【澳洲生活】上週末墨爾本封城結束,跟大學朋友跑到 Studley Park 野餐🌳 吃到一半的時候,朋友提議要去划船🛶
其實一開始我有點情不願,因為太陽超大的☀️ 聽到他們要選一個小時($52),而不是半個小時($38),我都頭暈了😂
還好包包裡隨時有陽傘😛 以前很鄙視媽媽出去都包的緊緊的,現在跟她一樣🤣
就這樣我們五人加一隻狗就這樣出發了🐶 沒想到河上面鴨子很多,狗狗一直想跳下去抓鴨子🦆 我朋友們只好把牠的眼睛遮起來,看不到就不會有慾望了😂🙈
租船網誌↪ https://studleyparkboathousekew.com.au
Ps. 話說你們會選擇 30分鐘,還是 60分鐘的呢?
Pss. 被關了 111 天,能夠重新回到戶外真好❤️😘
#墨爾本 #澳洲生活
Last weekend a group of us went to Studley Park for picnic and someone suggested row boat afterwards🛶
Must admit I wasn't too keen cz it was so hot ☀️ Was worse when they choose the 60 mins option (AUD$52) instead of 30 mins (AUD$38) one😂
Luckily I got my umbrella with me, so didn't get burnt 🏖️ A true Asian now 😛
So 5 humans and 1 dog went onto the boat 🐶 The dog kept wanting to jump off it to catch the ducks 🦆 The only way to prevent it was to cover her eyes 🤣 No temptations when you can't see anything 🙈
So...The question for you is.. would you choose the 60 mins or 30 mins options?? 😆
Boat rental website ➡️ https://studleyparkboathousekew.com.au
#melbourne #studleyparkboathouse