Final Trailer!?食住 Oscars 個勢更主動去了解電影較少人知一面,今年目標之一有機會更深入參與電影幕後製作。a
因此,隨著MOViE MOViE Cityplaza戲院盛大開幕,我們不再高談論愛,我們過的,是「電影式生活」。為了讓你投入 #電影式生活,我們特地請來不同界別的creative people,如杜SIR、設計師陳幼堅、RubberBand 阿正、劇場導演林奕華、游學修、DJ麻利亞等等,與你說電影,說人生。3月3日起,MOViE MOViE頻道(Now TV Ch 116)將會播放足本影像版,讓你與這群愛電影的人,對著看。
When we call ourselves movie lovers, we are not just talking about love, but a dependent and symbiotic life we share with movies. With the grand opening of MOViE MOViE Cityplazan, we want to immerse you in the #WeLiveMOVIEs lifestyle, by inviting people from the creative industry to talk about movies and life, such as director Johnnie To, Designer Alan Chan, RubberBand member Ching,Yau Hawk Sau, Theatre Director Edward Lam & DJ Maria Tang. We will showcase the full interviews on MOViE MOViE TV Channel (Now TV Ch 116) starting from 3rd of March. What a great way for movie lovers like you to join the conversation!
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MOViE MOViE「全城大集戲」開始咗喇!10秒鐘就OK,即刻交片!Submit you 10 sec - 1 min movie now for “Every Moment is a Movie” 1 min Video Contest! >>>
#MOViEMOViE #moviemoviebybc #MOViEMOViECityplaza