[演講技巧] 用對的語言,說給對的人聽:看蕭美琴的 ALEC 演講
Presentality再次幫同學分享政治人物演講技巧。這次Andrew Yang 分析的對象是現任駐美代表蕭美琴 (Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao)!
這幾天看到網路上很多人稱讚蕭美琴在美國給的一場演講,是在 American Legislative Exchange Council 大會給的。Youtube 上還有完整的影片。
Ok, let’s go. First, the speech video itself: https://youtu.be/5ozMcauCjbs
📌 連開頭都跟傳統台灣官員不一樣
她一開頭,就用一種很 personal 的方式回應主辦單位的介紹:
Thank you Karen for that kind introduction…
畢竟用人家的 first name,就感覺比較親切對不對?通常外交場合,都是用 last name 的。
📌 而且她跟台灣大部分官員用英文演講的時候有一個很不一樣的地方:
她講話的時候,是看著聽眾的 lol。
你可能會覺得搞啥啊,講話不是就要看著對方嗎?但其實很多台灣官員可能是語文能力關係,或是沒時間把稿子弄熟,演講的時候大部分的時間是盯著稿子的,所以跟聽眾的 connection 真的就會打折扣。
📌 另外一個小細節,就是她的節奏。
台灣很多官員不只是唸稿,還唸的斷斷續續,不停的卡住,蕭美琴就不一樣,講的算是非常流暢,尤其到後半段整個進入一個很好的 flow。
📌 講「對的字」,給對的聽眾
I’m so honored to be able to be here in person, to use this occasion to express my gratitude… to the so many outstanding freedom-loving legislators around the United States.
還有這裡,講到主辦單位 ALEC 頒獎給蔡總統,她說:
It is also recognition for the freedom-loving people of Taiwan, and our determination to keep Taiwan free.
對,就是 “Freedom-loving”。
我在美國住十幾年,從大學到研究所到華府工作,周圍的朋友大多都是左派的,我不記得他們之中有任何人,任何一次,說過 “freedom-loving” 或甚至強調 freedom。這代表蕭大使真的很會對「對的人」說「對的話」。
她也不忘用 “side-by-side” 的語法,來強調台灣跟美國的價值。很多台灣官員都只會制式的重複:We share with you the values of freedom and democracy, blah blah blah…
I often say that you are living in the land of the free.
We are living on the island of the free.
Good line,又迎來一些掌聲。
*Btw, 為什麼是 “land of the free” 而不是 land of free 或是 free land?因為自由的不是土地,而是「人」,所以美國人才會說 “we are a free people”。所以 “the free” 代表的其實是「自由的人」。
📌 掌控敘事 (Narrative)
We also believe that it is only in societies that respect the freedom of speech, where true innovation can propel technology that advances human progress, instead of technology that is abused and used for surveillance and controlling their people.
這就是敘事 (narrative) 的重點:不是只是提供一大堆 information 給大家 (this is what most people do),而是告訴大家要怎麼去「詮釋」這些資訊 (跟我們時常在說的 “framing” 有關)。
絕大部分台灣官員出去演講的時候,是完全沒有核心論述的,就只有提供一堆人家沒興趣也永遠不會記得的 information。
Can you spell B-O-R-I-N-G?
I’m an ambassador now, I work in Washington, DC, but I used to be like you, I came from a legislature in Taiwan, I understand that all politics are local. And when we go back to our constituents, we wanna deliver on economic progress, we wanna deliver on the common values that we share.
但她這麼說,可是有目的:把聽眾的注意力帶到 “economic progress for constituents” 之後,她馬上用大家可以理解的數字,提醒聽眾台灣對美國「地方經濟」的重要性:
We’re in the State of Utah now, [Taiwan’s] size is only 15% the size of Utah, but we are the 8th largest consumer of US agricultural products in the world.
Which means, per capita wise, each Taiwanese citizen is the second largest consumer — per capita wise — the second largest consumer of American agricultural products.
📌 需要完整分析的同學請留言「用對的語言,說給對的人聽!」。
還有, 快快訂閱Presentality,即時收到這些精闢分析!!!
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3u6mHpL
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Elaine Hau,也在其Youtube影片中提到,中文字幕請打開[字幕](右下方):) 如果仍然看不到中文字幕,請轉到“設置”(右下方),然後轉到“字幕”,然後“自動翻譯”,然後點擊“中文” Please turn on [CC] for English subtitles :) If you still can't see English ...
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Tacoma Police Strike?
州警大人今天執勤前,突然接到緊急命令,華盛頓州警局通知:隸屬皮爾斯郡 (Pierce County) 轄區的州警一律暫停自己的工作,全力支援塔科瑪警局 (Tacoma Police Department) 、以及皮爾斯郡警長辦公室。原因無他,就在今天,5 月 27 日星期四,塔科瑪警局和皮爾斯郡警長辦公室的全體警員不約而同請了病假。
為什麼呢?這要追溯到 2020 年的 3 月,塔科瑪警局三名員警在值勤時逮捕一名黑人名眾 Manuel Ellis,逮捕過程不幸造成 Manuel Ellis 死亡。之後的驗屍報告顯示,Manuel Ellis 的死因是(警方造成的)缺氧,但同時 Manuel Ellis 體內被驗出大量足以致死、俗稱冰毒的甲基安非他命。此毒品是間接造成缺氧的原因之一。
塔科瑪 (Tacoma) 身為全華盛頓州第二大城,今日卻只有約十名員警報到上班。據預測,晚班員警可能還更少。正因如此,華盛頓州警局緊急調派當區州警支援。而身為 Tacoma 區晚班分隊長的州警大人更是首當其衝。今晚上班前,不但要通知隊上員警目前的狀況,還要面對惶惶不安的州警。向來獨自執勤的州警們,不再覺得安全,紛紛詢問州警大人今晚可不可以兩人一組值勤,還互相提醒,千萬不要獨自一人前往犯罪現場。
克萊兒心知肚明,在這場自由派 Vs. 執法部門的對峙中,執法部門節節敗退,早已敗下陣來。類似的員警罷工只是開頭,心寒的美國執法人員會陸續跟進。最終的受害者是誰?當然是身為一般民眾的我們,美國治安敗壞,所有住在美國大城的民眾都能感受到。坦白說,造成這種結果,我們責無旁貸,因為這都是我們自己選擇的。一般民眾可能無法瞭解美國治安究竟有多糟,但身為警眷的克萊兒卻是天天心驚膽顫。上星期,毫髮之差,州警大人差點就再也回不了家。克萊兒除了擔心和憤怒,什麼也做不了。
千萬不要天真以為自由派政客會站在人民這一邊。這些政商名流、影視體壇明星,安全無虞住在配備私人保全的堡壘中,只會嗜血批評、抹黑執法人員,一旦自身安全受到威脅,卻要求警方為他們提供 VIP 服務。也不要以為這些欺善怕惡的自由派有多麼在乎他們口中的自由、平等,看看 John Cena 面對中國的鞠躬哈腰嘴臉,你覺得他們有什麼原則可言?
Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.
-- Mahatma Gandhi 聖雄甘地
occasion英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
actual 實際的、事實上的 (a.)
E.g. What Leo told us was an actual happening.
actual / authentic / concrete / genuine / true 實際的、真實的
E.g. I don’t know if the painting is authentic.
absolutely / certainly / definitely / positively / perfectly 確實、的確 (adv.)
E.g. Beating the world champions is certainly a big task for the team.
As a matter of fact / in fact / in reality / actually 事實上、實際上
E.g. Actually, Peter’s advice is a matter of indifference to me.
correct / proper / appropriate / accurate / right 正確的、適當的 (a.)
E.g. Yen picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion.
✨同場加映 ✨
appropriate 撥出款項、挪用、盜用 (v.)
E.g. The manager was found to have appropriated store money.
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occasion英文 在 Elaine Hau Youtube 的最佳解答
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Elaine Hau has been a part of the luxury fashion and beauty industry for many years. Her passion for all things beauty and fashion has led to her popular YouTube channel which promotes the luxury lifestyle. Her content primarily includes shopping hauls, unboxings and reviews of many brand name products in both industries. Elaine has been a handbag collector for many years. All of her handbags are “like new” since she has only used them a few times for content on her social media pages and special events. She loves to have the latest handbags because they complement her fashion style. Elaine also likes to stay up to date with the latest fashion trends. With her growing collection of luxury handbags just sitting in her closet at home, she has decided to share her collection with all of you. She has found a way to combine her passion for handbags and her interest in business. Elaine is committed to providing you with the best experience, from ordering online, to when your handbag arrives and when you’re ready to return.
Elaine has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Alaska Anchorage and an MBA from Pepperdine University. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Digital Media Design from Harvard University. Originally from Hong Kong, Elaine now resides in Los Angeles, CA.
Ever wanted a luxury handbag for a special occasion, event or outing? Handbags can be expensive and a big commitment to purchase. Or maybe your closet just doesn’t have the same amount of space it used to? What if there was a way to have the perfect handbag for a fraction of the cost or just save some extra space in your closet. That’s where we come in! Luxury Fashion Rentals offers you the option to rent the luxury handbag of your choice for as long as you’d like without having to purchase it outright. Now you will have the flexibility to enjoy the perfect handbag on your time!
Rent with Us: https://luxuryfashionrentals.com/
**This video is not sponsored. I purchased the items with my own money.
Thank you for watching!!
For business inquiries: e_style@live.com
工作电邮: e_style@live.com
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occasion英文 在 Chen Lily Youtube 的最佳貼文
🌲 Lily英文聊天術(口說課程):https://bit.ly/36I05CF
📚 Lily新制托福課程:https://bit.ly/2GIs3mC
* 影片裡提到,台灣沒有,來美國值得逛逛的牌子
1. Bath and Body Works
2. Banana Republic
3. Aritzia
4. Papyrus
* 這集出現的單字:
1. Signature (a.) 特徵的;特色的
2. High-end (a.) 高檔的;高層次的
3. Co. (abbr.) Company的縮寫,公司
4. Home decor (n.) =Home decoration,家飾
5. Cart (n.) 推車,手推車
6. Infamous (a.) 罪大惡極的;惡名昭彰的
7. Beauty guru (n.) 多指美妝YouTuber,Guru是教主的意思
8. Fragrance (n.) 芬芳;香氣
9. Smart casual (n.) 休閒不失專業的打扮
10. Style (v.) 搭配
11. Papyrus (n.) 古埃及的莎草紙
12. Occasion (n.) 場合;時機
13. Random (a.) Slang,在這裡指難以預測又有點奇怪的
ღ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chennlilyy/
ღ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chennlilyy/
ღ 合作邀約:chenlilyofficial@gmail.com
我是Lily Chen. 加拿大McGill University 語言教育碩士

occasion英文 在 每天簡單學英文- Joyce Chu【問】 your life is an occasion, rise ... 的推薦與評價
Joyce Chu【問】 your life is an occasion, rise to it! 請問怎麼翻譯, 謝謝. ... <看更多>