想要你的名字出現在小說上嗎?! 就是現在了!!
#星迷檔案 要出第三集了~我從第一集開始就有做說書
時間過得之快 嚇死人也
啊啊 是不是歲月的摧殘
◢▅▃ 想要名留星謎檔案嗎?▃▅◣
◢▅▃ 史上最狂便當.徵人中▃▅◣
四月《復仇者聯盟 4》我們失去了 XXX
五月《冰與火之歌 第8季》OOO 跟***跟口口口……都走了
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Novel小說. NeKo嗚喵 #星謎檔案
「novel ai中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於novel ai中文 在 NeKo嗚喵 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於novel ai中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於novel ai中文 在 九九 Sophie Chen Facebook 的最讚貼文
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novel ai中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
這篇是講矽谷投資人, 是如何在一堆的新秀中, 挑選可以投資的創新公司.
我也認為, 研究個股, 尤其是科技相關類股, 除了要看它有沒有先行者優勢(first mover advantage), 也需要注意公司有沒有自己的生態系統, 以及它在更大的生態圈/供應鏈中扮演了甚麼角色.
生態系統。 YouTube 從內容生產者、分發渠道到內容的託管、保存,建立起了一整套生態系統。類似的,蘋果的 App Store 也有自己的生態。
產品領導者。像 Salesforce,Workday 和 ServiceNow 這樣的雲服務提供商,搭建了一套完整的解決方案,而且創新速度夠快,產品功能完善,成為其細分行業的領導者,當然也算是一種護城河。
渠道。尤其是對於 to B 產品來說,能不能在一個企業內部流通,既是一個挑戰,也是一種優勢
原文寫的比較仔細, 轉貼在下方: https://news.greylock.com/what-do-i-look-for-in-a-pitch-866355bddb3
We love to talk about “network effects” in Silicon Valley, but many believe that starts and end with the social, viral growth of Facebook. But network effects can build many kinds of moats that defend them against copycats and price erosion.
I don’t describe every kind of moat here (e.g., regulatory) and many great companies will have new types of moats — ones yet to be invented. No moat is absolute or permanent or I’d be out of a job! Still, having a thesis on your defensibility is essential, even at the Series A.
--Tech. We continue to believe in new and better fundamental technology as a moat — not so much patents or legal protection, but products that are hard to build well or take advantage of a fundamentally new approach. In extreme cases, a technology advantage that translates into a customer benefit can turn into a standard — an effective monopoly — as in the case of Intel. In most cases, even a great technology moat only gets you far enough to become a market leader, buying you the right to work closely with customers and enabling you to define the market.
--Ecosystem moats come in many flavors — from becoming the default hosting site for user-generated video content (YouTube), to the rapid, developer-driven free adoption of container technologies and growth of associated tooling (Docker), to the developers that now make >$20B a year through the Apple app store.
--Networks. Social networks are now pretty well-understood. Marketplaces and on-demand businesses reach a liquidity point (even a local one) and build mindshare with consumers that becomes hard to displace. Often, marketplaces have some advantaged acquisition strategy for at least one side (demand or supply) — they’ve built a community, offered a compelling new service, have organic or viral spread.
--Product leaders. In the enterprise, cloud pioneers like Salesforce, Workday and ServiceNow built complete, core workflow solutions with a new architecture. Their faster-innovating products, (at that time novel) SaaS consumption model, and dominant go-to-market machines have made them category leaders. Each is now expanding their initial moats to become platforms for other applications and workflows.
--Distribution represents a new generation of user-adopted SaaS products. End-user engagement within organizations is often a weak spot for enterprise software incumbents. Deploying software is a challenge for most organizations, and consumers who are using more software in their own lives expect better choice and usability. Simplicity and quality of design has become a moat, especially when coupled with product features that encourage adoption within an organization, or new layers of value for incremental users within an organization. Is it better for me if my team also uses a tool? What about my manager?
Capturing a unique dataset is also emerging as a moat in the age of AI-powered products. If your workflow product or MVP is useful on its own, and you can use it to collect unique data, you can then learn from that data to build a better and smarter product, improving the user experience — driving a new virtuous cycle.
novel ai中文 在 九九 Sophie Chen Facebook 的最讚貼文
Maintenant disponible partout / Streaming Eveywhere: https://songwhip.com/song/sophie-chen/un-autre-ete
Two months ago, my dad had a completely random stroke in his brain stem. He was given 0% chance of survival and deemed inoperable.
I had to go sit in the hospital parking lot when my mom refused to donate his organs on the spot, and pressured for him to be transfered into ICU. It was a seriously beautiful day, with an almost too perfect blue and cloudless sky, along with a refreshing breeze.
And yet, my dad was right in that emergency room, ‘and will not make it’.
Honestly, it was so beautiful outside that my brain refused to process what was going on. It was too surreal, too out of place.
Two months later, after a multitude of operations and complications, sleepless nights, and an unbelievable amount of support and love from so many people, my dad is now pronounced « Locked in ».
However, he is making tiny, but definite progress. The recovery road is, professionally speaking, almost guaranteed to be impossible, but two months in, he’s made it out of the death bed, according to the neurologist.
The past couple of years, especially after moving back to Canada, I felt super lost in my artistry, and I know that deep down, this really saddened my dad. A month before my dad’s stroke, I started to write music again. It was unbelievably exciting, and I couldn’t wait to share my new material when the timing became right again.
When his life became a ticking bomb, I wrote so many poems and songs, and would read it to him in hopes that he’d hear me.
Fun fact, my dad thinks my Chinese is terribly shitty, and his English is rather dreadful. Which leads us to, lol, a French song.
Next week, August 22nd, marks my 1 year anniversary of moving back to Canada.
I wanted to share with you all this track that I wrote for my pops on that day.
Thanks for reading, and I’ll be checking in next week.
Il y a deux mois, mon père a eu un AVC subitement et selon le personnel médical, n’avait aucune chance de survie.
Je me suis assise dans le stationnement de l’hôpital alors que ma mère refusait de donner ses organes sur le champs et insistait pour qu’il soit transféré aux soins intensifs. C’était une superbe journée, aucun nuage dans un ciel bleu azur et un vent si doux. Pourtant, mon père était juste là, et se battait pour sa vie.
Il faisait si beau dehors que mon cerveau refusait d’accepter ce qui se passait. C’était irréel, une journée comme ça n’avait pas sa place lors d’un tel moment.
Deux mois plus tard, après plusieurs opérations et complications, des nuits blanches et beaucoup de soutien et d’amour de tant de gens, mon père est jugé « Locked in » par la neurologue.
Il fait des progrès minuscules que n’importe qui jugerait minuscule, mais absolument immense pour nous. Le chemin vers un rétablissement complet est considéré impossible médicalement.
Néanmoins, deux mois plus tard, il n’est plus considéré comme étant en danger immédiat.
Ces dernières années, surtout après être revenue au Canada, je me sentais perdue dans ma carrière artistique et je sais que cela rendait mon père très triste. Un mois avant son AVC, j’ai recommencé à écrire et à composer. J’avais hâte de partager mon nouveau matériel au bon moment.
Lorsque papa luttait pour sa vie, j’ai écrit de nombreux poèmes et chansons afin de lui lire, tout en espérant qu’il m’entendait.
Fun fact, mon père pense que mon mandarin est à chier. Son anglais est assez terrible, merci. Ce qui m’a amené à écrire du matériel en Français.
Le 22 août marque la fin de ma première année de retour au Canada et, en même tant, j’aimerais vous partager une des chansons que je lui ai écrite.
Merci d’avoir lu ce roman, et à la semaine prochaine.
novel ai中文 在 【Novel AI本地部署】用AI畫美女免費超簡單一鍵 ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價

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novel ai中文 在 【Novel AI繪圖教學】用NovelAI畫圖,畫出超乎想像高水準動 ... 的推薦與評價

... 如何以圖算圖這集和大家分享NovelAI算圖,它有龐大的動漫畫資料庫,也有以圖算圖功能,比起midjourney、dall-e算圖軟體, Novel AI 更適合... ... <看更多>
novel ai中文 在 [閒聊] 想請教Novel-AI的疑問。 - 看板C_Chat 的推薦與評價