地球日快樂 🌏 Happy Earth Day!
我們住在一個很特別的地方,在繁榮的城市的周圍就有山,有海,有沙灘。我們可以隨時在大自然裡遊樂。但最近行山真的看到越來越多垃圾,沙灘又有,差不多一千米的山脊上又有🥲 今年的地球日,我們把focus放回自己的城市吧,從保護和愛護香港的山野,山徑和海洋做起。
btw用fpv drone拍香港大自然也太好看了吧~
We live in a very unique place where steps away from one of the most vibrant cities, there are mountains and ocean and beaches. But recently I’ve seen more and more trash everywhere I go adventuring. This Earth Day, let’s focus on our own city, let’s do more to protect Hong Kong’s parks and trails and ocean, so that we can always enjoy the wonders of this special place. 🤍
#protectparksandtrails #parksandtrails
@kyleobermann @stanleylvisual @parksandtrailshk