Stop and smell the flowers 🌿🌷✨🦋. . .
Everyday we are busy with our busy life, do we even notice the beauty around us?
My morning started on the wrong side of the bed at 6:58am as one of my son’s school bus didn’t come, don’t ask me why only one son got on the bus and one had to walk a distance to another location to wait for another school bus. Anyway I had to reschedule all my morning meetings to drive one son to school which took me an hour to and fro !! I’m sharing here to let out some steam 😶🌫️ Motherhood - One needs to be able to accommodate and react instantly when things didn’t workout as planned.
I hope you will have a way better morning and a lovely chill Friday!!! 🦋✨💙🌈
PS I took this pic as I’ve parked my car, got out, stretched and looked into the sky to take a deep breath before I continue my day
#myfridaymorning #oneofthosedays #motherhood #itsfriday #rozyorganics #rozybabies #rosannewong @drderekbaram @centralsmilehk @lalamallsg @lalamallkr
oneofthosedays 在 小人物上籃 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Live or die by the 3s.
今晚的波特蘭就像爵士G1一樣,全聯盟頂級的外線也有失準的時候。One of those nights. 這場比賽最極端的數字,金塊3FG (20/38, 53%), 拓荒者12/42 (29%). 比賽最後只差 5分。
原本以為金塊開打會延續G2, 用Aaron Gordon 盯Dame. Michael Malone 找到更絕的招數: 使用全天下最有信心的後衛 – Austin Rivers – 全場黏在Dame身旁。
並不是說Rivers是什麼Dame stopper, 但是他確保Dame 需要替他得的分數付出;he needs to earn his shots. 所以就算今晚Lillard 造樣得了37分,他每次出手都需要非常努力做出空間,另外三分球一直沒有進入該有的節奏 (5/15).
Malone今天晚上做的另外一個調整,是在前三節幾乎都把Jokic放在弧頂當定點四分衛。這個好處是把Nurkic帶出禁區,而MPJ, Gordon, Morris, 甚至Compazzo都可以暢快的攻擊禁區。當然,如果Nurkic任何時候給他空間,他就可以直接站在原地跳投;而不需要辛苦製造空間的Jokic投外線就像練球一樣;今晚12/24得到36分11籃板5助攻。
拓荒者今晚在防守端總是有慢了半拍的感覺。並不是戰略錯誤,而是轉換不夠快。Jokic一直站在外線代表Kanter在場上幾乎失去功能;而Nurkic在外線要融入轉換不夠快,換成其他人又被Jokic單吃。一直到下半場,Dame和Nurkic在進攻端開始打Nurkic-Dame PnR, 讓Jokic 追著Dame跑,才至少彌補一些分數回來。
但是今天的關鍵人物還是 Austin Rivers. 原本季中有兩個半月沒有球隊可以打的Rivers, 今天晚上錢已經有45場季後賽經驗。今天晚上不只麻煩Dame, 自己也得到21分4籃板2助攻還有一個火鍋。The unexpected X-factor.
拓荒者失去了G1在Denver搶到的客場勝利。這場當然不是沒機會贏;一堆三分空檔沒進也只能認了,但是從G1, G2, G3以來三分命中數量是持續下降,這代表金塊在外圍造成的威脅持續發揮。相對的拓荒者轉動的速度不足,給予金塊許多角落三分 (包括Rivers的5顆)。看下一場拓荒者怎麼調整了。
#liveordiebythe3 #oneofthosedays #拓荒者金塊G3 #austinrivers #不準要靠防守 #小人物上籃
oneofthosedays 在 KinkyBlueFairy Facebook 的最佳貼文
Ready for CNY! Thanks Remy Martin! 🥃🎏🎎🎊♠️♥️
Had a fantastic time at your CNY lunch! All that delicious food and laughing was just what i needed after my car overheated and i had to stand sweating on the side of the road in my tight cheongsam ignoring catcalls from truck drivers 😒 #oneofthosedays
I can still taste that steamed fresh water prawn + egg white + dried scallop sauce in my mouth. And the roasted pigeon was divine too. My fortune cookie was spot on. Hope i win the 4D ang pow this Sat. If i win i’ll belanja everyone again in the same restaurant ok 🤤
Thanks again for always thinking of me, & Happy CNY in advance to Wendy & May from Remy! 😍🎋🔥