Link : https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/hong-kong-economy/article/3088130/trading-cathay-pacific-halted-hong-kong-stock
1. 趕住食飯。快寫。國泰400億重組,政府出300億。有借錢有入股
2. 未出詳細,但大約估到。首先政府借錢,合理亦意料之內。但另外,政府會入股。嘩.
3. 國泰停牌前350億市值。咁政府出300億,唔知幾多係借幾多直接入股。但正路計,應該個stake都唔少。未必係低過5%嗰種 undisclosed stake
4. 仲話政府會捉兩條友入去。但只係observer,唔係董事局。應該避免觀感上太過干預(有啲人以為嘅)私人公司吧?當然,你有一大個stake都可以唔提名董事的。你有權啫,但你可以唔派
5. 正路地,太古同國航都會跟機?不過似乎係跟得少?就係剩返嗰100億?
6. 人人都係海洋公園咯,即係,國航同太古冇錢咩?肯定有。但就夾政府做冤大頭了。
7. 留意嘅係,08年金融海嘯嘅少少教訓。當年見到歐美好多公司,都用咗公帑打教私人公司。都算。但之後啲高層花紅照出啦,炒啲基層員工啦,就令到大眾好不滿
8. 所以你見早輪美國啲公司傾政府打救,議員都講明,救都得,但你拎咗政府錢,就不能再出高層出花紅炒低層呀之類了。
9. 亦因為咁,好多公司真係點都頂住唔畀政府入股—借錢可以,或者自己在市場借。但死都唔畀政府入股。因為一入嚟,高層啲花紅就冇晒。佢地唔制
10. 例如你見波音,之前死咁滯,但都唔畀政府入股(應該冇記錯)。就係因為呢個原因。寧願政府用其他方法救。借錢可以,幫航空業可以,聯儲局直接買債可以。但唔畀入股!一入股就係金鋼圈!綁住冇得玩肥上瘦下。
11. 亦同樣地,匯豐渣打,08年都冇受政府打救,都係咁上下原因。你變咗RBS之類嘅國企,之後就唔多好玩
12. 但我就係想講匯豐嘅例子!好頂癮。咪話明明冇拎政府錢咯!但之前英國政府一樣唔畀佢派息!哈哈哈。而我只見啲KOL呀議員呀在香港嘈,去屌證監屌金管局,好似冇人去英國嘈喎。
13. 想講係,積尼高遜(無間道風雲)話齋:好人壞人,差佬定賊,你畀人拎支槍指住,仲有乜分別?(大意係咁)
14. 埃汾話你聽:你畀人渣住個春袋,國企唔國企,有乜分別?
15. 不一一細數。但國泰,從撚來都唔係完全嘅私人企業。英殖年代亦都唔係,回歸後有一輪好似自主(同我之前寫地產霸權差不多),但借來的地方借來的時間,差不多響鐘就夢醒啦
16. 唔講咁多政治,但之前種種東西都見到。就算唔係政府入股,國泰因為要飛大陸,根本就點都受政府拉住。就當你唔飛大陸,其實都係一樣。信唔信?
17. 咁而家拎咗政府錢,只係更加名正言順啫
18. 至於國泰空姐係咪變公務員?其實冇乜所謂。你見SQ都係咁玩。坡航叫啲空姐去醫院執屎添。Qantas啲空姐一樣去超級市場做親善大使。咁我估國泰啲空姐唔會去華潤萬家抬蒙牛上架掛?
19. 對,SQ都係一個例子。表面上唔係國企,但,有乜分別?呢排咁鍾意打新加坡飛機,個個強人狂人政治鍾意侵侵,不妨重溫下當年李光耀點對府所謂私人公司SQ罷工(https://bit.ly/37fQn8t)。
20. 唔識聽英文嘅,幫你譯:罷工?罷你老母。拿,有民主有法治,金融中心呀。聽講
21. 唔使半個鐘寫完,貫徹本人寫得好不如寫得快嘅中指。好,食飯。
課程編號填: CC01
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Tel Aviv is attracting the best and the biggest: countries and multinationals are opening accelerators in Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv is Startup City of the Startup Nation, and has evolved into one of the world's leading hubs for technology and innovation, named in 2015 the world's #1 Ecosystem outside the United States by Compass and one of the most innovative cities in the world by Tech Republic.
Tel Aviv is only 52sqkm, yet has 50 accelerators across the city (a growth rate of 137% since 2012). The startup ecosystem is continuing to grow in 2016: since the beginning of year many countries and multinationals have been opening startup centers in Tel Aviv, understanding that the Startup City of the Startup Nation is the best place to be.
Here are some of them:
"Rise" Community by Barclays: the new Fintech network is an innovation community in Tel Aviv connecting startups, corporates and experts of financial technology.
Techstars accelerator in collaboration with Barclays: a 13-week mentorship and support program that provides access to a network of alumni and industry experts.
TechCode by China: the Chinese incubation platform is building a network of innovative ecosystems all over the world, and has recently opened a space for entrepreneurs in Tel Aviv who are interested in the Chinese market.
Australia: the Australian government has launched its first landing-pad, a space with access to venture capital funds, facilities and contacts, for Australian entrepreneurs in Tel Aviv.
"The Floor" with partners HSBC, RBS, Banco Santander and Intesa San Paolo: based at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, the Floor provides a physical home for local Fintech entrepreneurs and serves as the focal point of access to Israeli Fintech for leading international financial players, tech giants and VC’s.