關於人類表情的研究,大體分為兩個學派。第一個也是最傳統的學派叫基本情緒論 (Basic emotion theory, BET) ,大多來自神經科學與情緒心理學者,認為表情反應人們內心的感受或情緒。例如,微笑反應當事人內心的愉悅感。另一新興學派叫行為生態論 (Behavioral ecology view of facial displays, BECV),大多來自社會心理學,認為表情反應的是下意識或潛意識的行為傾向與社交語言。例如,微笑可能要取悅互動的另一方。所謂互動的另一方,可能是真人、照片、動物、甚至電腦或機器(例如自拍),或雖獨自一人但腦中正在與別人互動時。
基本情緒論早期對情緒的分類,大體分為開心、害怕、難過、吃驚、生氣、厭惡與不屑等七大類,經常被用來判斷一個人是否在說謊。有興趣的可以看美國影集-謊言終結者《Lie To Me》或FBI教你讀心術這類書籍。但有愈來愈多心理學家與電腦科學家合作,運用電腦視覺結合AI深度學習 (歸類在情感運算Affective computing的領域),捕捉人們五分之一,甚至四十五分之一秒的臉部動態,又稱作微表情。正常人難以控制 (即微表情不會說謊),卻容易在與他人互動時無意識地展現出來,且不易被肉眼觀察到。但即便是微表情,也不盡然能反應當事人當下的情緒。反之,卻能顯著且高相關地預測一個人下一秒甚至未來一年與他人互動的行為傾向,例如性格(歸類在性格運算 personality computing)或特質與價值觀屬性的職能。因此,結合視訊面訊,開始被用來當作人力資源測評和甄選的工具。
註: 以下這則報導用86個微表情不太正確,而是臉部86個偵測點 (facial landmarks),這86點在特定情境與時間的動態 (所以是86的86次方),才是微表情。
Crivelli, C., Carrera, P., Fernández-Dols, J.M. (2015). Are smiles a sign of happiness? Spontaneous expressions of judo winners. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36, 52–58.
Fridlund, A.J. (2017). The behavioral ecology view of facial displays, 25 years later. In: Fernández-Dols, J.M., Russell, J.A. (eds.) Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience. The Science of Facial Expression. pp. 77–92. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2017).
「social behavior and personality」的推薦目錄:
- 關於social behavior and personality 在 孫弘岳-人力資源管理的世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於social behavior and personality 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於social behavior and personality 在 Ha Phong IELTS - Thầy Hà & Phong Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於social behavior and personality 在 Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal - 首頁 的評價
- 關於social behavior and personality 在 Introduction to Psychology: 11.4 Social Behavior - YouTube 的評價
social behavior and personality 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[翻轉視界] Pandemic Bullies?
Bullies __________ empathy and have four personality traits—called the Dark Tetrad—that often occur together.
霸凌者缺乏同情心和具有四種人格特質,即「黑暗四聯征」 (Dark Tetrad),這些特質經常同時出現。
People tried to push each other around before the pandemic. But lately it seems as if the bullies are taking over. Constant fear and anxiety fuel anger. The move of many of our interactions online means we are having less face-to-face communication; psychologists have long known that this decreases empathy, while anonymity—or the illusion of it—makes it easier to misbehave. And in a time of deep polarization, the tone of public discourse has grown more antagonistic.
1. bully (n.) 霸凌者
2. take over 接管,佔領
3. constant fear 持續的恐懼
4. fuel anger 激起憤怒;fuel (v.) 加劇,激起
5. psychologist 心理學家
6. face-to-face communication面對面的溝通
7. decrease empathy 降低同理心
8. anonymity (n.) 匿名
9. the illusion of …的假象
10. a time of deep polarization 兩極分化的時局
11. public discourse公眾的表述
12. antagonistic 敵對的
在疫情大流行之前人們相互鞭策前進,但近來霸凌行為似乎正接管局面。 無盡的恐懼與焦慮激起了憤怒。 許多互動轉移至線上,這意味著我們面對面的交流減少了; 心理學家對此早有所見,這樣的轉變會減少同理心,而匿名(或匿名的假象)使人們更易犯錯。 在這兩極分化的時局,公眾的表述越來越具有敵對性。
A bully is someone who tries to intimidate another person, often repeatedly, whom he or she sees as weak or vulnerable. According to psychologists, bullies have four personality traits—called the Dark Tetrad—that often occur together: Machiavellianism, which is a tendency to calculatedly manipulate others for your own good; psychopathy, an attribute that includes a lack of empathy and a willingness to take risks; sadism, the propensity to derive pleasure from inflicting pain on someone else; and narcissism, an obsession with self and feeling that you are better than other people.
13. intimidate(v.) 恫嚇,恐嚇
14. personality traits 人格特質
15. tetrad 四分體 (Dark Triad 黑暗人格三合一)
16. Machiavellianism 馬基雅弗利主義的,為奪取權力而不擇手段的
17. a tendency to 一個傾向
18. manipulate others 操縱他人
19. psychopathy 心理病態或精神病態
20. attribute (n.) 特性; attribute (v.): https://bit.ly/2E51C9i
21. sadism 虐待狂
22. a propensity to… …的(尤指不良的)傾向,嗜好,癖好
23. inflict(v.) pain 施加痛苦
24. narcissism 自戀
25. an obsession with… 癡迷於…
霸凌者是試圖恫嚇他人者,通常是重複性的,針對他或她認為軟弱或脆弱的對象。 根據心理學家的說法,霸凌者具有四種人格特質,即「黑暗四聯征」 (Dark Tetrad),這些特質經常同時出現:馬基維利主義(Machiavellianism),這是一種為自身利益而計畫性地操縱他人的傾向; 精神病,一種缺乏同情心和甘於犯險的特質; 虐待狂則是指通過使別人痛苦來獲得快樂的傾向; 以及自戀,對自我的迷戀和感覺自己比別人更好。
They exploit others, doing whatever it takes to feel special. They feel entitled, acting as if the world owes them and should bend to their will. And they lack empathy, often becoming so fixated on the need to feel special that they stop caring about the feelings of others.
26. exploit 利用
27. do whatever it takes to… 為了...會去做任何事情/願意付出一切/不計代價
28. bend to sth 屈從於
29. lack empathy 缺乏同理心
30. fixated on 異常依戀的;固戀的
他們利用他人,用盡手段讓自己感到與眾不同。 他們感到被賦予權力,舉止好似這個世界虧欠他們,應該屈從於他們的意願。 他們缺乏同理心,常過度執著於對與眾不同的需求,以至於他們不再在意他人感受。
How should you respond to a bully?
First, determine whether you are safe. If not, call security or the police. Document the bully’s behavior. This will help if you need evidence, and it will keep you from doubting yourself. Second, do not engage. Engaging will encourage the bully, who will respond to feeling threatened by attacking more. Third, don’t let the bully take up space in your head. Try to limit how much you think or talk about the person to others. Block the bully on social media. Accept that you’re not going to change the person. Don’t blame yourself.
31. document (v.)…behavior 紀錄…的行為
32. do not engage (v.) 不要與之正面交鋒 ; engage: https://bit.ly/3fW9PKu
33. take up space 佔據空間
34. block (v.) 封鎖 ; block: https://bit.ly/2Y25wH4
首先,確定自身是否安全。 若不安全,請致電安全部門或警察。 記錄下霸凌者行為。 如果你需要證據時這將有所幫助,並且可以防止你自我懷疑。第二,不要與之正面交鋒。正面交鋒將會助長霸凌者,他們將以更多的攻擊行為做為感受到威脅的回應。第三,不要讓霸凌者占據你的思緒。試著限制你對霸凌者的思考或談論的程度。 在社交媒體上封鎖霸凌者。要接受你無法改變霸凌者。不要歸責於自己。
Don’t blame yourself for the actions of a bully. Always seek help.
📰 華爾街日報訂閱方案: https://bit.ly/39ULVh1
🎓 華爾街日報獎助學金計畫 (A20): https://bit.ly/2C2tUAI
如何增進同理心: https://bit.ly/34qSKnC
翻轉視界系列文章: https://bit.ly/3fPvKUs
完整報導: https://on.wsj.com/3kHKgjL
圖片出處: https://econ.st/2XYrXgE
social behavior and personality 在 Ha Phong IELTS - Thầy Hà & Phong Facebook 的精選貼文
Chủ đề Online Dating vốn rất thân thuộc với giới trẻ nên session hôm nay diễn ra trong không khí rất hào hứng. Có nhiều gương mặt mới thể hiện khá xuất sắc và các hoạt động diễn ra sôi nổi. Phần lớn các bạn đã nắm được kỹ năng lấy ví dụ bằng câu chuyện cá nhân, người thân hoặc bạn bè mình.
Gương mặt tiêu biểu của hôm nay là Hải Linh: bạn vận dụng rất nhanh và thành thạo kỹ năng lấy ví dụ từ câu chuyện cá nhân, cũng là người tham gia khá nhiệt tình vào các hoạt động và trò chơi.
Ngoài các ideas đã trình bày, các bạn có thể tham khảo thêm 1 số ý như sau:
1) Against:
Promote beauty/appearance and money over personality: Dating apps base a lot on profile pictures and information people put there, so people are more likely to go for beautiful appearance or high income rather than the inner person.
2) For:
Convenient: You can easily access to different people by demographics, interests, ages, lifestyles, sexual orientations, etc
Save time and money: When people have a date, they will be paying for drinks or sometimes food, all of which adds up very quickly, but there’s no guarantee you’ll actually meet someone special, which leads to a waste of time.
Word list:
- Significant other (n): a person with whom someone has a romantic or sexual relationship that has lasted for some time and that is likely to last longer.
Eg: Everyone here is with their spouse or their significant other
- Matchmaker (n): a person who tries to arrange marriages or relationships between others
Eg: Plenty of Fish takes its role as a matchmaker seriously, with tests designed to help you get what you "really" want, as opposed to what you think you want.
- Strings attached (idiom): If something such as an agreement has strings attached, it involves special demands or limits.
Eg: They immediately agreed to donate $1,000, no strings attached.
- Compatible (with) (adj): able to exist, live, or work successfully with something or someone else
Eg: It was when we started living together that we found we just weren't compatible.
=> Compatibility (n):
- Match (v): match somebody/something (to/with somebody/something) to find somebody/something that goes together with or is connected with another person or thing.
Eg: The teams were evenly matched.
=> Matching (adj): having the same colour or pattern as something else
- Confide in (sb): to tell somebody secrets and personal information because you feel you can trust them
Eg: It is important to have someone you can confide in.
- Confidant (confidante - female) (n): a person that you trust and who you talk to about private or secret things.
Eg: There were times when a semi-stranger was a better confidante than a close friend.
- Taboo (n): a subject, word, or action that is avoided for religious or social reasons
Eg: In this society there is a taboo on/against any sort of public display of affection.
- Meet up (in person): to meet another person in order to do something together
Eg: They suggested we meet up at The Coffee House for the first date.
- Hook up with (slang): Hooking up is slang for any kind of casual sexual behavior, from kissing to sexual intercourse (have sex)
Eg: When did you two first hook up?
- Được hướng dẫn và hỗ trợ bởi Mr.Văn Anh
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- Tranh luận về những chủ đề xoắn não mang tính thời sự
CLB được xây dựng để đem lại sân chơi bổ ích và thực chất cho các bạn yêu thích, có mong muốn học hỏi và trau dồi Tiếng Anh ở nhiều trình độ khác nhau
- Lệ phí: Hoàn toàn miễn phí
- Thời gian: Từ 14h00 - 16h00 Chủ Nhật hàng tuần
- Địa điểm: Tầng 4, số 89 (dãy 3), ngõ 98 Thái Hà
- Link đăng ký: http://bitly.com/HP_SC
social behavior and personality 在 Introduction to Psychology: 11.4 Social Behavior - YouTube 的推薦與評價

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social behavior and personality 在 Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal - 首頁 的推薦與評價
Social Behavior and Personality : an international journal, 北帕莫斯頓。 579 個讚· 3 人正在談論這個。 Founded in 1973, SBP publishes academic papers on all ... ... <看更多>