今日等小編率先披露靈修區當日嘅內容啦!☘️🌾精彩內容包括有愛一起証道,題目: 「活出真我」,由身處美國紐約的歐陽文風牧師主講;酷兒真人圖書館;愛•靜觀,透過呼吸、聆聽經文、頌唱、靜默,讓你找回內心的平靜;💓💗最後更有粉紅色光的靜思冥想 – 由阿卡西紀錄解讀者Anne引領。喜愛靈修的您,切勿錯過喇!
☘️🌾 This year, there will be a ‘Love Unites’ Sermon by Rev. Dr. Ngeo Boon Lin from New York, titled: ‘Live your Life, be Yourself’. 💓💗 There will be testimonies of queer individuals of faith. Meditation and breathing exercises, scriptures reading, chanting and a silence ‘Pink Light’ meditation led by Anne, an Akashic record reader.
📌Nov 01 19:30 Livestream 線上直播: 2020.Pinkdothk.com
📌Pinkdot FB/ IG/ YouTube:Pinkdothk
📌 網上商店🛒:https://www.hoyeah.store/pages/pinkdothongkong2020-1
📌Support Us支持我們:2020.pinkdothk.com/supportus
Remember to mark on your calendar and save our URL 2020.pinkdothk.com
#pinkdothk #pinkdothongkong #pinkdot2020 #hkig #lgbtq+ #loveunites #love #rainbow
pinkdot2020 在 藍奕邦 Pong Nan Facebook 的精選貼文
Me pretending I’m not nervous about tomorrow’s Pink Dot HK 一點粉紅 performance. 🤨🤨 I’m so fucking nervous and excited at the same time. I miss performing. See you online tomorrow!
📸: @khengchan_
Tomorrow is the day of the first ever Digital Pink Dot! Join us from 7.30pm to 9.30 pm at 2020.pinkdothk.com. We have 6 channels with amazing programs! See you online tomorrow!🧚🧞♂️
📌Nov 01 19:30 Livestream 線上直播: 2020.Pinkdothk.com
📌Pinkdot FB/ IG/ YouTube:Pinkdothk
📌 網上商店🛒:https://www.hoyeah.store/pages/pinkdothongkong2020-1
📌Support Us支持我們:2020.pinkdothk.com/supportus
Remember to mark on your calendar and save our URL 2020.pinkdothk.com
#pinkdothk #pinkdothongkong #pinkdot2020 #hkig #lgbtq+ #loveunites #love #rainbow
pinkdot2020 在 陳蕾 Panther Chan Facebook 的最佳解答
Pinkdot2020, 11月1號星期日晚上7點半,網上見😘