我們的「徵字活動」開花結果了!(但想問還來得及→ goo.gl/ePCRZZ )
★ back-stabber /'bæk 'stæbɚ/ (名詞)
背叛者、出賣者的意思。back 是背,stab 就是用刀子刺,所以 back-stabber 指一個從背後刺他人的人。這個非常嚴重:
That politican is a despicable back-stabber. He’ll betray anyone after they’ve already helped him in his career.
★ scheming /'skimɪŋ/ (形容詞)
字根是 scheme, 就是詭計、陰謀的意思,所以 scheming 就表示搞陰謀的。不知為何,我們不常直接說 He’s scheming, 通常會再加一個罵人的名詞!如:
He’s a scheming bastard. He’d only been at the company for a few weeks when he started spreading rumors about me, to try to take my job!
★ unscrupulous /ən'skrupjələs/ (形容詞)
是無道德的、不擇手段的意思。字根 scruple 的意思是顧忌、道德上的考慮。所以 unscrupulous 指願意用任何的方法來達到目標。
Well, I guess you could call him a successful businessman. But he’s so unscrupulous that nobody really trusts or likes him.
★ cunning /'kʌnIŋ/ (形容詞)
He’s a cunning and resourceful criminal.
He’s a pretty cunning marketer. He really knows how to exploit people’s fears.
★ opportunistic /,ɑpɚtu'nɪstɪk/ (形容詞)
字根是 opportunity (機會),但這個次表示人願意把握別人的辛苦、困境、災難來得益。意思則是機會主義的、投機取巧的。例如:
He’s a pretty opportunistic businessman. In the 2007 recession, he exploited a lot of people’s bankruptcies to buy their houses at incredibly cheap prices.
★ calculating /'kælkjə,letɪŋ/ (形容詞)
字根是 calculate (計算),比較中性的字。但 calculating 通常指那種比較自私、只管自己利益的計算。不一定表示會騙人、犯罪,但都表示很自私。
He’s so calculating. In his whole life I’m not sure he’s ever done anything that didn’t benefit his career.
★ crafty /'kræfti/ & tricky /'trɪki/ (形容詞)
這兩個都可以說是「狡猾」的意思,但沒有 cunning 那麼強,可能是小規模的狡猾,或小智力的狡猾。做的事也不一定非常壞(也不一定是違法的)。如:
He’s a crafty old guy. He knows exactly where to hide his beer and cigarretes so his wife won’t find them!
The vendors in that night market are pretty tricky. They’ll put some extra water in the fish to make them heavier.