這幾天我或者大家都一樣,心存無可言表的悲傷。佢地兩位的共通點有一樣:不時都被不明來歷的人跟,又有誰可以理解他們承受的痛苦,九單案,等於這一年幾多次警察走上門,你的家就如公眾地方讓警察隨便搜,隨便入屋,每一日都擔驚受怕;周庭除左被跟,究竟是甚麼原因要她承受這樣的罪名,幫黃之鋒托大聲公嗎?她威脅了甚麼,我在求情信裡說,She is a very modest, thoughtful, and tender person. I hope Your Worship may also agree that it is unimaginable such characters could be linked up with inciting or organizing an unlawful assembly.
Your Worship,you sentenced her 10th months without any previous criminal record. A sentence never appeared in any previous case under common law.
無論是 #周庭 還是 #許智峯,其實都不是他們可以選擇。這實質是反人類,是因為這些非人道的行為雖不至於消滅生命,卻是為了一己政治目的,隨意折磨當事人以及身邊的人,超越了法制,只有人對人的制度暴力。無盡的折磨,只是為了拿人來鬥、摧殘生命。
thoughtful person中文 在 Chui Ling Facebook 的精選貼文
Do you know that faces can be read based on Chinese characters? Isn't that interesting? Let’s take a look at ten of the most common examples.
“甲” (Armour) - Wide forehead with sharp chin. The thoughtful type. Does a lot of thinking (some useful and wise, some not). However, they normally fail when it comes to execution. They make suitable candidates for backend jobs, but not those that need them to deal with customers. They also excel in jobs that require them to provide creative ideas.
“申” (State) - Narrow forehead, wide cheeks with sharp chin. Looks like an oval shape. This is the perfect shape, and is often found in artists. A long and high nose suggests high self-esteem. Suited for forefront jobs.
Next, let's take a look at the three types of square faces:
“圆” (Round) - Round face with round nose. The social type who enjoys life and brings joy to others. However, beneath the cheerful outer appearance, hides a pessimistic character that’s mainly due to low self-esteem.
“同” (Together) - Compared to a round face, this face type is able to stand higher pressure. The sporty type. A good face type, well balanced in thought and action. Knows how to enjoy and often leads a worry-free life.
“田” (Field) - Short and wide face, square in shape. A person born with this face type will be rich and wealthy in his or her life.
In the next podcast, we will unveil the remaining five. Stay tuned!
圆字 ﹣鼻型多属圆粒状,属于享受派,善于交际,总让人感觉开心。尽管外表开朗,内心却因自信不足而显得悲观。
同字 ﹣相比圆字脸,同字脸比较可以承受压力,属于运动型,是比较均衡的好脸型。思想、行动、享受都混合得很平均,一生衣碌无犹。
田字 ﹣呈四方型,脸型短且宽,属于富豪脸型。
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在群體之中,一定會有各式各樣不同特質的人,每個人都有各自的特色,有友善的(friendly)、體貼的(thoughtful)或者是充滿活力的(energetic),而這些 ... ... <看更多>
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大量翻译例句关于"thoughtful person" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... <看更多>
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Thank you for calling when I was ill - it was very thoughtful of you. 我生病時謝謝你打電話來問候——你真是體貼人。 She's a very thoughtful person. ... <看更多>