之前元宵節老公送咗份神秘🎁俾我🥰佢係一個大男人冇諗過見到我IG話對手乾到爆,又知我用咗好多隻牌子手霜都唔得,靜雞雞去買咗1set德國品牌嘅手霜療程俾我😍,只係做咗一次full set療程加埋連續用咗個幾月支珍珠母亮白潤手霜及絲滑隱形手套精華,對手冇神級咁冇晒啲😱同裂紋,但係乾裂程度已經有好明顯效果,去圖八直接睇用咗一星期效果,你一定「哇」一聲😎
👱🏻:(甜絲絲地)老公點解會買呢set hand spa比我🥰⋯⋯
上FB👀Alessandro產地: 德國
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Alessandro HK
show hand用法 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳貼文
可以講 an #ask、a #tell,係名詞
//明報英文 | 毛孟靜
To ask、to tell 大家都識得,屬小學程度、簡單不過的詞語,I will ASK him to TELL me about it.
不過,這些平易的字,常常會另有用法,別有深意。譬如說,一樣是 to ask,以下這一句,就跟一般的「問」不一樣了:Is that too much to ask?
* I just want you to be on time. Is that too much to ask? 我不過想你準時,這要求過份嗎?
而to tell,亦可解作to have an effect(產生效果):
* She's been under a lot of stress and it's starting to tell. 她一直承受頗多壓力,後遺症開始浮現。
而把ask 和 tell 變做名詞,成為an ask、a tell,又是另一個故事了。
初遇 an ask,自然而然地會以為這是潮語,不對呢,原來早已在古英語(Old English)出現。今日的an ask,基本上等於 a request,一項請求。
* I realise it's a big ask, but I hope you can do it. 我知道這是一項很大的要求,但希望你能做到。
有說,新世代的 an ask 源自金融行業的 bid and ask:bid是買家願意購入的最高限價;ask則是賣家願意出售的最低叫價。An ask在30年前左右開始流行,但至今仍然給視為口頭俚語,不能入文。
* It is a big ask for him to go and stand there for 90 minutes.要他站足90分鐘,是過份要求了。
《牛津字典》說,ask 在新時代作為名詞,通常前面會加 big、huge 或tough 一類的形容詞,意思係something that is a lot to ask of someone(對人有過份要求),或something difficult to achieve(難以滿足的要求),如同文首的Is that too much to ask?
而 a tell 的用法就比較有迹可尋。現成的形容詞是 tell-tale,代表突顯、展示及「露出馬腳」之意:
There was the tell-tale bulge of a concealed weapon in his pocket. 他口袋鼓起一角,分明就藏了一件武器。
另有 a tell in poker,是指玩撲克——又叫 show hand(「沙蟹」)——之際,神色姿態露出端倪,讓對家知道底牌。
* I never played poker, so I never learned to read a tell. 我不玩「沙蟹」,所以不會觀貌察色。
* A player gains an advantage if he understands the meaning of another player's tell. 若能從對家神態動作「讀心」,就可佔上風。
* I looked for a gesture, a tone of voice, a "tell" that would tell if he was the killer. 我尋找一個姿勢,一種聲調,一點「蛛絲馬迹 」來定奪他是否就是兇手。//
show hand用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[詞彙區別] on the contrary, in contrast, on the other hand 的用法區別
在學術英文寫作,常常會需要做兩個觀點的正反面比較,或是提出另外一種看法,有三個最常見的片語可供選擇:on the contrary,in contrast 與 on the other hand,但這三種片語容易混淆常常造成寫作者的困擾,以下老師提供每個片語的解釋和用法,給同學參考,希望對同學有幫助。
◆on the contrary: (恰恰相反、相反地)
Use “on the contrary” when you have just said or implied that something is not true and are going to say that the opposite is true.
When I first met him, I thought he was a modest and gentle person. On the contrary, he is arrogant and ruthless.
A: I hear you enjoy running.
B: On the contrary, I find it to be tiresome.
◆by contrast, in contrast (to/with): (對照之下、與……成對比)
Use “by contrast” or “in contrast (to/with)” to show that you are mentioning a very different situation from the one you have just mentioned.
“In contrast” and “by contrast” mean the same thing: the act of comparing in order to show differences. The difference lies in the way the words are used. “In contrast” is usually followed by “to” or “with” and requires a noun to follow it. “By contrast” is usually followed or preceded by the subject of the sentence.
In contrast 和 by contrast 意義相同,都是用來對比兩件事或兩個人之不同處。但他們的用法不盡相同。In contrast 通常會與 to 或 with 連用,用法如下:in contrast to/with+名詞。
In contrast to the diligent bee, the butterfly seems to fly around without a clear purpose.
In contrast with most local programs, the federal government's plan looks beyond just economic growth.
Cats usually sleep in the day. Dogs, by contrast, never settle down.
◆on the other hand: (另一方面)
Use “on the one hand” to introduce the first of two contrasting points, facts, or ways of looking at something. It is always followed later by on the other hand or on the other.
The writing class is taking up too much of my time; on the other hand, I’m learning a lot about writing.
I hate working in a clothing store, but on the other hand, there are also some advantages.
總結來說,在寫文章的時候,如果你已經預設了立場,要表達與之前的說法相反或強調之前的說法是錯誤的,可以用 on the contrary。若要做客觀的觀點對比,不加入個人對錯想法,只是單純比較時就用 by contrast 或 in contrast (to/with)。而 on the other hand 則是說明一件事情的兩面,或是不同的看法,雖有部分人士認為此片語不夠正式,但在學術語料庫出現的頻率可是這三個裡面最高的。
詞彙區別: http://tinyurl.com/mzmvsns