Woohoo! We are featured in The Sunday Times today!
The topic is on how to have cosy, creative celebrations amidst the pandemic and how staying home presents an opportunity for families to bond and get closer.
If you follow my stories, you will know that Ariel designed an "Animal Experience Studio" for the family to get together and enjoy. She came up with a series of games, including a classification game using our animal figurines, a tossing game where you try to throw the animals into containers of different sizes, an animal 'hunt' where she hid them around the house, a drawing game where she categorised the animals based on easy/medium/hard level, and a Bingo game where she surprised me by painstakingly drawing every card by hand for each of us.
We played this during the Father's Day weekend recently and it was so much fun for the whole family. She even prepared small prizes from her own stationery and a lovely "Thank You" speech to thank us for participating. Awww. So I think she is very thrilled to see it being mentioned in the papers today and to see a huge photo of all of us playing her game. Yup, even her self-designed poster is featured too. You totally deserve it, my dear!
She said she was inspired by my DIY Halloween party last year and the name was derived from our visit to Changi Experience Studio earlier this year. And you know what? The success of this initiative has propelled her to want to create even more party games and celebrations for us in the future. Yippee!
Big thanks also goes to the hubby and the siblings for joining in wholeheartedly and to the big sister for ensuring that the games flowed smoothly too. It is indeed true that celebrating indoors does not have to be mundane but instead, it can be intimate, creative and fun. I am just so happy and relieved that the kids share my sentiments too.
Thanks to Kamal from The Straits Times for interviewing us and even including my blog link in the article too! What a great way to end off the school holidays, which I wish could last longer so we could have more fun as a family.
Have a happy Sunday, everybody! ❤
#ahappymum #familytime #Creativity521 #stayhomecanbefun