For all the non-Chinese speakers, you really don't need to know what I was written above, just noticed it is the tuna season over here n we r at this famous port n enjoy our life with those yummy fresh sashimi with good friends n booze, ahhh ce la vie <3
#yellowtremper #Whellowtravel #背包客 #環島 #nemo #neemneems #vladithechef #backpacker #3600daysonroad #nemo的3600天 #旅行 #環遊世界 #youseewhatwesee #Taiwan #hitchhiker #順風車 #couchsufer #沙發客 #camping #搭帳棚 #amazinglife #havefun #fulltimetraveler #東港 #comeeatwithus #sashimi #toungetravel #生魚片