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關於do tricks的評價, Pok Mindset

ผมเป็นคนนึงที่เคยติดบุหรี่มาก ติดจนมีกลิ่นเฉพาะตัวที่คนรอบข้างจะรู้เลยว่าผมกำลังเดินมาเพราะกลิ่นมัน...

Video - Behind the Scene It takes lots of effort to do a Photoshoot with kids ... But it’s important to know the tricks on handling them ... Make sure they are fresh after a meal , in a jolly good mood , having fun & in a relaxing environment . The team @qamastudio did a good job too capturing those special moment ... Good Morning Everyone Love As Always PS - Do get your Signature Copies from Wani 0173052663 Rebung +60 11 2790 6993

Video - Behind the Scene It takes lots of effort ...