印太地區擁有超過全球一半的人口數與超過全球50%的經濟。美國支持自由開放印太地區未來的經濟發展。美國與印度將於10月28-29日共同舉辦2021年的「印太商業論壇」, 如果你對商業事務有興趣, 或是你的工作與經貿發展有關, 無論是你是在政府部門、學術界、公民團體、媒體或私人企業,這將是一場超級適合你的活動!今年的「印太商業論壇」採全線上舉辦、既不用報名費、也不用旅費,還等什麼呢? 趕緊手刀報名: https://indopacificbusinessforum.com/
The United States supports the economic future of a free and open Indo-Pacific, which represents more than half of the global population and global economy. The United States and India are co-hosting the 2021 Indo-Pacific Business Forum (IPBF) on October 28-29. If you are interested in commercial affairs or your work is related to business or economic development in government, academia, civil society, media or the private sector, this is the event for you! The IPBF is free of cost and a fully virtual interactive event, so you don’t have to travel! To learn more and register, visit: https://indopacificbusinessforum.com/