[News / 甜點新聞] Café Pouchkine 發表 2019 年聖誕節蛋糕與國王派 / Café Pouchkine presents its 2019 bûches de noël & galette des rois (for English, please click “see more”)
巴黎普希金咖啡館(Café Pouchkine)昨日公佈今年的聖誕節蛋糕與國王派創作。接替 Nina Métayer 主廚成為甜點創意總監(Chef Créations Sucrées)的 Patrick Pailler 主廚推出了兩款聖誕節蛋糕與以俄羅斯娃娃為主題的國王派。
從九月中開始,巴黎各大甜點店與飯店皆紛紛開始揭曉他們的聖誕節蛋糕作品,為年底最重要的節日做準備。不過往年國王派通常會稍晚另行公佈,今年看到大部分的狀況都是和聖誕節蛋糕一起亮相。或許一次公佈完,對大家來說都比較節省時間心力吧 😅
Patrick Pailler 主廚今年為大家帶來的聖誕節蛋糕有兩款,一款是外表以華麗擠花呼應普希金咖啡館瑪德蓮旗艦店內部裝潢的「Bûche Bayadère」(bayadère 為彩色條紋之意),另一款「Bûche Tropiki」則以芒果、百香果等熱帶水果(fruits tropicaux / tropical fruits)為主題;國王派則回歸普希金咖啡館的俄羅斯血統,以俄羅斯娃娃「Matriochka」為名。
昨晚試吃的結果,大家都偏愛以 Spéculoos 餅乾和焦糖為主要風味的「Bûche Bayadère」,我也認為它味道有著秋冬的細緻溫柔,內裡的香草焦糖布丁增添了甜美的維度、外層的茉莉花茶慕斯微苦的後韻則賦予了層次上的深度。點開照片有內餡分解圖詳細說明!
除了美麗的甜點之外,我更在現場遇到一樣受邀來的 MillyQ / 米粒Q,兩個人開心地聊了整晚!😍💕💕 真是太驚喜了!
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Café Pouchkine 2018 年聖誕節蛋糕創作:https://tinyurl.com/y3bjx9wr
Last evening, Patrick Pailler, Chef Créations Sucrées of Café Pouchkine (succeeding Nina Métayer) has presented his 2019 Christmas cakes (bûches de noël) and galette des rois at the Café’s flagship store right by the Place de la Madeleine.
Every year from mid September, pastry shops and hotels in Paris would announce their creations for the coming Christmas, the most important holiday at the end of the year. For certain reasons, the timing of announcing creations of galette des rois this year has been advanced as they are presented together with the bûches.
It’s the same case with Café Pouchkine. The chef has introduced his galette together with two bûches. The visual presentation of “Bûche Bayadère” echoes with the Café’s magnificent interiors while “Bûche Tropiki” builds upon a harmony composed by tropical fruits, such as mango and passionfruit. The galette “Matriochka” is apparently meant to bring out the Russian origin of the Café.
As what’s heard last night, it seems that everyone prefers the “Brûche Bayadère” that themed speculoos and caramel. I do, too, as it illustrates the tenderness of the season. The crème brûlée and vanilla insert enhances its sweetness whereas the jasmine tea light mousse adds depth to the taste. Don’t forget to check the photos for the compositions in detail!
🔖 You might also be interested:
Café Pouchkine 2018 Christmas cake creations: https://tinyurl.com/y3bjx9wr
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