【 #實試美團 日本開架眼線筆比拼🤩🔥 】
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長居日本 @ cosme 眼線筆第一位,日本用家在IG上也有超多好評「外眼角絕不溶妝」、「優秀な」、「持久力卓越♡」;畫出來的線條是3款中最為幼細;用水沖、用油搓也不易令顏色變淡,非常持久。
📍La Rose de Versailles 極細眼線液
#CosmoHK #CosmoBeauty #CosmoBeautyPanel #眼線 #眼線筆 #eyeliner
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅Studio Megaane,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【チャンネル登録】⇒https://goo.gl/ZQ3v90 【動画検索】⇒http://studiomegaane.com/ 【Apple Music】⇒https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/studio-megaane/1472190745 【Twitter】⇒...
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- 關於versailles日本 在 【哲生的童年回憶】凡爾賽玫瑰| 日本卡通「凡爾賽玫瑰」原名 ... 的評價
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versailles日本 在 Mika出走美食日誌 Facebook 的最佳貼文
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versailles日本 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文
[Paris pastries / 巴黎甜點] 經典巴巴與各種重新詮釋 / Baba - classic and revisited (for English, please click "see more")
這個甜點的基本組成,是將 #加了葡萄乾與新鮮葡萄的布里歐許麵糰,在 #烤好之後浸漬在酒糖液中,最常見的是「rhum」蘭姆酒,另外也有其他如「Malaga」馬拉加甜酒、「Porto」波特酒、「Madeira」馬德拉酒等版本,經常會加 #香緹鮮奶油 做裝飾。
巴巴的命名來自 #阿里巴巴(Ali Baba)。沒錯,你沒有看錯,正是阿里巴巴與四十大盜的故事。十八世紀時由於政爭離開家鄉的波蘭國王 Stanisław I Leszczyński 後來在法國亞爾薩斯、洛林附近定居,他的女兒 Marie Leszczyńska 在 1725 年嫁給法王路易十五。Stanisław 的甜點師 Nicolas Stohrer 為了拯救太乾的布里歐許麵包(也有一說是亞爾薩斯當地的名產 kouglof 咕咕霍夫),靈機一動,以加了番紅花的 Malaga 馬拉加甜酒重新將其浸潤,另外還加上甜點奶餡與葡萄乾、新鮮葡萄等,創造了一個新的甜點。這個作品征服了身為美食家的 Stanisław 國王,傳說中他當時正沉醉於一千零一夜的故事中,所以將這個創新的甜點命名為阿里巴巴。
後來 Nicolas Stohrer 隨著國王的女兒瑪麗一起來到巴黎,他 1730 年在 Rue Montorgueil 上開的甜點店 Stohrer, la plus ancienne pâtisserie de Paris 至今屹立不搖,是巴黎現存最古老的甜點店。而他的拿手甜點巴巴,也風靡了全法國、成為經典中的經典。
根據我過往的經驗,法國人通常都相當喜愛巴巴,但我不但對酒精過敏、也不喜歡浸得濕軟的麵糰。還記得七年前當剛剛到巴黎沒多久,和朋友一起去一家二星餐廳午餐,餐後甜點上了一個浸滿蘭姆酒的巴巴、還附上額外的蘭姆酒依個人喜好添加。幾乎不喝酒的我,被這個簡直是是麵包型的酒瓶嚇到,從此對巴巴敬謝不敏。沒想到身在法國多年,我近來發現自己竟然已經可以欣賞蘭姆酒的香氣而不再感到噁心。最近因為經常路過巴黎銅鑼燒專賣店 Pâtisserie TOMO,每次看到他們的日本威士忌巴巴都非常心動,終於在本週下定決心品嚐了一下。
先說結論,因為我幾乎不喝酒、也不喜歡酒精的味道,所以品嚐過的巴巴非常少,這大概是目前為止「唯一一款」我能夠欣賞的、加了酒精的巴巴。銅鑼燒與布里歐許麵糰相較,口感更加厚實有彈性,而 TOMO 並未將整個銅鑼燒浸在酒糖液中直至軟爛,所以仍舊能夠享受原本的口感;以 Nikka 威士忌和沖繩黑糖調製的糖漿,有麥芽的醇香、威士忌輕微的冷冽,但絲毫沒有酒精的刺鼻。單純美好的香草香緹鮮奶油,以濃醇補足了口味的深度。雖然我只吃了幾口,就能感覺到臉頰微微發熱,但這是一款我非常喜愛、也會希望下次再來品嚐的甜點。
之前我在其他文章中介紹過 Pâtisserie TOMO,店內不僅有傳統的日式銅鑼燒、也有許多將法式經典甜點以銅鑼燒重新演繹的作品,這個威士忌巴巴銅鑼燒便是其中的代表作。點開照片,我另外附上 MORI Yoshida、des Gateaux et du Pain、Yann Couvreur Pâtisserie 的巴巴作品,讓大家一起欣賞經典的再創作。
🔖 延伸閱讀:
「重新詮釋」- 法式甜點經典重生、歷久彌新的秘訣:https://tinyurl.com/y5xenfqz
Among all French pastries, baba has been a real challenge for me.
This classic is composed with a brioche made with raisins as well as fresh grapes. After it’s baked, It then has to be soaked in syrup made with hard liquor, rum usually, sometimes with Malaga wine, Porto wine, or Madeira wine, etc. Very often, it is decorated with Chantilly cream.
The pastry is attributed Stanisław I Leszczyński, the exiled king of Poland. Nicolas Stohrer, one of his pâtissiers from Alsace had the idea of soaking a dried brioche (or kouglof) in Malaga wine with saffron and added dried and fresh raisins with pastry cream. Legend says that during the time it was served, Stanisław was in love with the stories in A Thousand and One Nights and thus named the pastry as “Ali Baba”.
When Marie Leszczyńska married Louis XV in 1725, Nicolas Stohrer followed her to Versailles as her pâtissier, and then opened his own pastry shop “Stohrer” in 1730 on Rue Montorgueil in the 1st arrondissement in Paris. The shop remains today and is now the oldest pastry shop in Paris. His baba also has become one of the great classics of French pastries.
According to my own experience, French people seem to love baba. But I’m not a big fan of it since I’m allergic to alcohol and I don’t really get the idea of a soggy bread. I still remember my first time tasting a baba. It was 7 years ago when I just arrived Paris. I had lunch with friends in a Michelin two-starred restaurant and the dessert was a huge baba soaked thoroughly in rum syrup and with additional rum to taste. To me it was almost like a bread-shaped bottle of wine and I was almost traumatised. As I can’t drink, I don’t really like the smell of alcohol either. But after several years of living in Paris, I recently found out that I seem to be able to appreciate the smell of rum and some alcohols finally. So I was thinking that maybe I could give it a try when I found the Dorayaki Baba au Whisky at Pâtisserie TOMO.
Well, as I haven’t really tasted a lot of babas, I can’t say this is the best, but it is surely the top 1 among all what I’ve tasted. The dorayaki pancakes are well perfumed by the Japanese whisky Nikkai. Soft, moist but and not-at-all soggy. The texture of dorayaki is well-kept which is a big plus compared with the brioches that have almost lost its characteristic when saturated with alcoholic syrup. The Nikkai whisky has a really rounded and mellow smell of malt and the Chantilly cream adds depth to the tinge of alcohol. Though I could already feel that my cheeks started to get flushed after several small bites, it’s still a real delight that I’d like to taste again.
I have talked about Pâtisserie TOMO in my another article. It is a great pastry shop where you could find traditional Japanese delights as well as excellent examples of French classics revisited. The Dorayaki Baba au Whisky is one of them. Click to check the photos and you’ll find detailed description of those interesting baba revisits, including the one from MORI YOHIDA, Des Gâteaux et du Pain, and Yann Couvreur Pâtisserie, some of the best in the city.
🔖 Read more on related topics:
Revisiting classics, the “fountain-of-youth” secret of French pastries: https://tinyurl.com/y5xenfqz
How do you define the taste of Taiwan? My take on Asian pastries in Paris: https://tinyurl.com/y36tprn8
My Paris pastry shop guide: https://tinyurl.com/yxoee6ey
#yingspastryguide #baba #babaaurhum #dorayaki
versailles日本 在 Studio Megaane Youtube 的精選貼文
【Apple Music】⇒https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/studio-megaane/1472190745
【再生リスト「1960's & 1970's 8bit」】⇒https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz4hpi3aJ2GHRXCDKf0swPUgouAhUmFF0
「Roses scatter beautifully/The Rose of Versailles」
作詞 - 山上路夫 / 作曲・編曲 - 馬飼野康二 / 歌 - 鈴木宏子
原作 - 池田理代子 制作 - 東京ムービー新社
#ベルサイユのばら #薔薇は美しく散る #8bit #StudioMegaane #chiptune

versailles日本 在 #ミニマリストライフ Youtube 的最佳解答
Carlos Ghosn and Lebanon If you make such a precedent at the top level, Lebanon is useless
This movie has Japanese caption for learn Japanese.
・iPhone SEのアウターカメラで撮影しています
グラスジャパン福 買いました
Carlos Ghosn press conference in Lebanon.Lebanese people should send him back to Japan for their equality.
Proceedings of the press conference of Carlos Ghosn in Lebanon. First of all, Japanese justice was shit, it was difficult to investigate. It is natural to make me happy because I am rebuilding Nissan.
I am not bad. Tanaka from the University of Tokyo also says it's strange and I'm great, Nishikawa and Toyota are Pearl Harbor, the bad guys being bad guys.
The judge is a good person, but the boss is a district attorney and a fucking bastard. I'm great, the current management is shit, I can say many other names, but I will not say it for Lebanon.
Arrested for unpaid compensation is guilty in Japan but safe in Tennessee.
Because I'm CEO, I can use a lot of reserves, but it requires a vice president and a number of autographs, and Nissan paid a lot of money to my friends in the Middle East because it's fucked up. Middle East.
I'm amazing, Nissan has been terrible since my arrest.
It was much more difficult, I had fewer baths in my cell, twice a week. My wife was arrested by accident, and if I were to die in Japan, I was obviously taken away.
Interviewed by someone who spoke neither English nor French. Treatment in a cell is bad. It was a plot by Minimalist Life, Talezo, a network of victims of technological crimes.
The Palace of Versailles is incredible, and the criticism at the Palace of Versailles is a personal attack. I am a patron of the Palace of Versailles.
Finally, thank you family.
#ミニマリストライフ #CarlosGhosn #Minimalist_Life
Carlos Ghosn and Lebanon If you make such a precedent at the top level, Lebanon is useless
#ミニマリストライフ #カルロスゴーン #CarlosGhosn
カルロス・ゴーンとレバノン トップレベルでこんな前例作ったらレバノンはダメだろ

versailles日本 在 魚夫人피쉬부인 Youtube 的最佳貼文
#巴黎原來這樣玩 #新手一學就懂 #探索巴黎街頭文化 #識省識食搵魚女
⟢訂閱♣,.*。?魚夫人MsFish,.♣,.*。 按小鈴噹? 逢周六出片,歡迎留言給我?
01:21 凡爾賽宮
05:15 傷兵院/榮軍院
06:13 羅丹美術館
06:44 聖徒禮拜堂
07:41 巴黎古監獄
08:36 凱旋門下的街舞表演
09:07 凱旋門
10:07 Angelina Paris (羅浮宮附近)
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【⟢[▧ ⚈魚眼看世界系列⚈▧]⟢】
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versailles日本 在 【迷迷音】日本視覺系樂團Versailles主唱KAMIJO 台灣公演前 ... 的推薦與評價

【迷迷音】 日本 視覺系樂團 Versailles 主唱KAMIJO 台灣公演前特別訪談. 1.4K views 5 years ago. 迷迷音. 迷迷音. 710 subscribers. Subscribe. ... <看更多>
versailles日本 在 【哲生的童年回憶】凡爾賽玫瑰| 日本卡通「凡爾賽玫瑰」原名 ... 的推薦與評價
日本 卡通「凡爾賽玫瑰」原名「ベルサイユのばら」(The Rose of Versailles),改編自日本漫畫家池田理代子在1972年發表的同名少女漫畫。... ... <看更多>
versailles日本 在 [閒聊] Versailles 日本古典速金團- 看板RockMetal - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
我小時侯也很迷Yoshiki 可是長大後才覺得X的歌很膩..
Versailles 9/8來台北the wall
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