上次同大家分享完藥劑師的工作不只是派藥,今日請來物理治療師朋友分享佢地嘅工作。以下由OH MY MYO提供
物理治療直譯自英文 physical therapy ,就係 「物理」 同「 治療」。物理治療呢個字最多人以為係指用係一啲物理形式(而非化學形式: 藥物或侵入) 去作治療效用:一般諗到既電療,熱敷/冰敷, 手法治療等。
但其實physical 唔係淨係解作物理, 亦可解作「 身體的」。而另一個官方字詞 Physiotherapy,Physio- 字頭源自古希臘文, 中文意指「 自然 」。所以嚴格黎謂物理治療先至係真.自然療法。
根據組織 World Physiotherapy,物理治療既定義係提供服務予個人和民眾,以在其一生中發展、維持和恢復最大的活動和功能。
"Physiotherapists provide services that develop, maintain and restore people’s maximum movement and functional ability.......maximise their quality of life, looking at physical, psychological, emotional and social wellbeing.“
【1. 肌肉及骨骼科/ 骨科 Musculoskeletal】
- 電療 : 超聲波、干擾波 等
- 針灸 (其實已經係當侵入性)
- 運動治療
- 手法治療 (肌膜治療、關節活動手法等)
- 動態矯正
【2. 心肺科 Cardiorespiratory】
透過運動治療、呼吸訓練、呼吸回復姿勢(recovery position)、及呼吸機等協助病人改善心肺功能,從而改善日常生活活動(ADLs)。
長期病患如心臟衰竭、慢阻肺病 (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD) 呢類患者可能連最簡單既活動: 刷牙洗面都會氣喘。
另外就係病人係大手術後/昏迷長時間後甦醒,佢地既身體長時間訓平加上冇肌肉活動/ 因為手術後影響,由訓平到坐起身呢個動作,心臟都未必可以加大功率(增加血壓)去支持,所以有D人做完手術後起身會暈,因為心臟根本負荷唔到。
(所以個啲劇情: 昏迷兩年後….(手指郁)醫生!醫生!佢醒啦!然後下一幕就係女主角用輪椅推男主出花園透氣,男主角可能要一兩星期先可以唔暈咁坐輪椅出去)
【3. 神經科(Neurology)】
透過運動治療、機器輔助治療(robotic training)、肌肉電流刺激、鏡像治療等協助神經系統疾病病人改善活動及自理能力。
中風、柏金遜、甚至係因為早幾前因為ice bucket challenge 大熱既漸凍症 ALS 都係例子。
【兒科 Pediatrics】
為大腦麻痺、唐氏綜合症 、發展遲緩、自閉症或其他各類先天疾病等病童提供復康計劃黎協助佢地發展。
【運動科 (sports)】
球隊軍醫: 駐場應急STANDBY(你睇英超有球員受傷後第一時間拎住個袋衝出去既職員)
【老人科 (geriatic )】
【婦科 (woman's health)】
物理治療師在醫療體系中是不可或缺的一部分,近年極力提倡holistic care,醫生護士配合Allied Health為病人提供最全面的醫療服務。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Jerry Tsai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,在 2020EYEhaus 精品眼鏡首選店,吸睛的不只是 ic! berlin,還囊括頂級潮流風尚品牌,絕對英倫的奢華名流風采,不斷顛覆時尚文化的 LINDA FARROW、美國洛杉磯眼鏡品牌 DITA,用濃厚的懷舊搖滾風情,收服全球時尚名人;來自紐約的最佳時尚代名詞 THOM BROWNE,戴上h...
「quality of life定義」的推薦目錄:
quality of life定義 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【最新學術文章】可能是我學術生涯其中一篇最重要的文章!我從來都認為在香港地生活,住屋負擔能力是一個很影響我們身心健康的社會因素... 一直以來都是假設的一個想法,但今天我們終於用數據證實了!
結果︰住屋負擔能力與平均PCS和MCS分數均呈量效關係。與負擔能力最高的四分位數組別相比,其餘三個負擔能力最低、稍低及稍高組別的平均PCS分數差異分別為:-2.53(95%置信區間 = -4.05至 -1.01),-2.23(-3.54至 -0.92)及-0.64(-1.80至0.51)。而平均MCS分數差異則分別為:-3.87(-5.30至 -2.45),-2.35(-3.59至 -1.11)及-1.28(-2.40至 -0.17)。當中,匱乏可解釋34.3%住屋負擔能力對PCS的影響及15.8%住屋負擔能力對MCS的影響。
"Housing affordability effects on physical and mental health: household survey in a population with the world’s greatest housing affordability stress"
Background: We examined the association of housing affordability with physical and mental health in Hong Kong, where there is a lack of related research despite having the worst housing affordability problem in the world, considering potential mediating effect of deprivation.
Methods: A stratified random sample of 1978 Hong Kong adults were surveyed. Housing affordability was defined using the residual-income (after housing costs) approach. Health-related quality of life was assessed by the Short-Form Health Survey version 2 (SF-12v2), from which the physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) measures were derived. Multivariable linear regressions were performed to assess associations of housing affordability with PCS and MCS scores, adjusting for sociodemographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors. Mediation analyses were also conducted to assess the mediating role of deprivation on the effect of housing affordability on PCS or MCS.
Results: Dose–response relationships were observed between housing affordability and mean PCS score (β (95% CI) compared with the highest affordable fourth quartile: −2.53 (−4.05 to −1.01), −2.23 (−3.54 to −0.92), −0.64 (−1.80 to 0.51) for the first, second and third quartiles, respectively) and mean MCS score (β (95% CI): −3.87 (−5.30 to –2.45), −2.35 (−3.59 to −1.11), −1.28 (−2.40 to –0.17) for the first, second and third quartiles, respectively). Deprivation mediated 34.3% of the impact of housing unaffordability on PCS and 15.8% of that on MCS.
Conclusions: Housing affordability affects physical and mental health, partially through deprivation, suggesting that housing policies targeting deprived individuals may help reduce health inequality in addition to targeting the housing affordability problem
quality of life定義 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的最佳解答
【公共衛生系列 -- 長達七年的研究終有成果!】我與Prof Samuel Wong、黃洪教授、我的博士學生及研究團隊的一篇有關貧窮與健康的文章在學術期刊"Quality of Life Research" (【生活質素研究】) 面世!我們將會從這研究項目出版一連串的研究結果,而這是打頭陣的第一篇。
My new academic paper on poverty and health has been published! After 7 years of hard work for this longitudinal study with Prof Samuel Wong, Prof Wong Hung, My PhD student Gary Chung and other research teammates, this is the first paper that comes out from the study!
結果:我們的多分類順序變項邏輯迴歸模型顯示出,就算調整了收入貧窮、社會人口因素及生活方式後,匱乏貧窮與較差的身體健康(勝算比=1.66; 置信區間=1.25-2.20)及心理健康 (勝算比=1.83; 置信區間=1.43-2.35)仍然有顯著關係。而調整了匱乏貧窮、社會人口因素及生活方式後,收入貧窮與較差的心理健康(勝算比=1.63; 置信區間=1.28-2.09)仍然有顯著關係,但與較差的身體健康則只有邊緣關係(勝算比=1.34; 置信區間= 1.00-1.80)。
Title: Deprivation is associated with worse physical and mental health beyond income poverty: a population-based household survey among Chinese adults.
In studying health inequality, poverty as measured by income is frequently used; however, this omits the aspects of non-monetary resources and social barriers to achieving improved living standard. Therefore, our study aimed to examine the associations of individual-level deprivation of material and social necessities with general physical and mental health beyond that of income poverty.
A territory-wide two-stage stratified random sample of 2282 community-dwelling Hong Kong adults was surveyed between 2014 and 2015. Income poverty and a Deprivation Index were used as the main independent variables. General health was assessed using the validated 12-item Short-Form Health Survey version 2, from which physical component summary and mental component summary were derived.
Our results in multivariable ordinal logistic regressions consistently showed that, after adjusting for income poverty, socio-demographic and lifestyle factors, being deprived was significantly associated with worse physical (OR 1.66; CI 1.25-2.20) and mental health (OR 1.83; CI 1.43-2.35). Being income poor was also significantly associated with worse mental health (OR 1.63; CI 1.28-2.09) but only marginally with physical health (OR 1.34; CI 1.00-1.80) after adjustments.
Income does not capture all aspects of poverty that are associated with adverse health outcomes. Deprivation of non-monetary resources has an independent effect on general health above and beyond the effect of income poverty. Policies should move beyond endowment and take into account the multidimensionality of poverty, in order to address the problem of health inequality.
quality of life定義 在 Jerry Tsai Youtube 的精選貼文
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