今天早上我們收到了網球協會以及中華奧會的通知,我和姊姊詹詠然 Latisha Chan再度入選本屆東京奧運雙打資格。
台灣大哥大 Open Possible
EVA Airways Corp. 長榮航空
格蘭英語Gram English Center
Regent Taipei 晶華酒店
Wilson Tennis
This morning we received the update from CTTA and CTOC:
My sister (Latisha) and I have once again qualified for this year’s Tokyo Olympic Games in Doubles. It’s really my honor to represent for Team Chinese Taipei in Olympic Games again.
Due to the pandemic last year, many tournaments were forced to cancel, and due to the safety concerns, we were not able to compete around the world as usual. Because of the virus, the Tokyo Olympic Games had been postponed to this year as well. However, under these uncertainties, we still kept our ranking and qualified for the Olympic Games!
To be honest, our team had a lot of concerns about safety before going abroad. But in the end, we still felt that we can’t disappoint those who have expectations for us. During these hard time, I received a lot of messages from my lovely fans! Doesn’t matter if I win or lose I always got warm messages that make me happy and stronger!! Thank you❤️
Special thanks to the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, CTTA, Sports Administration for your assistance, and NTSU for arranging our training and studies, and all the sponsors that have been supporting us all the time.
Taiwan Mobile
EVA Airways
Gram English Center
ET Foundation
Regent Hotel Taipei
The Grand Hotel Taipei
Wilson Tennis
Lacoste Tennis
I feel very honored and proud to represent Chinese Taipei again, and I’m also looking forward to competing in Olympics again. Thanks for all of your support!! See you in Tokyo this summer😉
tennis ranking 2021 在 Jason Jung -莊吉生 Facebook 的精選貼文
很可惜我目前的排名無法直接排進澳網會內賽,加上這次大會決定將會外賽移至杜哈舉辦。我跟團隊在討論之後決定為了旅行安全以及完成原訂的訓練計畫,我們將從一月十八日展開 2021 年的賽季。
2021 年希望大家都能平安渡過,一起保持警惕,共同防疫!
也再次謝謝 台灣大哥大 Open Possible陪我一起走過2020,迎向 2021。
Happy New year! It’s been a great 2 months in taiwan so far. After traveling from August to October it really has been nice to be in a country that is on the safer side in regards to the virus. Being able to have a little bit of freedom is always nice.
I’ve been getting some good training in Taipei, thank you to the tennis coaches and the Taiwan Tennis Association for giving us a great place to train and prepare for the upcoming season.
In regards to the season, my ranking was not high enough this year to get a direct entry into the main draw of the Australian Open. And with the COVID virus still around, Australia decided to host the Qualifying in Doha. Making the travel plans more complicated.
My team and I have decided that we will not be playing the Australian Open Qualifying this year due to the tough travel plans and rules.
I will be starting my 2021 season in Istanbul on January 18. Hope the virus will get better as the year goes on and that people are staying safe and doing their part to take precautionary measures. I will do my part as well.
Let’s get it! Keep fighting!
#吉生熊讚 #台灣大哥大 #莊吉生