[書展] How Women Rise 女生在職場真的比較 容易吃悶虧❓
📘How Women Rise這本書,重塑了我的職涯後續的規劃想法
👍他推薦了我一本書How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith
書是由兩位專業且資深的Executive Coach合寫,綜合他們就職場晉升之道 v.s.女性成長跟角色期待而養成的行為,來解構該怎麼跳脫已習慣的行為,在這個被早期男性建構出的商業框架中爬升
老實說,我之前不覺得男生跟女生成長、教育的方式有差這麼多嗎? 當然男女性的很多自我認知跟思考方式是不太一樣
✳️Habit 1: Reluctance to claim your achievements
✳️Habit 2: Expecting others to spontaneously notice and reward your contributions
✳️Habit 3: Overvaluing expertise
✳️Habit 4: Building rather than leveraging relationships
✳️Habit 5: Failing to enlist allies from day one
✳️Habit 6: Putting your job before your career
✳️Habit 7: The perfection trap
✳️Habit 8: The disease to Please 不小心就當爛好人
✳️Habit 9: Minimizing 壓抑、安靜、太乖
✳️Habit 10: Too much 太優柔善感、講太多贅字
✳️Habit 11: Ruminating 深刻反省
✳️Habit 12: Letting your radar distract you 內心戲想太多,導致忘記大局
😱「 默默」在職場真的不是一個好美德,每聽到「會吵的孩子有糖吃」的同事行為,可能會覺得吃味或不平,那為啥麼會給糖?看似一時的吵,可能其實已經暗盤佈局一陣子,只是我們不知道而已
書的官網 http://www.howwomenrise.com
補充一下,本書作者Marshall前一本書what got you here will not get u there 也是講類似的內容,只是當時他尚未發現女性跟男性有些的差異。我沒有閱讀所以無法置評
📕The Making of A Manager by Julie Zhuo:
超級推薦給新手主管、剛帶人的manager, 從一個manager的意義、招聘撇步、反饋技巧,都寫的很好,如果我當年有這本書,可能就比較清楚我到底該做什麼了. 這本並沒有是針對女性,就是一般manager的情況.
📕Women In Tech by Tara Wheeler:
📕She Speaks by Yvette Cooper:
本書收入40篇知名女性的公開講稿,例如伊莉莎白一世、現任女王二世的lockdown演說、德國總理Merkel、蜜雪兒歐巴馬、妙麗Emma Watson.我當睡前讀物,隨意翻讀
spontaneously中文 在 Prudence Liew 劉美君 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Love my best friend's page, gotta share...
Teachings from Red Hat Lama Shamar Rinpoche
'Wherever there are world systems and beings,
May I be like the lotus, not clung to by water,
And the sun and the moon, unhindered in the sky.'
‘諸惑業及魔境, 世間道中得解脫, 猶如蓮花不著水, 亦如日月不住空’
The lotus flower is used as a metaphor to illustrate the bodhisattva's conduct along the path. Bodhisattvas are not far removed from sentient beings. They don't live in mountain caves, but are very close to all beings and always have the desire to help and liberate them. Lotuses have their roots in dirty mud, but yet, their pure white blossoms remain pristine and untouched by the mud. In the same way bodhisattva practitioners along the path are not contaminated by the habitual tendencies and karma of the sentient beings that they are trying to liberate.
If we harbor no hatred, no anger toward another sentient being, and the motivation for our actions is rooted in bodhicitta, then even in times of aggression we can still attain enlightenment, because our activities are uncontaminated by any affliction. With genuine bodhicitta in our mind, we do not hope for any return for our deeds, such as wanting to gain any wealth or fame in return as a reward for practicing generosity. Just as the sun and the moon benefit the world spontaneously and have no concept of "What would be good for me?" in the same way, our genuine bodhicitta is not tainted by the hope for any return. Rather, our mind is imbued with pure wishes to spontaneously benefit all sentient beings.
“The King of Prayers, a commentary on The Noble King of Prayers of Excellent Conduct”, pg. 28. (英文版『普賢行願王論著』第28頁。)
When we are fully awake, mind is free of the object with which it connects to through thoughts, perceptions and feelings. Mind is unobstructed. You neither have a single thought nor many thoughts. Mind does not exist substantially. Mind is no longer ignorant or stupid in the deepest sense. But we should understand that self-realization is not like being in a coma. Instead, there is clarity and power. Self-realized mind is free from the influence of phenomena. It is mind free from all need to occupy itself; it is now an independent mind.
“From Calming Our Minds is the First Step, teaching given at Bodhi Path Washington, DC Metro Area in Spring 2004.”
As long as we perceive and experience the various sense objects, but are not self-aware at the same time, we react in a kind of autopilot mode. Such a preoccupied state of mind is actually a kind of stupor or drowsiness, and is based on the ignorance of dense mental states in which self-awareness is lacking. It is an automatically occurring ongoing series of cognitive acts and reactions that take place without our being in touch with the self-reflective, self-aware aspect of our mind. In short, the reflective capacity of the mind that is the basis of wisdom remains inactive. Mental activity that proceeds without our being connected with mind's pervasive self-aware capacity is simply ignorant mental activity. It is a kind of noise that serves to distract mind from its actual nature.
只要我們感知和體驗各種感覺對象,但同時不自覺,我們會以一種自動駕駛模式進行反應。 這種心識狀態其實就是一種昏睡或嗜睡,是基於缺乏自我認知的遲鈍精神狀態的無知。 這是一連串的自發性認知行為和反應,並沒有經心識自我反思和自我認知。 簡而言之,作為智慧基礎的心靈的反思能力沒有啟動。 簡單地說,沒有跟我們心識的完全自知能力所聯繫起來的都是無知的心識活動。這是一種噪音,會讓心識對自己實際的性質分心。
Once training in mindful calm abiding has tamed and pacified the cascade of thoughts, inner images, and emotions, mind's awareness that is aware of itself can emerge on its own accord. In this sense, moments of clarity arise naturally.
"Boundless Awakening", pg 16-17. (英文版『無量覺』第16-17頁)
spontaneously中文 在 楊允城 愛畫畫/Clement Yang Loves to Draw Facebook 的最佳貼文
Proudly announcing that Clement's second publication "Continue Spontaneously" is nominated by The Golden Butterfly Award which is the “Publication Oscar” in Taiwan, as one of the 2014 best design books. Hope you share the joy with us. Please continue spontaneously supporting Clement’s work. Thank you very much.
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