成個半鐘先入到去!係等個段期間我地輪流落去ONE PIECE STORE睇下精品,原來三個都係海賊迷。?所以要COSPLAY一下 #海軍 同路飛,我覺得自己有80% 似架~
入去CAFE前職員會幫我地入餐廳前的PHOTO SPOT用我地既手機影相,仲有不同船梨精的造型,有頭飾公仔冷帽,任君選擇。入去前已經選好食物,三個人三個不同的餐,三杯奇趣的野飲,同兩個誇張到爆既甜品???OLD SCHOOL都講返句:「真係飽到上心口呀!」入到去就播緊嘈到拆天既船梨精SOUND TRACK, 精神好都由自可,可以元氣十足,精力充沛。但當日丫仁去完好多節目後,精神彷彿,當堂變成精神轟炸!店內採光的氣氛,頓然對眼只能活係藍黃綠的世界內。
飲品:我本LATTE係藍色( #比卡超 咖哩色素?)CRAEM同LATTE溝埋一齊就又變左 藍+黃=綠,棉花糖SODA同SMOOTHIE同樣道理。到正餐啦!真係不得不讚個漢堡包,個樣最型仔,味道又唔差得去邊~
咖哩飯點解會變左 #冬蔭公 味?!大概是船梨精個飯底是咖哩吧~辣度都真係幾強,是譚仔的中辣同小辣中間,大家都會想像到嘛?酸奶是可以中和到個辣呢!來到甜品真係厲害了,氣勢十足,特別是個栗子蛋糕!!其實同係 #聖安娜 買的$20味道一樣,為保溫你可以去到幾盡?落左粒乾冰營造氣勢。先來個大頭船梨精,一打開冒出寒氣,上枱個刻我地三個都O晒嘴。其次是布丁,大力推介!!因為好有口感,波子汽水CREAM內藏雪糕,意料之外的夾!三人都異口同聲說「NICE」~✨?✨
船梨精(ふなっしー)Café@THE GUEST cafe & diner
地址:渋谷パルコ パート1
營業時間:朝11 / 晚 10
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