Why Did Heaven Let You Down?
拼啊!!! 所以請問那個小數點是在第一個號碼後面嗎?😁
Fight on! So excuse me, is the decimal point after the first number? 😁
You may not know this about me. About 8 years ago, I was so broke that I only have S$0.83 in my bank accounts. Because my previous business had cash flow problems, one night at 1am, I sent a SMS to my mum to borrow money from her. It was my first ever time doing that as a married adult. I sent the text message because I did not dare to call.
At that time, I was the only graduate in my entire clan. And every CNY, the elders would ask why I did not get a stable job. In their eyes, I was like that good-for-nothing married woman where the husband was toiling to make ends meet and me? Don’t know do what. I could not tell them how I ended up being so pathetic because even I myself didn’t know why.
I only felt Heaven was so unfair to me.
When I was a kid, my parents ran into difficulties managing their business. I sure did not expect myself to have the same destiny as them after I grew up.
As a little girl, I often answered calls from angry creditors at home. As an adult, I often received calls from the bank, snapping at my heels to pay up. So till now, even though I no longer owe the bank, I still do not like answering phone calls.
This is why I do not have any mobile number for you to contact me.
That day, a Malaysian client exclaimed, “Teacher, your fee is so expensive! You earn a lot of money!”
I replied calmly, “This is the fruit of my cultivation.”
Having reaped so many bitter fruits for the large part of my life, surely it should be my turn to enjoy some rewards. Sister, if you are happy for me, this virtuous thought will also earn you good fortune!
Nobody becomes a failure for no good reason.
You ask me how to rise from this lowest point in your life. Let me ask you this. Are you able to face your weaknesses squarely?
We fail because we are floundered by our weaknesses.
When you can squash your pride, and hear what you think are jarring words, that marks the beginning of your second Spring in life.
Our weaknesses are our blind spots, and the reason for our karmic transgressions and reduction in blessedness.
If you are a true businessman, you should be very shrewd in your calculations.
When I tell you the 20 weaknesses you have, you can choose to fly into a tantrum, grapple with the truth, bear grudges and complain about me to your neighbours and your ancestors of 18 generations.
You can also decisively transform that 20 weaknesses into your 20 brand new strengths!
Dear smart businessman, do your math and decide which makes a more profitable deal in the long run.
And then think over this, did Heaven let you down or did you let yourself down by turning your heart away from the obvious?
If I do not think you can change, if I do not think you still have a chance at success, why would I risk my reputation and my life to tell you the naked truth? You think it’s fun to be the b*tch? 😂
We can be our greatest benefactor and we also can be our greatest enemy. It’s all within that one thought.
May the amount of merits and good fortune you cultivate be as long as your IC number! What the heck! Let’s have it even longer than the Great Wall of China! Be a blessed person of endless good!
(Photo credit to its unknown Internet source)
sms簡訊收費 在 哪裡好吃哪裡去:神秘的水原誠 Facebook 的最佳解答
嗯, 有些人雖然平常是住在台灣, 可是卻需要日本的手機號碼 但受限於條件的問題, 往往無法直接去申請 之前網路上有人就推薦了這款由B-mobile推出的計費五階段的SIM卡 原本是用來在日本活動時可以用來使用行動數據上網, 不過呢... 這張卡特別的地方就是在於可以在日本海外收發簡訊(SMS)!! 所以囉, 如果你辦了這張卡, 就可以滿足申請日本網站某些服務的需求, 或者是想要搶演唱會的票阿, 還是玩一些日本的遊戲等等的 水哥自己其實已經辦了這張卡大概一年多的時間, 每個月繳最低的月租就可以圓滿解決需求 左下角有關於這張SIM卡的相關資訊, 如號碼等等, 下方還標示了這一份的卡片種類 像是標準SIM, MicroSIM還是NanoSIM, 就看自己需求吧 不過水哥會建議申請Nano的, 原因是在於小卡轉成大卡簡單, 但大卡要弄成小卡就需要一些技巧了, 而且還有可能弄壞@@ 所以囉... 打開來後長這樣 就一張紙+一片厚紙的感覺@@ 說實在有點簡陋 但左邊的就是標示如果需要使用行動網路會需要用到的相關設定 但一般手機裝卡之後都會自動下載更新, 多數情況是不需要去手動設定的 右側則是關於這個五階段收費的計費標準 可以看到基本額是每個月630日圓, 以現金匯率來看, 大約是177台幣左右 這樣的情況是每個月行動數據使用量低於1GB, 如果超過...2GB內就會收880, 3GB內就收1130, 相信圖表都很清楚! 而超過5GB的話, 看起來是會被降速到200k, 幾乎是斷網的狀態吧@@ 不過在台灣也不用擔心就是, 因為漫遊是沒辦法上網的XD 卡片部分直接把卡片取下來放手機就可以用了...@@ 然後就等著收到訊號 而在台灣的漫遊商, 似乎沒有特定的選擇, 我看中華電信, 遠傳都曾經出現過, 也都能正常收到簡訊! 要注意的是, 隨著你取得卡片方式的不同 [ 63 more words ]
sms簡訊收費 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
DONE BY YOUR OWN POISON (English version below)
A lady recently came to learn the Dharma from me.
I saw it the moment she came.
After all, I am a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner. My assessment of her: a strong air of ignorance, a habitual liar, and not a kind-hearted child.
I took note of all this but kept this to myself, hoping that the sentient beings will change for the better. Because they will be the ones suffering in the future, not me. Thus, I kept it in my heart and waited for the right opportunity to tell her.
However, when I cautioned her against drinking alcohol, she went drinking the very next day, saying that she couldn not turn down her colleagues. On another occasion, she willfully skipped her volunteer duty. Just because it was raining that morning and the weather was just too comfortable, she chose to sleep in. That is a broken promise, a serious misconduct. It resulted in one less person contributing to help the needy and extra work for the others. If there are 10 needy people that day to be helped, her misdeed would be multiplied by 10 times.
In past 4 months, she would call and SMS me everyday, asking for a chance to resume learning the Dharma from me. I relented every time, only to see her flout the precepts again.
Here's another serious incident: she told me that her Father-in-law was going to celebrate his birthday. I knew his Bazi details, and out of kindness, I advised her to refrain from giving him red eggs and using ikan bills as a soup ingredient for his longevity noodle soup, as these would bring harm to his health. One should not take lives, even more so if it's one's birthday.
She agreed not to.
But she went against my advice, and lied that it was a careless mistake. After much questioning, she admitted to me that she willfully went against my caution.
When she came that day, there was this aura of poison on her face, and a pus-filled acne on her right cheek. The cloak of negative karma surrounding her just kept getting heavier. She had a pair of thieving eyes, and her footsteps aren't those of a kind person. In fact, I cannot find any trace of virtue on her body that tells me she's a kind person. I believe I can easily find somebody on the street who is kinder than her currently.
This is a very horrifying incident, thus I want to tell everyone not to flout precepts willfully. Doing so will create a hell for yourself in the future.
The spirits of those ikan bilis will be stuck with her until the day she can successfully deliver their spirits. The fact that she deliberately harmed her Father-in-law meant she had sealed her fate to have a heart of poison, and be reborn in the Three Evil Realms.
Therefore, she's not learning the Dharma but already following in the footsteps of the Mara. I sincerely hope that this lady will realise her folly and wake up very soon, to wholeheartedly repent for her misdeeds Everyday. The day she shows signs of repentance, will be the day her negative karma is fully eradicated.
sms簡訊收費 在 在外國收到台灣簡訊是算漫游費用嗎? 的推薦與評價
SMS 每封NTD2.5, 不過發送給中華網內需收NTD1.1287,網外NTD1.4803或國際NTD5的本網處理費用. 如果要上網話,建議加掛亞洲漫遊日租型,除了流量費用有打折 ... ... <看更多>
sms簡訊收費 在 如何在Facebook 使用簡訊(SMS)進行雙重驗證? 的推薦與評價
瞭解已經開啟雙重驗證功能卻無法登入時該怎麼做。 注意:Facebook 不會向您收取雙重驗證的簡訊(SMS)費用。然而,您 ... ... <看更多>
sms簡訊收費 在 不記得自己有發過簡訊,帳單卻有一筆簡訊費用? 的推薦與評價
如題,平時幾乎沒在打電話,每次帳單金額也幾乎都是固定的基本月租費用,這次收到帳單後看了一下發現多了一元的簡訊費用,於是查了通話明細, ... ... <看更多>