The @donttellmehowtodress Social Power Exhibition Against Sexual Assault is on WOOF PACK until Feb 24th. The original exhibition of clothing worn by victims of sexual harassment and assault and celebrity photo exhibition launched in June of last year is still going strong and receiving so much amazing feedback and support. This time we’ve added some works of art by young artists and activists as well, namely Nana Wipaphan Wongsawang @iamnanaaa Seine Kongruangkit Ss-sonic and Sirada Chitvathananont from @thaiconsent community AND a really creative and colorful mural painted especially for this event by designer and street artist @jayoto. Come on down to check it out, sign up for one of our FREE talks, workshops and panel discussion on this weekend and the next and join in the conversation. This is all part of our effort to raise awareness that around the issues of victim blaming and discrimination against women in gender-based violence. Thank you everyone for listening and for also speaking up. ❤️🙏🏻 #donttellmehowtodress #novictimblaming #norapeculture #sexualassault #metoo #timesup #speakup #womensrights #gbv #unwomen