When it comes to communicating in English with an international audience, native speakers don’t always do so well.
Sometimes, such inability to accommodate non-native speakers can lead to substantial financial losses for multinational companies.
Picture this: A group of nonnative English speakers is in a room. There are people from Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Nigeria and France. They're having a great time speaking to each other in English, and communication is smooth.
•picture(v.) 想像,設想
•have a great time doing sth 做某事很開心
•smooth 順利的,流暢的
And then an American walks into the room. The American speaks quickly, using esoteric jargon ("let's take a holistic approach") and sports idioms ("you hit it out of the park!"). And the conversation trickles to a halt.
•esoteric 極不尋常的;只有少數人(尤指內行)才懂的;限於小圈子的
•jargon 行話,行業術語
•a holistic approach 全面性的方法 ; 完整取向、全方位取向
•sports idioms 體育相關的成語,慣用語
•trickle to a halt 遂逐漸停止
•trickle 從…向下滴(或淌)
*hit/knock the ball out of the park 字面上的意思是「把球打出棒球場」,慣用語的意思則是「某事做的非常好,令人驚艷」。
Decades of research shows that when a native English speaker enters a conversation among nonnative speakers, understanding goes down. Global communication specialist Heather Hansen tells us that's because the native speaker doesn't know how to do what nonnative speakers do naturally: speak in ways that are accessible to everyone, using simple words and phrases.
•communication specialist 溝通專家
•accessible 可以理解的;易懂的
數十年的研究表明,當母語為英語的人參與非母語者之間的談話時,理解力會下降。全球溝通專家 Heather Hansen 告訴我們,這是因為母語者無法自然地以非母語者的方式來溝通:以大家都能接受的方式交談——使用簡單的詞彙與片語。
And yet, as Hansen points out, this more accessible way of speaking is often called "bad English." There are whole industries devoted to "correcting" English that doesn't sound like it came from a native British or American speaker. …It turns out that these definitions of "good" and "bad" English may be counterproductive if our goal is to communicate as effectively as possible.
•point sth out 指出
•turn out …地發生(或發展);結果是(尤指出乎意料的結果)
•counterproductive 産生相反效果的;産生相反作用的;事與願違的,適得其反的
惟正如 Hansen 所指出,這種所謂更容易理解的說話方式,通常被稱為「破英語」。也有行業致力於「糾正」那些聽起來不像英國或美國母語者的英語。⋯⋯事實證明,如果我們的目標是盡可能地有效交流,那麼這些對「好」英語與「壞」英語的定義可能會適得其反。
A balance needs to be struck. There is also a clear difference between helping students improve their English in a classroom and being overly judgmental in a business meeting (or on the Internet ><).
However, if the goal is to communicate effectively with an international audience, native speakers could be more accommodating. At least, that's the view taken by the articles below.
*accommodating 樂於助人的;與人方便的;通融的
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3x2lr7X
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- 關於specialist意思 在 Writing Content for Generalists vs. Specialists - YouTube 的評價
- 關於specialist意思 在 Career Spotlight - Operations Specialist - Kelsey - YouTube 的評價
specialist意思 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
在今天剛上線的Between Here and There(我的英文podcast),我們討論的題目是:個人職涯規劃和學習態度應該要「廣泛博雅」還是「精準深入」?其實兩邊都有好的論點可以支撐,每個人各別都有不同的立場,有趣的是真正要選邊站時,原來的態度又可能會改變!歡迎各位來收聽,加入我們這場有意思的討論!
While Tiger Woods, who was already playing golf at two years of age, seems to make a case for specializing and focusing on something early in life, Roger Federer’s winding path to tennis success points to the fact that sampling, rather than specialization, can often be the best route to eventual success.
In this episode of Between Here and There, we discuss the pros and cons of being a generalist (sampling a bit of everything) vs being a specialist (going deep into a niche field). There are good arguments on both sides and when pressed for answers, you’d be surprised to hear which side people are actually on!
This episode was recorded in my personal studio, because our usual studio had fire drills that day. As you can see we are well engaged in this topic! Catch our conversation here:
Listen with Apple: https://bit.ly/bht-apple
Listen with Spotify: https://bit.ly/bht-spotify
Listen with Google: https://bit.ly/bht-google
specialist意思 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
【 Netflix香港地區「冇PR」?】
世紀疫情持續超過一年,徹底改變都市人的生活習慣,很多消費者情願留在家中「煲劇」和「睇戲」,變相帶挈串流影音平台的生意額。堪稱「全球一哥」的Netflix於今年一月底公布2020年第四季的統計數字,雖然面對迪士尼的Disney+、蘋果的Apple TV+、AT&T的HBO Max、亞馬遜的Prime Video,以及Comcast的Peacock等對手的激烈競爭,然而該季度仍然錄得超過850萬的新增訂戶,較預期多出250萬戶,令到去年年底的全球訂戶總數首度升穿兩億大關。
至於香港,Netflix自2016年「落地」之後從未對外公開用戶數量,參考網站流量統計網站Alexa於去年10月底的資料,netflix.com於香港地區的流量,排名第24位,如果只計算影片串流平台, netflix.com 排名第二,第一位是 youtube.com ,而後者在香港地區的總排名則位列第二名,第一位是 google.com 就此而言,香港地區的Netflix用戶看來不少,不過素來專責應對傳媒查詢的公關部門,來到2021年經已完全進入「無人駕駛」狀態,如記者有事查詢,根本沒人處理,令人震驚。
記者於今年2月初收到Netflix那邊負責傳媒聯絡工作的Publicity Specialist(對外事務主任)以短訊通知,指自己已離職,「如果有同劇集相關嘅查詢可以參考返Netflix Media Center (http://media.netflix.com/), 如果有其他緊急查詢可以聯絡pr@netflix.com,再次謝謝你對Netflix的支持!」但沒有交代誰人接手工作。
相隔一個月,記者再以WhatsApp短訊,聯絡現正身處新加坡、一直以來在Netflix總部負責對外事務的Originals Publicity Manager(原創內容對外事務經理),可惜收到的回覆是:「是和Netflix有關的事情嗎?因為我已經離開Netflix了。我不知道現在誰負責香港,可以到Media Centre寫信(電郵)過去問問。」至於現時究竟由誰負責香港地區的傳媒聯絡,對方僅回答:「我也不清楚規劃,不好意思。」
事實上,過去香港地區的Netflix公關團隊,曾經獲安排該代理公司位於牛頭角的總部看試片,亦曾於2018年邀請多位香港記者,飛往新加坡出席Netflix首次在亞洲舉辦的內容發布大會「See What's Next: Asia」,於當地訪問演員和導演,包括《屍戰朝鮮》(原稱《李屍朝鮮》)的男主角朱智勛、導演金成勳和編劇金銀姬,以及《毒梟:墨西哥》(Narcos: Mexico)兩大男主角之一的戴高路拿(Diego Luna)和米高賓拿(Michael Pena)等等 (http://bit.ly/38rtpgM) ,亦試過飛往馬來西亞出席吳慷仁主演的劇集《彼岸之嫁》探班活動。但2019年8月開始,Netflix的香港區facebook專頁已再沒更新,2020年因為疫情肆虐,上述宣傳活動更全面叫停,加上外界一直有傳Netflix其實不看重香港市場,未知今次是否再加上減省開支的需要,才會出現這種「冇PR」的尷尬情況。
延伸閱讀 ──
標題:「Netflix全球訂戶數疫情下創新高 香港區公關工作竟『無人駕駛』」
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