Growing up as an Asian, I somehow believed that racism was just part of the package. Being called a ...
Growing up as an Asian, I somehow believed that racism was just part of the package. Being called a ...
【中環即時】一名外籍男子向防暴警員破口大罵:「Come get me you fucking co...
真的應該分國家 很容易被冒犯的人可以全部住在「天堂國」 然後一天到晚生氣 其他人可以跟我一起搬去地...
"Let me tell you something you already know. The ...
it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you...
[Teresa Kok Perli Islam?] Apakah niat YB Teresa K...
【阿德新歌之二:我的過去一言難盡但可以唱出來有人想知我就用歌聲答你thx】 每個人都經歷過迷茫期,...
【阿德新歌之二:我的過去一言難盡但可以唱出來有人想知我就用歌聲答你thx】 每個人都經歷過迷茫期,...
現在,去追求自己認為值得的, 但你要記住你要吃得起這些痛擊, 做不好不要將手指指向他人,說你失...