Until recently, Wikipedia used to note that today is my birthday. It is not 😊
In fact, much of my life and what I’ve really done can’t be found online.
They’re in the memories I treasure most— the stories that have made me who I am.
In a few days, it will indeed be my real birthday. And while I appreciate people stopping to post a “HBD” gif, I will admit that it will take me forever to put a “like” on every message.
So, instead of a random e-card, here’s what I hope you’d oblige me with…
If, at any point in time, I have made a difference in your life, post our story here. I will definitely read it, and it will be the best gift for me.
Why? The past two years have been the toughest in my life. What kept me in good spirits was knowing that we all have our own mission to complete in this world. I have a lot I want to do, and I’m just getting started.
So when times get tough— and they will— I will return to these messages. I will remember that in the economy of love and joy in the universe, all the good that you do comes back to you.
This #nomakeup #nofilter photo was taken by @jeffip a few days after our quarantine fiasco earlier this year. If I ever had any doubt that someone in the universe is watching over me, that has been put to rest, because I now know that I am blessed, loved, and built to withstand a lot more than I think.
Thank you to the people who have been strong, kind, loving, and true. You know who you are— and I love you!
Love and light ❤️
And joy and peace, too.