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🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國疫情一再擴散 🇺🇸
📰 Why Covid-19 Is Spreading Again: Fatigue, Colder Weather, Eased Restrictions
Cases have ebbed in Sunbelt states like Arizona but have gone up throughout parts of U.S.
📌 這篇文章跟進Covid-19的最新情況。標題提了三個原因為什麽病毒再擴散。注意ebb這個動詞,本意是退潮,這裡引申指個案數目下降。
New coronavirus cases hit their highest level since mid-August on Wednesday, a sign of a fall surge predicted by public-health officials.
For the eighth time since October began, newly reported cases nationally ticked above 50,000, fueled by simmering outbreaks in every region of the country.
For the past week, the seven-day average of new cases was outpacing the 14-day average in more than 40 states and Washington, D.C., according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of Johns Hopkins University figures. When the seven-day average is higher than the 14-day average, it suggests cases are rising.
📌 這兩段交代個案數字的變動。hit their highest level 達到最高的水平,a fall surge 秋天激增,the seven-day average 七天平均數,the 14-day average 14天平均數都是很管用的用語。
Hospitalizations also have swelled across the U.S. in recent weeks, though deaths haven’t yet surged. Deaths often lag behind new cases and hospitalizations, given the duration of the disease. The seven-day average of daily deaths attributed to Covid-19 has been hovering around 700 for about three weeks, down from around 1,000 two months ago.
The U.S. has more fatalities than any other country in the world—more than 217,600 since the pandemic began. But it doesn’t have the highest percentage of cases that are fatal. About 2.7% of reported cases in the U.S. have been fatal, according to data from Johns Hopkins. That figure has declined in recent months as treatments have improved and testing has expanded, allowing more mild and asymptomatic cases to be detected. Since the summer, younger people have made up a growing share of new U.S. cases.
📌 這兩段針對住院數字和死亡數字。swell (腫脹)和hover (盤旋)是生動的動詞。文章指出美國的死亡人數 (fatalities) 是全世界最高的,但是以個案百分率來算,不是最高的。原因是治療改善了和測試被擴大。
A number of factors are likely contributing to the rise, some epidemiologists and public-health researchers said. The virus has spread to more rural counties and other communities, exposing vulnerable populations that hadn’t yet experienced it significantly and who are now reacting instead of taking steps to prevent the virus, public-health researchers said.
Some people have grown tired of restrictions on their movements and might be taking more risks than they did in the spring, they said. Mixed and inconsistent messaging from federal and local officials over preventive measures has sowed confusion and complacency. Some local governments have eased restrictions on businesses and requirements to wear masks. Meanwhile, college students returned to campuses, leading to some spreading of the virus, and the onset of cooler weather has led many Americans indoors, where the virus is more transmittable, the public-health researchers said.
📌 這兩段解釋個案數字上升。被提出的原因包括:一些人開始厭倦針對移動的限制 (restrictions),聯邦和地方官員 (federal and local officials) 就預防措施 (preventive measures) 所發出的訊息混合的(mixed) 和不一致 (inconsistent)。大學生回到校園 (college students return to campuses) 和更涼快的天氣開始 (the onset of cooler weather)也是原因。
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Jennifer Calfas
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