【AQUMON 小斯獨家開戶優惠】用小斯指定連結開戶,再交易一次就有$500現金!
👉 申請連結:flyformiles.hk/aqumon
🎁 優惠詳情及介紹:flyformiles.hk/39580/
嘩!AQUMON今個月嘅小斯獨家開戶優惠又抵咗呀!總之就係喺10月31日或之前,使用小斯專屬開戶連結:flyformiles.hk/aqumon 後,再完成一次投資 (買入股票一次或買入任意投資組合,現金管理組合除外),就有$500現金!
介紹返AQUMON呢個智能投資顧問 + 股票交易平台先!好多時新手投資者都唔知投資乜,甚至係自己嘅風險能力去到邊都唔知!佢地嘅團隊主要來自香港科技大學!而佢最勁嘅地方就係專家團隊自行研發「機械人投資顧問」(robo-advisor),可以根據你嘅風險承受能力同投資偏好推薦啱你嘅投資組合!唔單止係已經拎咗證券及期貨事務監察委員會(證監會)發行牌照,過往組合表現亦都唔錯,例如主題股票組合 – 全球科技巨頭組合(Global Tech Giants Stock Portfolio) 2021年上半年回報都有成 18.24%*!佢強大嘅計算法同機器學習技術,可集成實時市場數據!
AQUMON主力係提供全球分散嘅ETF (交易所買賣基金) 組合,主題股票組合(e.g.全球科技巨頭, ESG, 高收息股),最近仲推出埋個股交易服務(涵蓋A股、港股和美股,智能股票推薦功能),所以適合唔同投資需要嘅你!依家仲限時送股票,不仿趁呢個機會試下啦!
robo stock 在 Dr Mohd Daud Bakar - Shariah Minds - Minda Syariah Facebook 的精選貼文
Monday Motivation Moment / Motivasi Hari Isnin
There are plenty of lessons but only a few learnt from these lessons.
Banyak sangat pengajaran tetapi sedikit sangat yang mengambil pengajaran.
(Inspired by the words of wisdom of Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib r.a. - the Fourth Rightly Guided Caliph "Ma akhtar al-'Ibar wa aqall al-I'tibar).
(photo taken after presenting my talk on the power of A.I. in stock investment @robo-analyst yesterday)
robo stock 在 Dr Mohd Daud Bakar - Shariah Minds - Minda Syariah Facebook 的最佳貼文
What Would I like to be in the Future? Shariah Technprenuer @ Shariah Vision Builder
Yesterday, we have had many presentations from many of our partners of MyFinB on various applications of A.I. in multiple dimensions of human careers and activities. It seems to be no limit for A.I. to be relevant and impact.
The presentations include A.I. in stock investment (Robo investor), probablity of contract breach (robo lawyer), AMLA (robo amla compliance, robo journalist, robo accountant, robo auditor, robo CFO and many other potentials.
We are honoured and humbled with the great presense of great audience and individuals to our event and we look forward to have more partnership through our newly lauched Centre of A.I. Innovation.
As for me, I would like to see more Shariah tech-based products which could open new opportunities for our young Shariah graduates provided they need to have the tech mindset. I am inspired to do more Shariah-based tech products.
We aspire that our Centre of A.I. Innovation to be the focal point of all experts in Malaysia to join our DAIL programme (digital A.I. lab). We are now working with our partner-experts on 53 verticals of potential A.I. set up from disaster and relief managment to human resource profiling to financial services. There is no limit I reckon.
Welcome to new world of A.I and our new CE AI Innovation.
MDB....Executive Chairman of MyFinB
robo stock 在 Robo-Advisors: A Better Way to Invest - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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