#Workout #Tips
Sam pun pernah cuba dapatkan badan macam Christian Bale awal tahun lepas dan gambar dia ni la yg Sam jadikan wallpaper phone utk motivation. "Kalau dia boleh buat, kenapa kita tak boleh?". Bezanya dia buat 4 bulan tapi Sam cuma ada kurang dari 2 bulan je masa tu. Semuanya berbalik kepada PEMAKANAN dan kardio HARUS!!! Sebelum Sam share apa Sam mkn utk nampak SADO atau nampak KURUS, korang belajar dan fahamkan la dulu apa tu KALORI. Google je. Nak tau Sam dapat atau tak badan macam Christian Bale ni, korang kena la tengok sendiri filem #PinjamkanHatiku 30hb Nov 2017 ni kat wayang!!! Hehek 😂 #KnowHowYourBodyWorks #CustomYpurself #BasedOnMyOwnExperience
#Workout #Tips
Sam has tried to get his body like christian bale early last year and his picture is the one that Sam made his phone wallpaper for motivation. " if he can do it, why can't we?". the difference is he does 4 MONTHS BUT SAM ONLY HAS LESS THAN 2 months at that time. Everything turns to nutrition and cardio must!!! Before Sam shares what sam eats to look muscular or look thin, you learn and understand what the calories are first. Just Google. Want to know if sam gets or not the body is like Christian Bale, you have to watch this movie for yourself #pinjamkanhatiku 30th Nov 2017 at the movie!!! Hehek 😂 #knowhowyourbodyworks #customypurself #basedonmyownexperienceTranslated