[ 9🈷8号,晚上8:15pm免费送🆓指纹手机遥控电子智能锁,祝您好运🙏🏼 ]
1. 套餐A🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 29.7
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 27.7
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 23.7
- 线上2100人S$ 21.7
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 30.7🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
2. 套餐B🇸🇬
- 线上1000人S$ 27.9
- 线上1400人S$ 25.9
- 线上1800人S$ 21.9
- 线上2000人S$ 19.9
🐑直播过后S$ 28.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
3. 套餐C🇲🇾
- 线上1000人RM 99
- 线上1400人RM 89
- 线上1800人RM 79
- 线上2000人RM 74
🐑直播过后RM 103🐑
4. 套餐D🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 24.9
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 23.9
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 19.9
- 线上2000人S$ 17.9
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 25.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
5. 套餐E🇸🇬
- 线上1000人S$ 13.3
- 线上1400人S$ 11.3
- 线上1800人S$ 7.3
- 线上2000人S$ 6.3
🐑直播过后S$ 14.3🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
6. 套餐F🇲🇾
- 线上1000人𝐑𝐌 35
- 线上1400人𝐑𝐌 33
- 线上1800人𝐑𝐌 25
- 线上2000人RM 21
🐑直播过后𝐑𝐌 37🐑
7. 套餐G🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 18.9
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 16.9
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 13.9
- 线上2000人S$ 11.9
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 20.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
8. 套餐H🇸🇬
👨🍳550克左右潮式顶级斯里兰卡黄膏蟹/ 450克左右潮式顶级斯里兰卡黄膏蟹➕1罐酱料👨🍳
- 线上1000人S$ 63/ 𝐒$ 48
- 线上1400人S$ 61/ 𝐒$ 46
- 线上1800人S$ 57/ 𝐒$ 43
- 线上2000人S$ 55/ S$ 41
🐑直播过后S$ 65/ 𝐒$ 50🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
9. 套餐I🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 51.5
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 47.5
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 37.5
- 线上2000人S$ 33.5
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 53🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
10. 套餐J🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 50.8
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 48.8
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 41.8
- 线上2000人S$ 35.8
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 51.8🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
11. 套餐K🇲🇾
- 线上1000人𝐑𝐌 65.5
- 线上1400人𝐑𝐌 56.5
- 线上1800人𝐑𝐌 48.5
- 线上2000人RM 45.5
🐑直播过后𝐑𝐌 73.5🐑
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[8th Sep, free delivery at 8:15pm 🆓 Biometric electronic smart lock, good luck 🙏🏼]
🇸🇬🇲🇾 only platform allows you to decide your “price”. CLB platform exclusively provides the market's freshest, unique and most favorable products 👨🍳Want to confirm if it is true, please look down 👇👇
1. Set A🇸🇬
👨🍳200g of premium French pork ball➕about 600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 bottle of Holland beer🍺➕1 bottle of Mexico beer🍺➕2packs of dried noodles➕200g of French marinated low salt pork belly➕cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟗.𝟕
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟕.𝟕
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟑.𝟕
2100 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟏.𝟕
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟑𝟎.𝟕🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
2. Set B🇸🇬
👨🍳200g premium French pork cubes➕600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 can of restaurant grade premium sauce➕500g dumplings➕2 packs of dried noodles➕200g French marinated low-salt pork belly➕ cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟕.𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟓.𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟏.𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟗.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟖.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
3. Set C🇲🇾
👍1 kg of Hokkaido large scallops➕700g of red fish➕500g onion pancake➕150g of famous sauce👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟗𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟖𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟒
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟏𝟎𝟑🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
4. Set D🇸🇬
👨🍳 2pcs pan-fried promfret➕300g pan-fried non-spicy Asam Prawn ➕1 can of restaurant premium sauce➕cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟒.𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟑.𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟗.𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟕.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟓.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
5. Set E🇸🇬
👨🍳250g of Alor Setar's own recipe vegetables and spices👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟑.𝟑
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟏.𝟑
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟕.𝟑
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟔.𝟑
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟒.𝟑🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
6. Set F🇲🇾
👍350g of Alor Setar’s own recipe spice 👨🍳
1000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟓
1400 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟑
1800 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟐𝟓
2000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟐𝟏
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟕🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
7. Set G🇸🇬
👨🍳1kg Premium Japanese Style Tempura Sotong Ring👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟖.𝟗
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟔.𝟗
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟑.𝟗
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟏.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟎.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
8. Set H🇸🇬
👨🍳550g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab / 450g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab➕1 can of sauce👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟔𝟑/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟖
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟔𝟏/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟔
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟕/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟑
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟓/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟏
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟔𝟓/ 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
9. Set I🇸🇬
👨🍳500g authentic Musang King Layered Cake➕ cooler Bag👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟏.𝟓
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟕.𝟓
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟕.𝟓
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟑.𝟓
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟑🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
10. Set J🇸🇬
👨🍳4️⃣pcs Super premium special mooncake [Tiramisu core + purple sweet potato jade + matcha red bean + lotus paste single yellow] ➕4️⃣pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus paste + golden jade + double egg yolk lotus paste + double egg yolk golden jade]👨 🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎.𝟖
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟖.𝟖
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟏.𝟖
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟓.𝟖
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟏.𝟖🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
11. Set K🇲🇾
👍4pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus seed paste+golden jade+double egg yolk lotus seed+double egg yolk golden jade ]👨🍳
1000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟔𝟓.𝟓
1400 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟓𝟔.𝟓
1800 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟒𝟖.𝟓
2000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟒𝟓.𝟓
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟑.𝟓🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
🇸🇬 Singapore friends, if the total value of purchases does not reach 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎, you can come to our office to self pick it up, or pay a nominal fee of 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟎 delivery service. Thank you for your support🙏🏼)
同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,890的網紅Melinda Looi,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Mel's Kitchen is off today... Because we are celebrating Dragon Boat Festival to honor Qu Yuan. This is how my late Poh Poh taught us how to eat thes...
「traditional sweet dumplings」的推薦目錄:
- 關於traditional sweet dumplings 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於traditional sweet dumplings 在 hangryjoobert Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於traditional sweet dumplings 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於traditional sweet dumplings 在 Melinda Looi Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於traditional sweet dumplings 在 Cate Food Travel 凱特食旅 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於traditional sweet dumplings 在 iTravel Youtube 的最佳貼文
traditional sweet dumplings 在 hangryjoobert Facebook 的最佳貼文
Traditional Thai food at Ma Maison
อาหารไทยโบราณ ที่ร้าน Ma Maison
Traditional Thai food made with heritage recipes, being dined in green surroundings with the most chilled atmosphere at "Ma Maison" is perfect for any occasions; a family meal, a date night, a business lunch, they’ve got you covered. Flavorswise, the dishes are mellowed and not too strong or flashy, caters to everyone to enjoy together, with recommended signature menus like
🌺 bite sized treasures wrapped in pink lotus petals comprised of dried shrimps, ginger, lime, shallots and roasted peanuts
🥩 super tender grilled Australian Angus ribeye served with sticky rice and papaya salad
🍲 steamed rice and fish curry in banana leaves which has been Park Nailert’s delicacy for more than 100 years
🍜 crispy vermicelli soup with shredded pork and shrimps, a version of tomyum that is less piquant and more delicate, with the vermicelli almost melt in your mouth when put together in the soup
🍡 sweet and salty rice flour dumplings in creamy coconut milk that is so luscious and a is a splendid way to end the meal
Overall a really nice place with exquisite food that we think is not hard to fall in love with
อาหารไทยโบราณ ปรุงจากตำราอาหารสูตรเฉพาะของบ้านปาร์คนายเลิศ ในร้านบรรยากาศโปร่งสบายท่ามกลางสวนสุดร่มรื่นที่ "Ma Maison" นี่เพอร์เฟคสำหรับทุกโอกาสเลย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นมื้อสุดอบอุ่นกับครอบครัว มื้อโรแมนติกกับแฟน มื้อกลางวันสำหรับคุยธุรกิจ เราก็ว่าเหมาะสมทุกงาน อาหารของที่นี่จะรสชาติออกแนวกลมกล่อม รสไม่จัดมาก ทานกันได้ทุกคนทุกวัย นำทีมมาโดยเมนูซิกเนเจอร์ที่ทางร้านแนะนำ เช่น
🌺 เมี่ยงกลีบบัว เมนูที่นอกจากจะสวยแล้วยังดีต่อสุขภาพ ประกอบไปด้วยกุ้งแห้ง ขิง มะนาว หอมแดง และถั่วลิสงคั่ว
🥩 ข้าวเหนียวเนื้อแองกัสย่างจิ้มแจ่ว-ส้มตำ เนื้อนุ่มมากๆ ส่วนส้นตำก็จัดจ้านแต่ไม่เผ็ดจนเกินไป เลิฟมาก
🍲 ห่อหมกข้าวห่อหมกปลา เมนูคู่บ้านปาร์คนายเลิศมากว่า 100 ปี ที่ประกอบไปด้วยห่อหมกปลากะพง เสริฟพร้อมข้าวที่คลุกเคล้าด้วยเครื่องแกงห่อหมกก่อนนำไปนึ่ง
🍜 หมี่น้ำปาร์คนายเลิศ หมี่กรอบทานกับน้ำซุปต้มยำรสหวานเปรี้ยวอ่อนๆ หมี่กรอบดีมาก แทบจะละลายในปากเลยเวลาทานพร้อมน้ำซุป
🍡 ขนมปลากริมไข่เต่า รสชาติเค็มๆหวานๆ แป้งนุ่มละมุนมาก เป็นการจบมื้อแบบปลื้มปริ่มฟินๆ
โดยรวมๆเราคิดว่าดีเลยนะ ร้านสวยอาหารอร่อย น่าจะตกหลุมรักได้ไม่ยากค่า
#MaMaison #nailertpark #thaihomecooking #มา
traditional sweet dumplings 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文
【#冬至 魔法湯圓食譜大公開!】
公布 #國際雙語版湯圓食譜!(全家福 4 人份)
1. 糯米粉 600 g
2. 熱水 300 g
3. 冷水 180 g
4. 紅麴粉或紅肉火龍果少許 (染色用) (買不到可用甜菜代替)
5. 黑糖水 (黑糖 800 g + 水 2 公升 + 薑少許)
1. 糯米粉倒入熱水攪拌均勻
2. 再倒入冷水攪拌
3. 用手揉成米麵糰直到呈「耳垂柔軟」狀態
4. 另分出一部分麵團染色
5. 將揉好的麵團搓成長條再切成一個個適當小塊
6. 將麵團塊搓成圓球即完成生湯圓
7. 煮一鍋滾水加入黑糖並放入生湯圓和薑
8. 湯圓浮起水面後 5 分鐘即可關火盛碗
9. 好好享用吧!
Today is the #WinterSolstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year and a day when it’s traditional to eat #tangyuan (glutinous rice dumplings) to stave away the cold of winter. We thought we’d share the recipe so that everyone can get a taste of this #SweetTreat wherever they are in the world! If you do have a go, why not share a picture in the comment section below!
Ingredients (serves 4):
For Tangyuan:
Glutinous Rice Flour 600g
Hot water: 300ml
Cold water: 180ml
Pinch of monascus powder, red dragon fruit, beetroot or red food coloring (optional)
For sweet soup:
2 liters of water
800g brown sugar (adjust amount as desired)
Pinch of ground ginger (adjust amount as desired)
1. Pour the glutinous rice flour into the hot water and stir evenly.
2. Pour in the cold water and stir.
3. Use your hands to roll the dough into ball (it should be the consistency of your ear lobe).
4. You can split it in two at this point and add the food coloring to the second batch.
5. Roll it into a long cylinder shape, and use a knife to cut it into small pieces.
6. Roll these into small balls (about the size in the picture).
7. Bring the water for the soup to the boil and add the brown sugar, the ginger and the tangyuan.
8. Five minutes after the tangyuan have floated to the top, you can serve in a bowl.
9. Bon Appétit!
photo credit: https://flic.kr/p/94oc9X
traditional sweet dumplings 在 Melinda Looi Youtube 的最讚貼文
Mel's Kitchen is off today... Because we are celebrating Dragon Boat Festival to honor Qu Yuan.
This is how my late Poh Poh taught us how to eat these yummy sticky dumplings aka Zhong Zhi- a traditional Chinese rice dish made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo leaves. They are cooked by steaming or boiling.
They are either sweet or savory. You can also find the halal or vegan version these days too.
Happy Dragon Boat Festival
Duānwǔ jié kuàilè

traditional sweet dumplings 在 Cate Food Travel 凱特食旅 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Handmade Yuanxiao (Tangyuan)( Sweet Rice Dumplings) / 手工搖元宵製作(湯圓)-Taiwanese Traditional Food
👉 https://reurl.cc/OqE483
Hi, there! I'm Cate 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
**Location information**
I’ll share what I’ve seen and tasted with you, such as street food,fried rice,seafood,night market,cooking skills,asian food,chinese food and so on.
Look forward to bringing you the feast for the senses of palates through every video clip.
🔗Twitter : https://twitter.com/catefood
#lantern_festival #yuanxiao #tangyuan #tang_yuan #sweet_dumplings #bib_gourmand #taiwanese_traditional_food #手工元宵 #手工搖元宵製作 #元宵製作 #湯圓 #沁園春 #台灣美食 #沁園春 #米其林必比登

traditional sweet dumplings 在 iTravel Youtube 的最佳貼文
1.QQ Jelly 【 Fen yuan (粉圓,涼圓) Sweet glass rice dumplings】 - NTD 30 (USD1.0)西螺東南夜市
2.Sweet Potato Balls黃金地瓜球- NTD 30 (USD1.0)台中太原夜市
3.Traditional Crispy Crepe麥仔煎 - NTD 30 (USD1.0)台中第三市場
Fen yuan refers to all the chewy dough that Taiwanese like to add to their dessert.
Sometimes they are made with sticky rice flour and various fillings. The dough is slightly translucent when steamed, revealing the colorful insides -- red bean, green tea, egg custard. They are just so joyful to look at.
***位置資訊***Location information***
GoogleMap :https://goo.gl/maps/NZWi93pWUshxUmfLA