Flash課堂作業以蘭嶼食物為主題,製作了Google首頁上的Google doodle。好想回去玩啊😢
This is a small assignment from flash class – the theme is food, and I decided to do something from my own experience.
Last summer I went on a holiday work trip in Taiwan for two months (working for hostels in exchange for food and accommodation). I spent one month in Lanyu (also known as Orchid Island) – an island besides Taiwan with aboriginal people called Tao living on it. The Tao people grows millet, taro, and sweet potato as their main food source. They also fish once in a while – during the Alibangbang (fish with wings) festival, usually from March till July. After the festival, they dry the fishes and bake, store them in the houses just built for making smoking the fishes. Black hair pigs are also their meat source – they are cute, but meant for eaten in special occasions.
I want to make the food source here into a google doodle is because of Tao’s fading culture. There are six tribes on the island in total – although they all lived on the island together for a long time, they still have different tribe names and traditions cause the high mountains on the island separates them apart. Lanyu’s soil has a lot of volcano eruption fragments, which is the main reason why there are so many unique species of plants/animals only exist on this island. Because of all the nutrition came from the land, the ocean life in Lanyu is as beautiful as the land. I had the chance to dive underwater and see the corral reef while I worked there – and it’s just breathtaking. The Tao’s tradition of catching the fishes is still going on, but it’s been different since the concept of money came into the island. They always respect the nature, so they can only catch certain amount of fish during a period of time. But the tradition is fading away rapidly ever since convenience store comes in – they start drinking a lot, doing nothing all day cause they can just make money from tourists so easy these days (They also get compensations from having nuclear waste storage facility). The old generation is still trying to hold on to their tradition, but the young generation is starting to lose their own language. So I want to spread out the word of how unique this place is before the tradition dies out completely. If you’re interested,I strongly suggest you look up the information about the Island.