医生 : 当您来看医生时,请说实话。不要向我们隐瞒
以下的信息是来自 Dr.Kevin Goh :
我是一名在Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok 工作的麻醉师。
等待结果比等待SPM / STPM放榜更为紧张
信息来自 Dr.Kevin Goh
I m an anaesthesiologist working in Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok PHLM. On the 18/3 (Wednesday), I was woken up from my sleep for an emergency Caesarean section. As quickly as I could, I got myself ready and drove as fast as
I could to the hospital to attend to the patient. Everything was done for the safety of my patient and baby in my mind. The caesarean was done as per normal and both mother and baby were in good condition.
After all the work done in the hospital, I went home to my family as usual. I even went to my parents house for a dinner. (For ur info, my dad is a 75 yo man who had undergone bypass surgery).
At night at about 11pm, the hospital COO messaged me to inform me that the patient’s parents were both tested COVID19 positive. Her father actually went to the tabligh gathering in KL. She lied when she filled up the declaration form during admission. She said she had no contact with anyone who was positive. She decided to disclose the information after she herself developed fever after the op. How selfish was she?
My heart sank after hearing the news. Not because I would be potentially infected but my family would be in danger because of my work.
Nothing could be done at 11pm. The whole night was an agony for my wife and me.
The next morning (19/3) the hospital quickly took the patient’s throat swab and sent it to KL for immediate processing. Waiting for the result was another suffering. Lo and behold, the result came back as POSITIVE. This was another nightmare for my colleagues and me.
The hospital arranged all my OT staffs, Labour room staffs and almost all consultants to be tested. Thank God, all our results were NEGATIVE. This waiting for the result was worse than waiting for SPM/ STPM results
Even though the results were negative, some of us still need to be quarantined for 14 days.
The hospital is closed for 3 days for proper disinfectant and cleaning.
Because of one single
Selfish person,
The surgeon, anaesthesiologist, OT staffs, labour room staffs had to suffer.
The hospital has to be closed.
Please tell the truth when u consult us.. Do not hide any information from us. At least if u tell us the truth, we will be more prepared as in wearing proper PPE while doing operation. Not telling us is like ambushing us, asking us to go to war without gun and bullet proof vest.
#tellthetruth #dontbeselfish #dontbeliar #proudtobeanaesthetist #pantaihospitallagunamerbok
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅POPA Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這根本就是一宗世紀大騙案!做父母之前,總有過來人跟我們說,BB哭鬧不外乎「食、痾、瞓」,餵飽奶,換完片,抱他一下,自然就不會再哭。但實戰開始,你就發現BB哪有這麼容易「服侍」,有些BB沒病沒痛都會日喊夜喊,哭得父母心煩頭痛,新手父母更可能會質疑自己,是不是自己不懂照顧孩子。 但其實BB無定向歇斯底...
positive mind中文 在 逆嘶亭 Facebook 的最佳貼文
香港近年愈來愈多父母希望孩子學英語或普通話,選擇犧牲廣東話。教授就以其研究及自身經驗為例,表示不要為了英文和普通話而放棄廣東話。「最近我和太太研究小朋友的語言發展,發覺會說廣東話其實對學習普通話有很大幫助,因為大部分普通話都是由廣東話演變過去。但大眾不是這樣想,他們覺得說普通話時會受廣東話影響而犯錯。其實這些錯誤大概只有百分之三,大部分的影響都是正面的。只是Positive transfer有個特色,就是很難看得到。」
精通中英、法文、德文等多種語言,為何對廣東話情有獨鍾?馬詩帆教授說那是因為廣東話變化多端,表達方式活潑新鮮,不時有新東西可以研究。「剛開始學廣東話時,我覺得太太經常命令我做事,因為那時我還未學識『啊』這個句尾字有不同的用法。」在英國人耳中就像是直接叫人「You do this」、「You do that」,沒了「Could you」、「Would you mind」的禮貌。
九十年代外國人要學習廣東話並不容易,因為英文參考書不多。除了透過和太太、親戚聊天練習,教授也喜歡看香港電影、電視劇、以廣東話書寫的文學作品,以及聽廣東話歌,《秋天的童話》、《妙手仁心》、《小男人周記》、《一生何求》,以至近期的高登小說《男人唔可以窮》都是他的至愛。見到有趣的對白,教授都會抄下來問太太。「當年沒有什麼廣東話語法書,雖然有廣東話字典,但不太有用,非常缺乏廣東話語言學的資料。」於是這對夫婦兼語言學教授乾脆親自編寫英文廣東話參考書,將自學廣東話的筆記變成了Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar一書。
至於兩人合力撰寫的另一本著作The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact更加奪得了Leonard Bloomfield Book Award,是香港唯「二」得獎的語言學家。書本封面與書裏其中幾位雙語兒童,其實就是教授的3個子女。夫婦倆實行「One-parent-one-language」政策,教授只講英語,太太則講廣東話,訓練小朋友的雙語能力,同時研究兒童雙語發展。
香港近年愈來愈多父母希望孩子學英語或普通話,選擇犧牲廣東話。教授就以其研究及自身經驗為例,表示不要為了英文和普通話而放棄廣東話。「最近我和太太研究小朋友的語言發展,發覺會說廣東話其實對學習普通話有很大幫助,因為大部分普通話都是由廣東話演變過去。但大眾不是這樣想,他們覺得說普通話時會受廣東話影響而犯錯。其實這些錯誤大概只有百分之三,大部分的影響都是正面的。只是Positive transfer有個特色,就是很難看得到。」
positive mind中文 在 搖滾太妃糖 Yoga & Life Facebook 的最佳貼文
我們要來與大家介紹一位老師-Sharmila Desai,她是一位優秀的女性練習者,你或許不曾看過她的體位法影片,也甚少看到她在社群媒體上宣傳自己的教學。她從1997年開始與Guruji及Sharath學習,是KPJAYI的認證老師(Certified),也在Sharath的委託指示下,編撰了一本關於八肢瑜伽與母親的專書-Yoga Sadhanas for Mothers. 本就低調的她,在結婚成家之後,更有感於Guruji的諄諄提醒「活在當下」,因而決定全心陪伴孩子成長,所以在前些年鮮少有公開的教學活動。
我們有幸於2015年在Mysore認識她,也因為信安與她擔任同時段的助教,而有了更深一層的連結和默契;感謝這次她邀請我們參與她在首次在果亞Purple Valley舉辦的瑜伽營,讓我們有機會與她更近距離地互動,貼近感受她的溫柔力量,以及她多年專注於練習所自然呈現在生活中的從容和智慧。
Part 1: The Ashtanga Path
How do you find the practice? Can you tell something about your days with Guruji?
I was living in India on a fellowship from Columbia University and working on a project celebrating fifty years of Indian Independence in 1997. It was also the year that I met my Guruji, Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, in Lakshmipuram Mysore who introduced me to the path of Self knowledge through Ashtanga yoga.
Meeting and learning from Guruji was everything I had been searching for and more - a heightened amalgamation of all the dancing, prayer, community service and study I had done previously. Guruji had the ability to have his students fully harness a one pointed concentration (ekagrata) and feel the divine (ishvara pranidhana) when he taught yoga. He aptly dispelled any darkness through the Light of his teachings.
I began learning yoga from Guruji in the afternoon class for Indian students in Lakshmipuram. I did not own a yoga mat at the time so I practiced on the carpet and I learned very slowly. I remember simply practicing suryanamaskara and sitting in padmasana for a long while. Time stood still. Guruji taught me more over the years and I am so grateful for that very gradual growth. It properly established the foundation of the practice with everything gently flowing to and from that base.
1997年時,我正以哥倫比亞的獎學金在印度生活,並為一個慶祝印度獨立五十週年的計劃工作著,就在那年,我在邁索爾的Lakshmipuram遇見了我的Guruji(上師)—Shri K. Pattabhi Jois,他透過八肢瑜伽引領我走向追尋自我的道路。
You are an accomplished dancer, how do you see the connection between dancing and yoga on both physical and spiritual level?
The everyday discipline of Indian classical dance prepared me for Ashtanga yoga as taught by the Jois family. As sadhanas rooted in India they share common elements - both are steeped in Indian mythology, are expressions of devotion and connect the inner and outer worlds of consciousness. Studying Indian dance required tremendous self motivation with a daily practice of two to four hours outside of class and much like Ashtanga yoga one could only move forward after mastery of the present lesson as the Guru saw it. The method to learn was slow and thorough, daily with an emphasis on foundational expertise and also not necessarily in a linear pattern. Only through precision in form, rhythm and rasa could the Divine be invoked.
You are the only Indian woman to be certified (among 48 certified teachers globally), what this certification means to you?
On a physiological level Certification represents a lived understanding of the subtle energies in the Ashtanga yoga system that happens through commitment, respect and concentrated discipline over many years at the source. On a human level the certificate means to me a responsibility to bring the limbs of yoga into all aspects of life - to be a good human being who lives the positive transformation everyday.
Certification is not a course - it is not something you can plan for or measure in hours. You simply dedicate yourself to learning the tradition under the auspices of the teacher without expectations; If Certification is meant to happen along your path it will. And if so, you then keep steady in further studying the tradition. The path of yoga is eternal and one must always continue to seek and to be humbled.
We students are so fortunate that Sharathji and Saraswatiji continue to share with the world the purity of the lineage so we can experience a direct link to the ancient wisdom transmitted through successive generations.
You have some of the most “famous” students, such as Sting and his wife Trudie, can you share how is that experiences of teaching celebrities?
Many of the people who I teach and who excel in what they do have a depth and seriousness in their professions that spills into their yoga practice. That silence, dedication, quality of attention that has lead them to success replicates in their practice and in their reverence for the gift of life. Most of the bonds I form with people through yoga become familial grounded in our shared human values based in compassion and a holistic lifestyle.
Asana is a tool for us to find inner divine and Self, but sometimes asana can lead to ego and injury, how should we avoid this during our practice?
Learning from a true teacher - one who keeps the intent centered on the eight limbs and connects the practice to inner spiritual development - is essential. Everything we are seeking already exists when we are truly present. As a practitioner there is no need to grasp for anything or to push oneself in an asana causing injury. When we practice yoga with devotion and patience developing the tools of the tristhana method the asanas unfold in a non harming unitive way.
I personally find reading the scriptures also helps keep our intention clear. Ancient epics and yoga treatises direct our mind to support the path of the practice. Mythology imaginatively assures us of why we practice, helps us clarify our intent and guides us so we do not become attached to the fruits of our work.
#Tristhana: Asana, Breathing, and Dristhi (體位法,呼吸,以及凝視點)
positive mind中文 在 POPA Channel Youtube 的最佳解答
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