關於gels的評價, Bubzbeauty Official
Tim shaves n gels his hair. He asks me how does he look. I tell him he looks handsome. Then he smil...
Tim shaves n gels his hair. He asks me how does he look. I tell him he looks handsome. Then he smil...
今天有位氣喘的小朋友被家長帶來看診 , 爸爸說之前先去另外一家診所看診 , 雖然咳嗽已經有好轉, 但卻整晚 high 到睡不著。 孩子的爸爸自己上網查詢後 , 懷疑是之前醫生開立了 theophyll...
Charity visit details : https://www.facebook.com/e...
As of Monday, Guerlain's production site of La Ruc...
Charity visit details : https://www.facebook.com/e...
“Do you want to join the time on feet run?” “Are ...
“Do you want to join the time on feet run?” “Are ...
Have you tried my shower gels yet? Hehehe www.mand...
Reimagined無重色感彩妝體驗館 將於9月隆重推出的全新Shiseido Makeup彩妝系列...
SHISEIDO Beauty Reimagined 無重色感彩妝體驗館。 thanks for...